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  • 2022-07-30 05:26:53
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关于”爱国的诗歌“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Patriotic poetry。以下是关于爱国的诗歌的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Patriotic poetry

1、More and more people are interested to read modern poetry in English. 㹇越来越多的人们对读英国的现代诗歌感兴趣。

2、Honore de Balzac once said: "Love is the poetry of the senses"and at Ayada Maldives this poetry becomes your very environment. 奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克曾经说过,“爱是感觉的诗歌”。在阿雅达岛,您会感受到这首诗。

3、Member of Association Of Chinese Writers, . Committeeman of The Poetry Committee Of Shannxi Province. 系中国作家协会会员、陕西省诗歌委员会委员。

4、However, the special style that used by him in his over three hundred poems benefits him an outstanding poet in the poetic kingdom. 其诗三百余首流传于世,以其独特的风貌成为诗歌王国中一支奇葩。

5、For the study of Chinese poetry, most has focused on the poetry of Tang and Song dynasty, the poetry of Ming dynasty are less and disperse. 对于中国诗歌的研究,大多偏向于唐宋,对明诗的研究较少,也较分散。

6、Therefore, when we either study the development of 20~(th) century Chinese poetry or discuss the achievements of Chinese poetry translation, Mu Dan is a figure that we could never bypass. 因此,不管是研究20世纪中国诗歌的发展历程,还是考察中国诗歌的翻译成就,穆旦都是无法忽视的重要作家。

7、He is interested in the translation and study on chinese modern poems. 他的最大志趣是中国现代诗歌的翻译与研究。

8、Most were published in the landmark collection Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820). 大部分发表在里程碑式的诗集《莱米亚》、《伊莎贝拉》和《圣爱格尼斯之夜和其他诗歌》(1820)中。

9、Its "Yan Ge Xing" is China's existing seven-character poem earlier scholars; 其《燕歌行》是中国现存较早的文人七言诗;

10、Tang Poetry is the golden age of the development of China's poetry . 我们都知道唐代时我国诗歌发展的黄金时代。

11、To my surprise, the manager tried to talk about the Chinese poesy with me. 让我吃惊的是,那个经理竟然和我讨论中国诗歌。

12、It's how I know your favorite poem is 'Recuerdo, ' your favorite painter Caragio, and your favorite song 'Goofus. 我还知道你最喜欢的诗歌是《回忆》,你最欣赏的画家是米开朗基罗,最爱的歌曲是《谷弗斯》。

13、Bian Zhilin's creation of poetry was influenced by Elliot and Auden from England, Yeats from Ireland, Valery from France, and Rilke from Austria but with unique style and fine creation of his own. 卞之琳的诗歌创作受到英国艾略特、奥顿、爱尔兰叶芝、法国瓦雷里、奥地利里尔克的影响,但有他自己独特的风格和精湛的创造。

14、The Wanderings Of Oisin And Other Poems (1889), took its subject from Irish mythology. 《奥辛的漫游和其它诗歌》(1889)取材于爱尔兰神话。

15、Professor of medieval history Donnchadh O'Corrain of University College Cork said medieval Irish poets also composed their complicated court poetry while lying flat on a couch in a darkened room. 爱尔兰柯克大学中世纪史的教授唐恰得˙欧克兰说,中世纪的爱尔兰诗人在构思创作他们繁富的宫廷诗歌时,都是躺在暗室里的长榻上。

16、The ancient patriotic Chinese poet Qu Yuan (340-278 BC) once wrote that Chinese cuisine was so delicious it could tempt a soul to return from the dead. 我国古代爱国诗人屈原(公元前340-278)曾说过,中华美食之美足以唤回逝者的灵魂。

17、English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry are similar not only in the term of name but also background. 英国十七世纪的玄学派诗歌与中国东晋时期的玄言诗不仅在名称上非常接近,在历史背景上亦有相似之处。

18、His church choir sang it outside the quarantined home of his brother, offering words of hope about God's heart of care. 后来,教会诗班在他兄弟被检疫隔离的家门外,咏唱这首诗歌,唱出了上帝关爱的心所带来的希望。

19、We love dancing as well as singing. "…"is a most popular song in Yichang, which was given an award by a national project. 我们宜昌孩子爱唱歌也爱跳舞,《雀尕飞》就是一首人听人爱的歌曲,还获得过全国五个一工程奖呢!

20、Shiu Meng-Chieng (1870-1904), a patriotic poet of Lugang in Changhua County in Japanese colonial period, was born in the last part of Ch'ing Dynasty. 许梦青(1870-1904)是日本领台之初,彰化鹿港地区的一位爱国诗人。

21、Emily Dickinson realizes Emersons transcendentalism through her artistic pursuit and exploration of mind and consciousness. 爱默生的超验主义思想为艾米莉·狄金森的的诗歌创作提供了无尽的源泉。

22、On August 24th, 2004, Chen Shih Shin won her first Olympic gold medal and the heart of a nation. 二○○四年八月二十四日,陈诗欣赢得了第一面奥运金牌,也赢得全国的喜爱。

23、Because at that day in 277 B. C. , Chu Yuan, a patriotic poet, was droned. 因为在公元前277年的那一天,爱国诗人屈原溺水而死。

24、Lu You is the famous patriotic poet and thinker of the Southern Song Dynasty of China. 陆游是我国南宋时期著名的爱国主义诗人和思想家。

25、Mrs Xu Mu is the earliest and distinguished patriotic woman poet in history. 许穆夫人是有史以来最早而杰出的爱国女诗人。


26、Chu culture is the origin of Chinese civilization, one of the cultural representatives of the Yangtze River Basin. 爱国诗人屈原像楚文化则是中华文明的起源之一的长江流域文化的代表。

27、Actually, as an outstanding theoretician, his poem is the important record of his heart, which comparatively reflects his thought and the situation of the time. 其实,作为一位杰出的理论家和诗人,作为一名爱国忧民的志士,严羽的诗歌是其心灵史的主要载体,比较集中地反映了他的思想和所处时代的风云。

28、Kitajima is the new era poetry, but in any event around the island. 北岛是中国新时期诗歌无论如何也绕不过的岛屿。

29、We Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks. 我们爱尔兰人太诗意以至不能做诗人,我们是才华横溢的失败者的国度,可我们是自希腊人以来最伟大的讲演者。

30、Shijing is the most original source of Chinese poetry, it reflects the Chinese antiquity time the social appearances and ancients' thought and was the important teaching materials. 《诗经》是中国诗歌的源头,反映中国上古时期的社会面貌及先民的思想,更是周人推行教化的重要教材。

31、Magic can be a lifetime hobby and card magic is the poetry of prestidigitation. 魔术可以是终身爱好,并且卡片魔术是戏法诗歌。

32、I was destined to do poetry organ hand crank, and you want for the person you love life. 我注定了要做诗歌风琴的手摇柄,而你要为你爱的人生活。

33、Picked up a pen writing a love for their motherland, to denounce "N group" harm the country for future generations to leave the immortal poems. 拿起笔抒写自己对祖国的热爱,指斥“群小”误国,为后人留下了千古不朽的诗篇。

34、China is the kingdom, but the flower kingdom. 中国是诗的王国,更是花的国度。

35、He knew no poetry save that of Moore and no music except the songs of Ireland that had come down through the years. 他在诗歌方面,只知道穆尔的作品,音乐则限于历代流传下来的爱尔兰歌曲。

36、What's the earth With all its art, verse, music, worth - Compared with love, found, gained, and kept? 究竟将所有的艺术,诗歌,音乐,价值─ 与爱,发现,获得,和保持相比较是何?

37、Meanwhile, Chinese modern poems should be transcendental, it should be the representative of the "Chinese poems" but not just "Chinese new poems". 同时,中国的现代诗应该具有超越性,它在艺术上代表的是“中国诗”而不仅仅是中国的“新诗”。

38、I am a beauty-merchant, a trader in song, and I pursue utility, dear Madge. 我是一个不错的商人,一个以诗歌为生的商人,我追求实用,亲爱的马奇。

39、Attaching importance to the skill craft of writing poem is the main cause to French modern poem achieved a positive development. 对诗的艺术性的重视是法国现代诗歌得以健康发展的主要原因。

40、This is sings popularly method the patriotism song, the song melody exquisite, resounding powerful, expressed people's patriotic heart, has brought honor to the spirit of patriotism. 这是一首通俗唱法的爱国主义歌曲,歌曲旋律优美、高亢有力,表达了人们的爱国之心,弘扬了爱国主义精神。

41、Philip Larkin is the most representative poet of the English Movement. 菲利浦·拉金是英国“运动派”诗歌的杰出代表。

42、Beckett made his way through Ireland, France, England, and Germany, all the while writing poems and stories and doing odd jobs to get by. 贝克特走遍了爱尔兰,法国,英国和德国,一直靠写些诗和小说,干些零活度日。

43、Dumb vision (from left) hazy representative poet. Chinese poets and GuoXueGu. 哑默(左起一)朦胧派代表诗人。中国诗人、国学家。

44、According to subject, his pop songs are divided into the following kinds: love songs, sentiment songs, satirical songs, patriotic songs and so on. 陈歌辛的流行歌曲按题材可以分为爱情歌曲、咏物抒怀的歌曲、讽刺性歌曲、爱国歌曲等类别。

45、His "Chinese literary epic" by the rules of the form, poetic flavour ground emersion the development course of Chinese literature. 他的《中国文学史诗》采用格律诗的形式,诗意地再现了中国文学的发展历程。

46、Because of the similar living Surrounding and the same patriotism, Qudajun who thought himself the descendant of Quyuan had taken influence of Quyuan in his poems. 由于有着相似的生活背景和相同的爱国之心,以屈原的后裔自居的屈大均,在诗歌创作中明显受到屈原的影响。

47、A first tenant farmer imaged in the idyllic poem of Fan Chengda, which has the groundbreaking significance. 他的田园诗中还出现了中国诗歌史上第一个佃农形象,具有开创性的意义。

48、I'd like to sing my love for you, my motherland. 我愿放歌对您的厚爱,我的祖国。

49、Shenzhen's labor watchdog joined with a domestic poetry magazine Wednesday to launch a poetry competition among migrant workers nationwide. 深圳市劳动和社会保障局联手国内一家诗刊社于13日向全国农民工发起诗歌征文大赛邀请。

50、After several long, thinly veiled discussions on God, love, poetry, matted back hair and dank spider-holes, the King and Zabibah eventually fall deep in love. 在几次漫长而深入的关于上帝、爱、诗歌、缠结的头发和潮湿的蜘蛛洞的讨论之后,国王和扎比芭最终深深地爱上了对方。


51、The patriotism and heroism of the poets was burning strongly in the cultural city of Guilin. 桂林文化城的诗人们爱国英雄主义之火熊熊燃烧。

52、In addition, Costa will be increasing its investment in the region by replacing Costa Allegra with the larger Costa Romantica in 2010. 此外,歌诗达计划于2010年进一步加大对于中国市场的投资力度,将载客量更大的“浪漫号”邮轮代替“爱兰歌娜号”邮轮。

53、Nearby, about 100 people with lyric books sang patriotic songs. 在他们边上,约有100人在对着歌谱合唱爱国歌曲。

54、Yongfeng·Zaichi, one of the most earliest patriotic poems is also the earliest women's literature. 《鄘风。载驰》是中国最早的爱国诗作之一,也是最早的女性文学作品。

55、There are a lot of poems concerning diet in The Book of Songs which objectively and truely reflect the dietary concept and cooking culture of the Chinese people. 我国的第一部诗歌总集《诗经》包含大量有关饮食的诗篇,客观而真实地反映了中国人的饮食观念和饮食文化。

56、Sitar Tan , you are a marvelous singer , fall in love with you and love the Chinese folk music ! 谭维维,你是一个了不起的歌唱家,深爱着你并热爱中国民通歌!

57、Modern poetry, as we study it in this class and, I think, as you see it in this anthology, is an international phenomenon. 我们课上学习的现代诗歌,你们在诗集中可以看到,我认为是一个国际现象。

58、Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. 但是,他也会“利用”诗歌和帆船航行来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。

59、He is currently member of China Writers' Association, Vice-Chairman of Guangdong Prose Poetry Society, and Editor-in-Chief of "Soldiers' Literature". 现为中国作家协会会员、中国诗歌学会会员、广东散文诗学会副会长、《战士文艺》主编。

60、In Chinese people’s thinking, a traditional poet should be of the capability of painting, calligraphy, poem and music. 在中国的头脑里,传统的诗人应该具有绘画、书法、诗歌和音乐的能力。

61、The poetry creation of Hunan Period of QuYuan starts a brand-new era in the Chinese poem history, radiating the brilliant spender in the literature long corridors of China and world. 屈原湖湘时期的诗歌创作,开创了中国诗歌史上的一个全新时代,在中国和世界的文学长廊中放射出熠熠光辉。

62、It's how I know your favorite poem is ‘Recuerdo,’ your favorite painter Caragio, and your favorite song ‘Goofus. 我还知道你最喜欢的诗歌是《回忆》,你最欣赏的画家是米开朗基罗,最爱的歌曲是《谷弗斯》。

63、Nai Xian, who studied poetry in the South of the Yangtze River since childhood and enjoyed high literary reputation during the late Yuan Dynasty, is the only Semuren poet in China's poetic history. 廼贤是中国诗歌史上唯一一位葛罗禄诗人,自幼学诗于江南,在元末之坛享有盛誉。

64、Believing that the patriotic poet would enjoy eternal life, they would row dragon boats out on the river to look for him. 百姓相信爱国诗人是不会死的,每年五月五日,他们摇着龙船,到处去寻觅诗人。

65、Cheng Kwok-hung is not only a patriotic general, but also a good knowledge, the most refined "poetry", "easy" scholar. 郑国鸿不仅是一位爱国将领,同时也是一位学识优良,最精《诗》、《易》的学者。

66、Magic can be a lifetime hobby and card magic is considered to be the poetry of prestidigitation . 魔术可以是终身爱好,并且卡片魔术认为戏法诗歌。

67、Type in the lyrics of your favorite song (poems will do, too) and receive 9 Flickr images in return. 输入你最爱的歌词(也可以是诗)的片段,就会得到9张FLICKR上的照片。

68、It demonstrated that the ecological thinking basing on Chinese culture is the central theme through Pound's whole poetry. 论证了庞德的诗歌在基于中国文化上所建立的生态思想是贯穿全诗的核心主题。

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