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关于水的英语句子 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 07:15:16
  • 82

关于水的英语句子 11个

1. Water covers around 70% of the Earth's suce. (水覆盖着地球表面的约70%。)

2. Drinking water is essential to human survival.(饮用水对人类的生存至关重要。)

3. Water can exist in three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.(水可以存在于三种物质状态中:固体,液体和气体。)

4. Water is a universal solvent and can dissolve a wide variety of substances.(水是一种普遍的溶剂,可以溶解各种物质。)

5. Ice is less dense than liquid water, which is why it floats on top of water.(冰比液态水密度小,这就是为什么它漂浮在水面上的原因。)

6. The average human body is made up of approximately 60% water.(平均人体约由60%的水组成。)

7. Water is a renewable resource, but only if it is properly managed and conserved.(水是一种可再生资源,但仅在适当管理和保护的情况下才是如此。)

8. Water pollution has serious consequences for both human health and the environment.(水染对人类健康和环境都有严重的后果。)

9. The water cycle involves the continuous movement of water between the Earth's suce, atmosphere, and underground.(水循环涉及水在地球表面,大气层和地下的持续运动。)

10. A lack of clean water is a major problem in many parts of the world.(干净水的缺乏是世界许多地方的主要问题。)

11. In some cultures, water is considered a symbol of purity and is used in religious ceremonies.(在某些文化中,水被视为纯洁的象征,被用于仪式。)

12. Water sports such as swimming, surfing, and kayaking are popular recreational activities.(游泳,冲浪和皮划艇等水上运动是受欢迎的娱乐活动。)

13. Water is a crucial component of agriculture and is necessary to irrigate crops.(水是农业的关键组成部分,是灌溉农作物必须的。)

14. The Great Barrier Reef is home to a diverse array of marine life and is one of the world's largest coral reef systems.(大堡礁是多种海洋生物的家园,也是世界上最大的珊瑚礁系统之一。)

15. Water can be a powerful force of nature, capable of causing devastating floods and erosion.(水可以是自然界的强大力量,有能力引起毁灭性洪水和侵蚀。)

16. The world's oceans are a vast, interconnected network that plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate.(世界海洋是一个广阔,互连的网络,对调节地球气候起着至关重要的作用。)

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