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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:56
  • 142


关于”缺席的词组“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Absent phrase。以下是关于缺席的词组的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Absent phrase

1、The prinl discouraged unexcused absences. 校长不准无故缺席。

2、O absence, what a torment wouldst thou prove. 啊,你的缺席本是一场折磨。

3、Noticeably absent is the role of Team Leader; the team is expected to self-organize. 团队领导这个角色明显缺席,这要求团队做到自组织。

4、He killed further discussion with his absence. 他的缺席使讨论无法再继续下去。

5、Add an adverb or adverb phrase, or prepositional phrase. 添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。

6、He made up a story to explain his absence. 他编造谎言为他的缺席开脱。

7、His ad-lib comments showed poor judgment. 他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力。

8、Marking of Word Class in A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary; 汉语四字成语是汉英词典中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

9、Even at vespers she always made p. 晚祷时,我还能缺席吗?

10、Tom is absent on illness. 汤姆因病缺席。

11、Maybe his father was absent or uninvolved; 也许父亲会缺席而且冷漠;

12、He missed the 2009-2010 season. 缺席了2009-2010整个赛季。

13、Only 5 unexcused absences are permitted. 只允许5次未请假的缺席。

14、Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work. 缺席时必须补上所缺课业。向老师或同学请教。

15、Do you know why he is absent? 知道他为什么缺席吗?

16、Those who are absent without (good) excuse will be dismissed. 无故缺席者一律开除。

17、We drank a toast to absent friends. 我们为缺席的朋友干一杯。

18、Section attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absence from section will be penalized. 本课属强制性出席,无故缺席者将受惩罚。

19、Those who are absent without (good) excuses will be dismissed. 无故缺席者一律开除。

20、She attended every twice-weekly session of the group. 她准时参加写作组每周两次的会议,从不缺席。

21、Today Andrey Arshavin, Denilson, Cesc Fabregas and Theo Walcott were out and then there are players at the back who are out. 目前,阿尔沙文、德尼尔森、法布雷加斯和沃尔科特缺席,还有,后防球员也有缺席。

22、The results showed that the SAMs of pure Schiff bases possessed some unfilled defect sites due to their rigid structure. 研究结果表明,因席夫碱分子的刚性结构,使自组装膜中含有部分缺陷。

23、His absence incommodes the whole team. 他的缺席给全队带来不便。

24、No one in our classis absent. 我们班没有一个人缺席。

25、Please do not absent without any reason. For any absentees , we shall not refund the registration fees. 请不要无故缺席。凡缺席者,报名费恕不退还。


26、He absented himself from a meeting yesterday. 他昨天缺席会议了。

27、Entire vacancy vocabulary: That is culture lack vocabulary, which is the distinct one of respective culture. 全空缺词汇:即文化缺项词汇,是各自文化独有的词汇。

28、Two lates equals an absence. 迟到两次等于缺席一次。

29、Steve Smith testified about his role in gathering absentee ballots from residents in his father’s nursing home. 史蒂夫.史密斯在证词中讲到他在父亲开设的疗养院内收集院中住户缺席选票时所扮演的角色。

30、Ode to Joy…Lyrics: Frederich von Schiller. 欢乐颂…席勒词贝多芬曲。

31、The absent are never without fault. Nor the present without excuse. 缺席者必是不对,出席者必有理由。

32、He is out with leg injuries. 他由于腿部受伤而缺席。

33、Why did you absent yourself this afternoon? 你今天下午为什么缺席?

34、The student absented himself without notice. 这学生擅自缺席。

35、According to the method of classification, the article has given a preliminary comparison to the cultural connotation between English and Chinese vocabulary. 以分类的方式对英汉词汇的文化内涵作了初步的对比,把文化内涵的词汇分为五种:对等词、重叠词、半缺项词、缺项词、矛盾词。

36、i always go shopping on weekend.(这里的go shopping是一个词组,固定词组)

37、In addition to this, Mohamed Sissoko and Sebastian Giovinco have been officially ruled out through injury, whilst the new boy Felipe Melo will miss through suspension. 此外,西索科和乔文科因伤将肯定缺席,而新来的梅洛因为禁赛也将缺席。

38、The excuse for her absence was obviously fabricated. 她缺席的借口完全是瞎编的。

39、The team was crippled by his absence. 他的缺席使这支球队的实力削弱。

40、Daniel Agger is the other noticeable absentee. 丹尼阿格尔将是另一个重要的缺席。

41、Permated index is an important component part of thesaurus. 轮排索引是叙词表不可缺少的组成部分。

42、He missed 3 attendances this year. 今年他缺席三次。

43、But the absence of men is no accident. 然而男人的缺席并非偶然。

44、Chinese four-character idioms are a special yet important component of a Chinese-English dictionary. 汉语四字成语是汉英词典中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

45、Some students are absent today. 今天有些学生缺席了。

46、Arsenal will be without four front-line midfielders for the Emirates Cup. 阿森纳的中前场四人组将会集体缺席酋长杯的比赛。

47、I was absent frim the meeting this morning. 今天早晨的会议我缺席了。

48、If the team absents for 3 times continuously, that team will be disqualified. 如连续三次缺席会议之球队,将会即时被赛会取消会席。

49、We still have Fabianski out with a shoulder injury, we still have Almunia out and therefore Wojciech will continue to play. 法比安斯基因为肩膀伤势继续缺席,阿穆尼亚也缺席,因此沃伊切赫将继续首发。

50、He is currently sidelined with a knee injury. 他日前因膝伤而缺席比赛。


51、The absent are always at fault. 缺席者总是出什么事。

52、No one is absent except for Janet . 除了珍娜以外,没有人缺席。

53、This chapter classifies the word with cultural loads into five types: equivalent words, overlapping words, semi-vacant words, vacant words and conflicting words. 本章对文化负载词分为五种类型,既词义对等词、词义交汇词、词义半空缺词、词义空缺词和词义冲突词。

54、An unexcused absence, as from school or a class. 旷课,逃避未经允许的缺席,如。

55、You get demerits if you miss a meeting . 如果你缺席会议,会被记过的。

56、Secondly, cannot absent, if ill write school. 其次,不能缺席,若生病写请假条。

57、Another unexpected absence is that of Abate. 另外一个意外缺席的是阿巴特。

58、Four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), prepositional phrase (PP), and adjective phrase (AP). 通常讨论的词组类型有四种,分别是:名词词组,动词词组,介词词组和形容词词组。

59、The combination of this kind of nouns with degree words makes up the vacant problem of adjectives semantic expression and results in the conversion of some nouns to both nouns and adjectives. 这类名词与程度词的组合弥补了形容词语义表达上的缺失问题,并由此引发了部分名词向名形兼类词的转变。

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