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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 19:06:25
  • 85


关于”句子的软件“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Sentence software。以下是关于句子的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence software

1、For software out-sourcing companies, high software quality and productivity is essential weapon to win the business. 对软件外包企业来说,软件产品质量和软件产品生产率是其制胜的不二法宝。

2、It is possible in AUTOSAR to define composite software that composes several software components. 在 AUTOSAR 中定义包含许多软件组件的复合的软件是可能的。

3、It is China's first-sharing software Competition outstanding software. 它是中国首届共享软件大赛优秀软件。

4、And as companies compete around software, the people who can make it happen - software engineers - are becoming increasingly important. 因为众多公司围绕软件而竞争,开发软件的人——软件工程师正显得越发重要。

5、After describing the SCORPATH software in detail, it optimizes the compressor rotor profile design and computes the rotor tool profile with the software. 在全面介绍SCORPATH软件的基础上,运用该软件,对螺杆压缩机的转子型线进行了优化设计,同时计算了加工转子的刀具廓形。

6、As a new branch of software protections, software birthmark can prove code theft by identifying intrinsic properties of a program. 软件胎记是一种新的软件保护技术,通过提取、比较软件固有特征辨别盗版。

7、This application won the Hackathon award for "Best Accessibility Application". 该软件赢得了“最佳访问性软件”大奖。

8、Trojan horse Malware that masquerades as non-malicious software. 特洛伊木马软件,经常伪装成无害软件。

9、Rebuilding Package Failed - Unable to extract package contents. 重建软件包失败 - 无法抽取软件包内容。

10、Third-party base software components (for example, e-mail software, Internet browsers) 第三方的基本软件组件(例如,e-mail 软件,互联网浏览器)

11、That involves overwriting the information in the electronic document ore-mail so that it can no longer be retrieved using file recovery software. 那就需要覆盖电子文件或电子邮件的信息,使得用专业软件也不能再取回这些信息。

12、Finally, hardware and software of the electronic load is designed. 最后,进行了电子负载的软硬件设计和初步实验。

13、The neutron penumbra imaging process was simulated with MCNP software. 利用MCNP软件对中子半影成像过程进行模拟;

14、Software category. 软件类。

15、That was the corporation that produced the first spreadsheet program. 莲花公司是,第一个开发电子数据表软件的公司

16、Software migration is one of the most important means of expanding the usage scope of software and extending software life-cycle. 软件移植是扩大软件使用范围,延长软件使用周期的重要手段之一。

17、The software reuse technology is an effective mean to both improve the efficiency and quality of software development and shorten the cycle and reduce the cost of software development. 软件复用技术是提高软件开发效率和质量、缩短软件开发周期和降低软件开发成本的有效手段。

18、Major manifestations of this state are the relative backwardness of the country's IT infrastructure, E-commerce, social application of IT, software development, etc. 主要表现为IT基础设施、电子商务交易、社会信息化、软件开发等方面的落后和软件人才不足。

19、SCM deals with version control, workspace management, software integration, software builds, software deployment, and release processes. SCM涉及到版本控制、工作空间管理、软件集成、软件构造、软件部署和发布过程。

20、The design of a new type belt electronic scale's hardware, software and mechanical structure is described. 介绍了一种新型电子皮带秤的硬件、软件及机械结构的设计。

21、Software Capability Maturity Model (SW-CMM), which is developed in these years, is definitely an important method to advance project management and quality management for the software enterprises. 有效的加强软件项目管理是提高软件组织的软件过程能力需要,是提高软件产品质量和生产效率关键所在。

22、Overseas studies on software production show that, software project management is essential to software development. 国外软件生产调查研究表明,软件项目管理对软件项目研发至关重要。

23、Nowadays, software component technology has being the mainstream of current software development. 目前软件构件技术已经成为当前软件开发技术的主流。

24、Selacorp, Dragan, Selakovic, Microsoft, Software, Compaq, HP, Memory, Hard Drive, Options Software. 采购产品微软,软件,康柏,惠普,内存,硬盘驱动器,选择软件。

25、One such issue for AUTOSAR is software components that contain other software components. 对于 AUTOSAR 的一个这样的问题是包含其他软件组件的软件组件。


26、Well-known "software crisis", simply is: software projects can not be completed on time as poor quality, and the costs over budget. 众所周知“软件危机”,简单地说就是:软件质量达不到要求,软件项目无法按时完成,和软件项目的开支超预算。

27、CHIPIC is the first electromagnetism particle in cell (EM-PIC) code which is developed by our country. Algorithm of Electromagnetic field is a key module for CHIPIC code. 电磁粒子模拟软件CHIPIC是我国开发研制的首个电磁粒子模拟软件,电磁场算法是CHIPIC开发中的一个核心问题。

28、Lastly this article put forward a series of measure, that China promote developing of software industry and Chinese software firms will extend mutual … 文章最后提出了促进我国软件产业发展和我国软件公司和国外软件公司在软件开发领域扩大外包合作的措施。

29、If you share copies with your neighbors, you will be called a "pirate", and users have been threatened with imprisonment for this. 若你和邻居分享软件,就会被扣上“剽窃”的帽子,软件用户还被警告如果这么做就会面临牢狱之灾。

30、Nowadays, component and Component-Based Software Development (CBSD) is gaining substantial interest in the software engineering community. 构件和基于构件的软件开发是目前软件工程领域研究的热点。

31、No use of black hat software. You must build links manually. 没有黑帽子软件的使用。你必须手动建立联系。

32、What many people don't realize about spyware is that not every antivirus software is designed to catch spyware. 关于间谍软件,许多人没意识到的是:并非所有防病毒软件都能捕捉间谍软件。

33、This software is 100% free, no ads, no spyware. 这个软件是100%免费,无广告,没有间谍软件。

34、In order to prevent the software to pirate, the software exploiter must carry on the essential encryption to the software. 为了防止软件被盗版,软件开发者必须对软件进行必要的加密。

35、In this thesis, it comes up the component-oriented software develop base on the technique of the software develop, the design pattern and framework, software process and software project manage. 本文从软件开发技术,软件设计模式和框架,软件过程和项目管理方面,提出了面向构件的软件开发方法。

36、Gartenberg highlighted social networking service Twitter as an example. Gartenberg强调,社会网络服务软件Twitter就是一个很好的例子。

37、It's the next logical step in software (software 10.0). 它是软件发展的下一个合乎逻辑的阶段(软件10.0)。

38、He said: ‘Because Mac users don’t use anti-virus protection then they are seen as a soft target. 他说:“因为Mac 用户不安装消毒软件,这些电脑被视为软柿子”

39、What Are The Differences Between Grayware And Malware? 灰色软件(Grayware)和恶意软件(Malware)有什么不同。

40、On the software side, the company is committed to creating small and medium-sized software products to provide high-quality software services. 在软件方面,公司致力于打造中小企业精品软件,提供优质的软件服务。

41、Palantir Finance is the company’s other major software package. 帕兰提尔金融软件软件套件(Palantir Finance)是该公司另一个主要产品。

42、Virus-infected emails struck fear into the Microsoft Company. 携带病毒的电子邮件引起了微软公司的恐慌。

43、The software control classify main program , intermit subprogram and time-lapse subprogram. 软件控制程序包括主程序,以及中断子程序和延时子程序。

44、Software companies are companies where software is the primary product or where it is the primary delivery method for the product. 软件公司的主要产品是软件,或者其产品的主要交付渠道是软件。

45、Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files. 扫描并移除间谍软件和广告软件使用最新的定义文件。

46、We have over 250,000 apps in the App Store. 我们的应用软件商店里有25万余种应用软件。

47、Software Integration is a practice of Software Reuse based on component technology. 软件集成是一种基于构件技术的软件复用实践。

48、Researches are made on critical technologies of the configuration software including the constitution, real-time data base and methods of data exchange with other software. 论文对组态软件的构成、实时数据库和组态软件与第三方软件的数据交换方式等组态软件关键技术进行了研究。

49、Software package block file (*.spb) 软件包块文件(*.spb)

50、The abstract information of entire software code is stored in a program database that is the conceptual scheme of the entire software, whereas the reuse component is a subscheme. 整个软件源代码的抽象信息存入程序数据库中,相当于软件的概念模式,重用构件相当于子模式。


51、Software reuse technology is a effective avenue of solving the software crisis, and improving the efficiency and quality of the software development. 软件复用技术是解决软件危机,提高软件开发效率和质量的有效途径。

52、Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is the future of software; 未来的软件是把软件作为一种服务;

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