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  • 2022-08-01 13:00:41
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关于”美丽的诗句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Beautiful verse。以下是关于美丽的诗句的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful verse

1、We know that she worries about beauty, and especially in poetry. 我们知道她很担心她的美丽,特别是在诗里。

2、"Youth do not know real depression, " it crazy to worry about, eager sad beauty, mature beauty, inner beauty. “少年不识愁滋味”,才痴于愁,渴望忧愁的美丽,成熟的美丽,内在的美丽。

3、床头边有美丽的花 Bedside have beautiful flowers 床头边有美丽的花 Bedside have beautiful flowers

4、When beauty is seen as beauty, there is ugliness. 当把美丽视为美丽的时候,丑陋就出现了。

5、Ltd. is expecting to maintain the image of "Yasilaili" as the emissary of beauty together with users for achieving eternal beautiful and young appearance. 广州市俊倩化妆品有限公司愿与广大消费者一道,共同维护“雅诗莱丽”美丽的使者形象,让美丽永驻、青春长在!

6、“America the Beautiful” appeared as a poem in 1895, written by Katharine Lee Bates, a professor at Wellesley College. 《美丽的亚美利加》(America the Beautiful)1895年以诗歌形式出现,其作者为韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)教授凯瑟琳·贝茨(Katharine Lee Bates)。

7、Tofind the most beautiful chapter in life, we need lots of scenes to decorate our boring mood. 在生活中发现,最美丽的诗篇,我们需要源源不断的风景,去装饰平乏已久的心境。

8、The emotion beyond poetry could be organized gracefully for certain. 诗以外的文字情绪当然可以横排混血的很美丽。

9、Joy was beautiful, too, but his was the radiant beauty of the summer morning. 快乐也是很美丽的,他的美丽是夏晨的美丽。

10、A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is (abstract). 花是美丽的,但美丽本身却是抽象的。

11、Her smile comes from beautifully, but beautiful source in self-confident. 她的微笑来自美丽,而美丽源于自信。

12、This feeling of beautifulness is "poetic" in my opinion, to express themselves disconsolately, beautiful and delicate. 这种美的感觉,我称之为诗意,忧郁,美丽,细腻的表达他(她)们自己。

13、The Company was granted a royal permission to name this beautiful orchid after Queen Sirikit of Thailand. 该公司被授予皇家权限名称后,这个美丽的兰花,泰国诗丽吉王后。

14、As innocent as flowers, unaware of the time sweeping past like a river -- in the final prints he wrote, with a fine brush pen, a line from an ancient poem. 在照片上,他用美工笔写下了一行古代诗句——如花美眷,似水流年。

15、Fair queen, at home there is none like thee 美丽的王后,在这里没有人像你一样美丽

16、Beautiful waters so blue and so clear beautiful sound of the surges we hear beautiful brooklet its ripples so sweet beautiful flowers that bloom at our feet. 美丽的河湖那样蔚蓝那样明净,美丽的波涛声我们倾听,美丽小溪的波纹是那样可爱,美丽的花朵在我们脚旁绽开。

17、The land where dreams mix up with reality and love to bring you a beautiful epic. 梦想与现实成为一体,并给您带来美丽的史诗般爱的土地。

18、His poems are wonderful and magnificent. They are of unique aesthetic value. 诗作奇伟宏丽、气势磅礴,具有独特的美学价值。

19、You are not letting go of the beauty of Gaia. 你不能放下美丽的盖娅,不能放下美丽的日初。

20、In doing so, she suppressed some of its originality, conventionalising Emily's odd punctuation. 在此过程中,她压抑了一些诗歌的独创性,将艾米丽奇怪的断句修改的符合传统认识。

21、The poem-like tone, an exciting story, reminds you of the beautiful memory. 诗意的色调,缤纷的故事,焕醒美丽回忆。

22、Such certainty is beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still. 这样的确定是美丽的,但变幻无常更为美丽。

23、The emotion beyond poetry could be organized gracefully certain. 诗以外的文字情绪,当然可是横排混血的很美丽。

24、A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form. 美丽的外形胜于美丽的脸蛋,美丽的举止胜于美丽的外形。

25、What's more, Ada's beauty endures while Artemis's beauty fades. 还有,艾达的美丽是持久的,亚底米的美丽则会褪色。


26、Music is a rhythmic poem that inspires, a harmonious tone that tranquilizes, a melody of mystery and beauty. 音乐是触动灵感的韵诗,是抚慰心灵的谐音,是神秘而美丽的曲调。

27、Similarly, Jones puts his stamp all over the title track "Beautiful", also taking lead vocals on the song. 同样,琼斯致力于这次福音的主题“美丽”,同时又领唱了这首诗歌。

28、Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. 美丽的花送给美丽的女士。

29、your life has just opened a first page and is willing to rising of the sun shining your beautiful poem years. 你的生命刚刚翻开了第一页,愿初升的太阳照耀你诗一般美丽的岁月。

30、If not, the bird world will be less to many beautiful and poetic. 如果,没了小鸟世界将少去多少美丽和诗意呵。

31、There is a beautiful Chinese idiom, "Bai tou xie lao", meaning the happy couple will be together until their hair turns white. 中文里有一句美丽的成语“白头偕老”,寓意幸福美满的夫妻将会一直相伴,直到头发变得花白。

32、How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are! SONG OF SOLOMON 1:15 你甚美丽,我的佳偶,你甚美丽。

33、The beautiful scenery of untold yingxiu in our heart, way not over of poetic stuffed in us. 说不尽的美丽景色映于我们心底,道不完的诗意了于我们中。

34、Nature and fresh elegance and proper formalizing temperament noumenon are the basic aesthetic propositions in his poetics. 标举自然与清丽,强调性情本体的恰当形式化,是刘勰诗学观的重要美学命题。

35、Finally with Marina as a prelude, Four Quartets displays a perfect form of time in the paradise, thus ending the poet′s exploration of time. 《玛丽娜》是诗人的天堂时间的前奏曲,《四个四重奏》则演奏出完美的天堂时间,诗人以完美的音符结束了对时间的探索。

36、From the poem, I am deeply feeling that windflower is the most beautiful thing which we should not touch. 听完诗歌,我深切的感受到“风飞花”是如此的美丽,我们不应该轻易的去碰它。

37、Five precious Eau de Parfum collectible miniatures : Estee Lauder beyond paradise, intuition, Estee Lauder Pleasures, Beautiful and White Linen. 五款小型瓶装珍藏香水精:雅诗兰黛天堂、雅诗兰黛趣意、美丽与白黛宁。

38、Poets often compare beautiful ladies to flowers. 诗人常把美丽的姑娘比作花儿。

39、I am not content with beautiful dreams; I want beautiful realities. 我不满足于美丽的梦想,我要的是美丽的现实。

40、However, an investigation on Tao's poems has proved that the pastoral world characterized by self-sufficiency, stability and pleasure was but a beautiful fairy tale. 考察陶诗,以田园为自足、安定、欢快的世界,不过是一层绚丽的光环,是一个美丽的童话。

41、You are my beautiful lute. 你是我美丽的诗琴。

42、A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract . 花是美丽的,而美丽本身则是抽象的。

43、Beautiful waters so blue and so clear, beautiful sound of the surges we hear, beautiful brooklet, its ripples so sweet, beautiful flowers that bloom at our feet. 美丽的河湖那样蔚蓝那样明净,美丽的波涛声我们倾听,美丽小溪的波纹是那样可爱,美丽的花朵在我们脚旁绽开。

44、There was something else, I was puzzled for a while, and then I recalled those words of Edgar Allen Poe: "There is nothing of Beauty that does not have some strangeness about it". 一刹那间我觉得有点迷惑,想起了艾德加•艾伦坡的那句诗:“没有一种美丽的事物是不带点陌生感的。”

45、Maybe there be enough clouds in my life to make a beautiful and poetry sunset. 愿我的人生中有够多的云翳,塑造美丽而又诗意的黄昏。

46、If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words. 倘若一生是一首含义深刻的诗篇,那么大学生活一定是那最为清丽的语句。

47、One Beautiful Heart is Better then thousand beautiful Faces. 一颗美丽心灵胜过千万张美丽面孔。

48、You're invited to experience such beauty, Unique beauty from within. 如此美丽的体验,亲临由内而外的美丽。

49、Beautiful music calls beautiful dreams to the group. 美丽的音乐为团队召唤来美丽的梦想。

50、This unfinished epic poem was written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I and details a number of faerie tales, Arthurian epics, and classic, fantasy fun. 这一未完成的史诗是为赞美伊丽莎白女王而作,详细叙述了许多仙境故事、亚瑟王史诗和经典的幻想趣事。


51、Swan and Adventure is just the image of the poet's personal charm: small, beautiful, pure, quiet and solitude. 天鹅和轻舟的形象恰好就是诗人的人格魅力:弱小、美丽、纯洁、安静和孤独。

52、Every beautiful story has a beautiful ending! 一段美丽的故事总有一个美丽的结局!

53、Shanghai China. When open, the Swisstouches Resort will be surrounded by a beautiful 18 hole golf course set against the famous picturesque backdrop of the Huangshan mountain. 开业后,黄山瑞斯丽度假村将由美丽的18洞高尔夫球场环绕,背后就是著名的如诗如画的黄山美景。

54、美丽 comeliness fairness goodliness loveliness pulchritude 美丽的 beauteous beautiful fair 美丽地 bonnily

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