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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:59
  • 84


关于”读句子的app“的英语句子55个,句子主体:App for reading sentences。以下是关于读句子的app的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:App for reading sentences

1、'Cars 2: Project Undercover' is the only Ultra eBook currently available, but LeapFrog plans to add six more to its app store before the end of the year. 目前,仅有“汽车总动员2:卧底计划”这一款电子书可供阅读。不过,LeapFrog已经计划在年底前再增加6种电子书。

2、rdoc_files.include('app/**/*.rb') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('app/**/*.rb')

3、Creating an iPhone application that dynamically reads and caches XML plist files from Google App Engine 创建一个能从 Google App Engine 动态读取并缓存 XML plist 文件的 iPhone 应用程序

4、The app will support all the features you'd expect in a Google Reader app - unread counts, sharing, starring, and liking. 这个应用会支持谷歌浏览器的所有功能——未读文章数统计,“分享”标签还有“喜欢”标签。

5、Open grails-app/views/computerBean/list.gsp. 打开grails-app/views/computerBean/list.gsp。

6、Post-startup hook for start event for app-tier app-tier 的启动事件的启动后挂钩

7、Static XHTML Mockup app/views/blog/post.html 静态XHTML模仿app/views/blog/post.html

8、For example, when an app attempts to read the contents of a document your app is editing, you can write unsaved changes to disk before the other process is allowed to do its reading. 比如,当另外一个应用试图读取你的应用正在编辑的文档时,你可以先把未保存的修改写入磁盘,再允许其它进程来读取。

9、Navigate into this directory, and you'll see a sub-directory, named first-app (or whatever you specified in build.properties as the name of your project). 进入这个目录,可以看到一个名为 first-app(即您在 build.properties 中为项目指定的名称)的子目录。

10、There are significant changes to Apple's Mail app. 苹果邮件app应用中产生了巨大的变化。

11、Open grails-app/views/employeeBean/list. 打开grails-app/views/employeeBean/list.gsp显示(Show),查看员工的细节。

12、The app folder contains several subfolders where a developer stores scripts. app 文件夹包含几个存储脚本的子文件夹。

13、I am led to wonder about the timing of his complaints as the APP is close to getting an RFC number. 使我怀疑他对于APP抱怨的时间是在APP将要获得RFC认可的时候。

14、With its given Lilu code app/views/blog/post.lilu 同时也给出对应的Lilu代码app/views/blog/post.lilu

15、APP has agreed to pay a termination fee if it cancels the deal to opt for a better proposal. 如果APP终止其交易而另选一个更好的标的的话,APP已同意支付终止费用。

16、Mr. Kaushik used an example from Skullcandy, which created a unique app experience. Kaushik举了Skullcandy的例子,其发布过一款有着独特用户体验的app。

17、Copy the file to web-app/images and then tweak grails-app/views/layouts/_header.gsp as shown in Listing 22 将该文件复制到 web-app/images 中,然后调整 grails-app/views/layouts/_header.gsp,如清单 22 所示

18、So, apps such as Pandora internet radio can be listened to while reading the news using another app. 例如你在阅读新闻的时候同时收听潘朵拉网络广播。

19、Copy app/paint/paintbrush.c and app/paint/paintbrush.h files to gradientbrush.c and gradientbrush.h on the same directory. 在同一个目录中复制 app/paint/paintbrush.c 和 app/paint/paintbrush.h files,分别重命名为 gradientbrush.c 和 gradientbrush.h。

20、Objective To investigate the distribution of free zinc ions and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the senile plaques of an Alzheimers diseased animal model, the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse. 目的研究阿尔茨海默病(AD)动物模型-APP/PS1转基因鼠大脑内游离锌离子和β淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)在老年斑内的分布。

21、IMG_0624Remember, earlier this month when we wrote about the app that Apple deemed kosher, while at the same time banning a satirical Someecards app from the App Store? 还记得吗,这个月早些时候我们写过一篇关于“苹果认为有关超短裙的应用程序是适合的,而与此同时却从App Store上禁止了一个带有嘲讽意味的电子创意卡片应用程序”的文章?

22、Alphonso Labs, the company behind the Pulse news reader app, has raised $9 million in Series A financing. 开发新闻阅读器应用程序Pulse的Alphonso Labs公司完成900万美元首轮融资。

23、While the IBM Portlet API divides a portlet application definition into a portlet-app and a concrete-portlet-app, the JSR 168 API defines only one portlet-app. IBM Portlet API 将一个 portlet 应用程序的定义划分为一个 portlet-app 以及一个 concrete-portlet-app,然而 JSR 168 API 仅仅定义了一个 portlet-app。

24、I never warmed up to the Amazon Kindle e-reader, but I’m a big fan of the Kindle mobile app. 我从来没有热衷亚马逊的Kindle电子阅读器,但我是Kindle 移动应用程序的粉丝。

25、timesheet_data.builder (in app/views/employees folder) timesheet_data.builder (在app/views/employees文件夹中)


26、In this example, ORACLE_BASE would be set to the value /u01/app/oracle, and ORACLE_HOME would be set to either /u01/app/oracle/product/8.0.4 or /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7. 在本例中,我们将 Oracle_BASE 设置为值 /u01/app/oracle,将 ORACLE_HOME 设置为 /u01/app/oracle/product/8.0.4 或者 /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7。

27、Flipboard becomes the breakout news reading app of 2011. Flipboard成为2011年风靡一时的新闻阅读程序。

28、If Apple plans to let Kindle stay on the iPhone/iPad platform, the Kindle app could be a good alternative to Apple's new iBooks bookstore. 看读 - 如果苹果计划让看读扎根于iPone/iPad平台,那么看读应用软件将会成为苹果新iBooks书店的一个新选择。

29、Phonegap does a great job at allowing you to take your web app and package it as a native app for the Android marketplace or Apple App Store. Phonegap在允许你把Web应用打包成本地应用进入Android市场或Apple App Store方面做了很好的工作。

30、Feedly, at its core, is an app for Google Reader. 其核心是一个用于Google阅读器的应用。

31、About a half of smartphone users read app privacy policies, according to a recent study by industry-funded privacy group Truste. 依据最近的一份调查显示,大约有50%的手机用户会阅读网络隐私权条例。

32、This creates two files: grails-app/taglib/DateTagLib.groovy (the TagLib) and grails-app/test/integration/DateTagLibTests.groovy (the test). 请输入 grails create-tag-lib Date,这会创建两个文件:grails-app/taglib/DateTagLib.groovy(TagLib)和 grails-app/test/integration/DateTagLibTests.groovy(测试)。

33、There are “flash cards” aimed at teaching children to read and spell, and a “Wheels on the Bus” app that sings the popular song in multiple languages. 还有“闪卡”程序,目标是教孩子们阅读和拼写,以及“公车上的轮子”,这种程序用多种语言播放流行歌曲。

34、Listing 8. app/display/gimpimagewindow.c 清单 8. app/display/gimpimagewindow.c

35、The result is added to the /web-app directory. 其结果被添加到 /web-app 目录中。

36、At this point in our reading of Milton, I think these lines have an amazing impact. 读弥尔顿读到这里,这几句有很强的冲击力。

37、It still retains its APP-cleaving properties, though. 而它仍然保留有APP切割功能。

38、This time, type grails prod run-app. 这一次,输入 grails prod run-app。

39、view_timesheet_chart.html.erb (in app/views/employees folder) view_timesheet_chart.html.erb (在app/views/employees文件夹中)

40、This App collects in-depth glossary for the printing industry to enable you to understand printing from inside-out. [sep]这个App 深入搜集了印刷行业的术语,让读者特别是印刷从业员,明白每个词汇的意思。

41、This will create a directory, app-1.4, containing the source of app-1.4 这将在目录 source 中创建包含 app-1.4 源文件的目录 app-1.4。

42、According to Modmyifone.com all the app does is say "ss." 声称,该木马唯一做的事情是说:“鞋子!”

43、Graphic.ly's iPad app allows readers to comment on their favorite panels. ly的iPad应用中,读者可以对喜爱的画页进行评论。

44、The actual app features most of the options you would expect from an eBook reader. 这款应用具备了您预期的电子书阅读器所会拥有的大部分功能。

45、You can find out more details about the Google App Inventor app for Android over at the App Inventor homepage. 更多的详情可以访问 google app inventor 的主页!

46、Of course this is fine as long as the readers choose to use the “Parool” app, but they may also choose to read news stories from different sources. 既然是读者选择使用“誓言报”应用程序的,这样当然还不错,但他们也许还想阅读其他来源的新闻故事。

47、Any company can make an app phone (or tablet or e-book reader) using Android, without paying Google anything, and even make changes to it. 任何公司可以使用Android制造有应用程序的手机(或者平板电脑,电子图书阅读器)而不用支付任何费用,甚至对它作出改变。

48、Before you move on to the update method, copy the grab.rhtml from the triage view (app/views/triage/grab.rhtml) to the doctor view (app/views/doctor). 讨论 update 方法之前,首先将 grab.rhtml 从 triage 视图(app/views/triage/grab.rhtml)复制到 doctor 视图(app/views/doctor)。

49、Scaling up app-group (app-group-scaleup; Listing 9). 扩展 app-group(app-group-scaleup; 清单 9)。

50、Read free classics like The Sorrows of Young Werther or TheWaste Land with this app. 用这个软件可以阅读免费的经典之作,比如《少年维特的烦恼》以及《荒原》。


51、Listing 10. Validations in app\models\subject.rb 清单 10. app\models\subject.rb 中的检验

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