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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 06:44:27
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关于”短小的句子“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Short sentences。以下是关于短小的句子的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences

1、Common features of trisomics are plant dwarf, poor tillering, short ears, relatively low seed fertility and small seeds. 三体的共同特性是植株变矮,分蘖力弱,穗子短小,结实率低和瘦小。

2、The slight woman with short, spiky hair stood up in the middle of the basketball court. 这名瘦小的女子站在篮球场中央,她那直立的头发剪得短短的。

3、The monkeys live in family troops of 20 or more and are led by a dominant male. 这群猴子是一个小家庭,共有20多只短尾猴组成,其中一只雄性短尾猴是一家之主。

4、She have big eyes, tall nose and small mouth , She have short hair. 她有大眼睛、高鼻子和小嘴巴,留着短头发。

5、A rabbit has four short legs, two red eyes and two long ears. 一只兔子有四条短短的腿,两只红红的眼睛和两只长长的耳朵。

6、In fact, after just three hours the short-sleeved docs were already hosting half of the bacteria as the docs wearing unwashed coats. 事实上,经过短短三个小时后,穿短袖医生身上的细菌已经相当于穿未洗外套的医生身上的一半。

7、In just one century, China has gone from financial basketcase to the world's banker, and Europe has made the same trip in the other direction. 短短一个世纪,中国从一文不名的穷小子摇身一变成了世界银行家,而欧洲正截然相反。

8、Ideas of new plays and short stories teemed in his head . 他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。

9、"Lord" in the world in just a few hours to become the most densely populated areas. “魔神”世界在短短的几个小时内就成为了人口密度最大的地方。

10、There were short letters full of tiny compliments that only a seven-year-old would notice. 一些短信里充满了一个年仅7岁的孩子的小小问候。

11、Those are your baby pants .这些是你小时候的短裤。

12、Henry's short stories. 亨利的短片小说集。

13、Average height, muscular build, black hair worn short, and a soul patch beneath his lower lip. 他个头适中,肌肉结实,黑色的头发剪得短短的,下唇蓄着一小撮胡子。

14、Small minds discuss people. 心狭小的人道人长短。

15、A short, low arm swing is the key to keeping yourstride short and close to the ground. 短暂的,低的摆臂是保证你的步伐的短小和接近地面的关键。

16、Ideas for new plays and short stories teemed in his head. 他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。

17、One of the smallest children jumped to her feet. "But, Ma'am, what about the plant out there?" She pointed a stubby finger toward the kitchen. 一个年龄很小的孩子跳起来,用她那短短胖胖的手指指着厨房,说到: “但是,校长,那株常春藤怎么办呢。

18、Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery's other writings, novels and short stories. 很少人知道,除了《小王子》,圣艾修伯里还创作过小说和短篇故事。

19、The use of shorter annealing and extension times in the second PCR favors the annealing of the shorter primers and production of the smaller amplicon. 在第二轮PCR中较短的复性和延伸时间的应用有利于较短引物的复性和较小扩增子产生产物。

20、Far less are aware of Saint-Exuperys other mcripts, novels and brief stories. 很少人知道,除了《小王子》,圣艾修伯里还创作过其他小说和短篇故事。

21、He had a big moustache, and a short beard that curled outwards. 他有一丛浓密的小胡子,还有一条短小的山羊胡子往外卷着。

22、In desirability for a short - term relationship, a female preference for male faces with stubble or light beard was found, with clean - shaven and fully bearded faces being the least preferred. 选择留短须和小胡子的成为短期交往伙伴而没胡子的或者满脸大胡子的众人则避而远之。

23、这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。This collection is made up of three parts: poems, essays and short stories.

24、The meeting " short , small , fine , bold ". 会议“短、小、精、悍”;

25、Brief were my days among you, and briefer still the words I have spoken. 我在你们中间的日子是非常短促的,而我所说的话是更短了。


26、In a short 24 hours, you can fly from one side of the planet to another. 在短短的24小时内,你可以从星球的一边飞到另一边。

27、This collection is made up of three parts: poems, essays and short stories. 这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。

28、The body of the sparrow is small. It has a round head, a short neck and small legs. 麻雀的身体很小,它有一个圆头,短脖子和细小的腿。

29、The average hospitalization time reduces 72.0hour. 平均住院日缩短72小时。

30、He is said to be "undersized, " with "short legs" and a "round stomach". 据说他“身材矮小”,有一双“短腿”和一个“圆圆的肚子”。

31、But the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are MADE of small words. 而真正地道的英语口语确是充满着短小,活泼,生动的短语,富有生气。而这些短语大部分有小词构成。

32、Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery’s other writings, novels and short stories. 很少人知道,除了《小王子》,圣艾修伯里还创作过其他小说和短篇故事。

33、The sword sword blade was short. 当时的剑剑身短小。

34、She has big eyes, a small nose, small mouth and short black hair. 她有一双大眼睛,小鼻子,小儿朵,小嘴巴和黑色的短发。

35、This skirt needs taking up. 这条裙子需要改短。

36、Plunging through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a gy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket. 跳进树林后,一个矮小的带粗短帽子和一个短羊毛皮夹克的养猪人朝她走去。

37、Hazel Blears was the second senior minister in the space of 24 hours to announce she was leaving. 黑兹尔。布利尔斯是第二个在短短的24小时内宣布辞职的人。

38、Miguel Street is considered his earliest short stories, and it won him the Somerset Maugham Prize. 《米格尔街》是奈保尔最早创作的短篇小说集,曾获得萨姆塞特•毛姆短篇小说奖。

39、These is john's sock. 这些是约翰的短袜子。

40、This article is short and pithy . 这篇文章短小精悍。

41、She turned up her skirt. 她把她的裙子折边改短。

42、Is small, our predestination, really shallow, merely this short night, so, I will cherish more. 小小,我们的缘分,真的很浅,只有这短短一夜,所以,我会更加珍惜。

43、Please cut the trousers down. 请把裤子改短。

44、It's my pleasure to share with you about my 2008 faith exploring trip. 盼望藉著短短的家书与大家分享一下,小占2008的信心开拓之旅。

45、Minutes were as big as plums, hours the size of watermelons. 分钟短些,是李子,小时长些,是西瓜。

46、In mice, Mr. Gage says, “even a fairly short period” of exercise “and a short distance seems to produce results.” 对于小鼠来说,盖奇博士说,“甚至一个相当短时间段”的锻炼“和短短的距离看似即可产生结果。”

47、Another kind is smallish and ultrathin model. 另一种是短小超薄型。

48、Dumbo is one of the Disney’s shortest films, clocking in at about 64 minutes. 《小飞象》是迪士尼最短的电影,最短时间仅仅需64分钟。

49、In two short hours we may look for succor from Webb. 在短短的两小时内,韦布将军的救兵就可望到达。

50、Just a few little pills in a pouch that you can stash in your car, pocket, or briefcase. 短短数少丸一小袋,你可以藏在你的车,口袋,或公事包。


51、those are your baby pants .这些是你小时候的短裤。

52、It had long hair, short legs , no tail and a very wet nose. 这狗有着长长的毛,短短的腿,没有尾巴而且鼻子潮湿。

53、The scientist shouted a few quick commands over his shoulder, and two Invid soldiers marched into the room. Sandwiched between them was a small Tiresioid male, narcotized , so it appeared. 科学家回头发出一句简短的命令,两名因维士兵踏进房间,中间架着一个体型瘦小的泰雷西亚男性,他看起来已经昏迷了。

54、Short, fixed-size intermediate results 固定大小的短中间结果

55、The monkeys have short hair. 那些猴子有短毛。

56、With one brief hour of madness and joy. 给以短短一个小时的癫狂和豪兴!

57、He has a head of short hair. There are a pair of small eyes on the big head. 他有短短的头发,圆圆的头却有一双小小的眼睛,一笑起来眼睛都眯成一条线了。

58、Short less than one hour, 30 anagrams already had 21 to guess by the workers. 短短不到一个小时,30个字谜已经有21个被工人们猜中。

59、The dress is too short. 这裙子太短了。

60、Report also pointed out that of course can not expect the new friendship just half an hour to set up a conversation, not to mention the short half-hour did not all is harmonious note. 报道同时指出,新的友谊当然不能指望短短半小时的谈话就建立起来,何况这短短半小时也并非全都是和谐的音符。

61、At that moment, a small girl paused at the end of the closest table to ours 在那个时候,一个小女孩在最靠近我们的桌子的一端停了下来,和朋友说话。她撩起自己短短的,沙色的头发,用手指从中捋过。

62、She has short hair, small eyes, high nose & small mouth. 她短发,小眼睛,高鼻子和小嘴巴。

63、This is a short story about a bird in a birdcage . 这个短小的故事是关于一只被关在鸟笼子里的小鸟的。

64、Group 1: We found these phrases. 小组齐读短语,翻译;

65、One of the smallest chidren jumped to her feet. "But, Ma'am, what about the plant out there?"She pointed a stubby finger toward the kitchen. 一个年龄很小的孩子跳起来,用她那短短胖胖的手杖指着厨房,说到:“但是,校长,那株常春藤怎么办呢?”

66、The thermal relaxation time of small drops and particles in air is quite short. 空气中小水滴和粒子的热张弛时间是非常短的。

67、Theteam proved that among their 10 million antiprotons and 700 million positrons, 38 stable atoms of antihydrogen were formed, lasting about two tenths of asecond each. 研究小组证实,1000万个反质子和7亿个正电子共形成38个稳定的反氢原子,每一个的存在时间只有短短十分之二秒左右。

68、I downloaded the Scripting Edition version of IIM and had the scripts ready to go in just a few hours! 我下载的脚本版的太晚了剧本准备好要在短短数小时!

69、Artic Dwarves are squat and hardy, with blocky bodies, pinched faces and stubby legs. 北地矮人矮小强壮,拥有短而粗的身躯,紧绷的脸以及短而粗的腿。

70、A very short space of time through very short times of space. 用短促的时间,跨越短小的空间,一段又一段。

71、Trevor: A boxer is medium size. She's got short hair and a very short stubby nose. And no tail. 拳师犬身型不大不小,毛发有些短,鼻子非常短粗,没有尾巴。

72、In four short months, Fahey would lose his girlfriend, his car and his job. 在短短的四个月内,他将会失去他的女朋友,他的车子和工作。

73、They have smaller babies and they breastfeed less, both of which make it easier to get pregnant again sooner (Behavioral Ecology, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arp202). 她们的孩子个头比较小,喝母乳的时间也短,两者使得这些妇女很容易在短时间内又怀孕了。

74、A short, ankle-length boot, usually made of suede, having two or three pairs of eyelets. 短靴,高帮皮靴一种短的到脚踝的靴子,通常由。

75、Maupassant's stories range from the short tale of few pages, one or two, to a full-length novel. 莫泊桑的故事篇幅长短不等,从一两页的短篇小说到长篇小说都有涉猎。

英文句子模板76:Short sentences

76、She has small eyes and a black nose. 她小眼睛黑鼻子,短腿。

77、Piccolo that shepherd boy, young girl; 那牧童短笛,小伙姑娘;

78、Miniaturization of the electronic components to prevent whisker cause a short circuit accident. 小型化的电子元件需防止晶须造成短路事故。

79、He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey. 他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人, 非常自负, 丑得象只猴子。

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