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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-17 19:39:02
  • 184




1、Harmonious objects can bring about rhythms, which, like the rhythms of music and dancing, bring people physical and mental enjoyments . 和谐的事物会产生韵律,就象音乐舞蹈的韵律那样令人身心享受。

2、It was not a law that simply said "Let's all speak Cantonese". 没有这样一部法律简单的说“让我们都说广东话”。

3、While a lot of poets and critics were interested in talking about the sense of music and rhyme scheme concerning poetry. Carl·Sandbuyg silently took a quite different approach toward this problem. 当许多诗人和评论家正在津津乐道关于诗的音乐感与韵律时,卡尔·桑德堡却默默地走着另一条路。

4、One of the most prominent poets at that time is YUAN Zhen, whose regular verse in replying rhyme was quite influential then for its ingeniousness and variation. 中唐元和诗坛不仅近体繁盛,还呈现出明显的新变特征,元稹的次韵律诗就是其突出代表。

5、Theory of "intrinsic rhythm" of poetry is the way to avoid disadvantage of theory of "natural rhythm and rhyme". 诗的“内在韵律论”是救治早先“自然音节论”的偏颇的药方。

6、Compared with Guangyun, Huixian dialect's laws of phonetic evolution can be discovered including 12 initials' features, 10 finals' features and 6 tones' features. 和《广韵》进行比较,辉县方言共有声母演化规律12条,韵母演化规律10条,声调演化规律6条。

7、Linear quadrate fashion, auto-overflow structure, with level and concise aesthetic feeling of rhythm. 直线方形造型,自溢水结构,极具层次感和简洁的韵律美。

8、It's the rhythm. 奥秘在于韵律

9、Expressive Movement, Dance, Mime, or Rhythmics (Bach. ) 表达性运动,舞蹈,哑剧,或者韵律(本科)

10、The results show that it has very good effects on positive rhythm reservoirs, and also has different degree effects on reverse rhythm reservoirs and compound rhythm reservoirs. 结果表明,聚合物与水气交替联驱对正韵律油藏提高采收率效果很好;对反韵律油藏和复合韵律油藏也有不同程度提高采收率效果。

11、Every set of salt rock contains many salt rhythms, and each rhythm is composed of salt rock bed and mudstone bed. 每套盐岩又由若干小盐韵律组成,每一车韵律由盐岩和泥岩组成。

12、Simply put, the Detroit Tigers played all-around great baseball. 简单地说,底特律老虎整季都打得很棒。

13、Diwa sedimentary rhythms are of mostly continental facies and every single rhythm is several to dozens of metres thick. 地洼区的韵律通常为陆相,单个韵律一般厚几米至几十米。

14、Uniforms and Atharva "Vedasare" the rhythm of hymns to the issue of hair is known technically as before the "existence" of the Veda … creation of the world. 钻机和阿塔发Vedasare为发出的韵律赞美诗诗集,在技术上被称为…之前就存在的吠陀是当今世界的创造。

15、Intermediate processing: partints were shown a word and asked to think about what it rhymes with. 中度加工水平:被试看一个单词,并被要求回想这个单词的韵律是什么。

16、She was besotted by rhythm. 她沉醉于韵律之中。

17、So, again, this is one of the more straightforward trends. 再说一遍,这是一个更简单直接的规律。

18、The Short Song often employs repetition in its lyrics. 歌词简单,但不呆板,其特点是在音韵上广泛运用叠字。

19、Stressed or accented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody. 一种由重音-重音-非重音组成的韵律音节单位。

20、In the academic community, little work has been done to discuss the Ping-ze format in Ze tonal rhyme metrical verse specially. 关于仄声韵格律诗的平仄格式,学界迄今很少有人专题论及。

21、The minimal prosodic word is bimoraic in Manchu-Tungusic languages, as assumed in the present article. 满—通古斯语言最小韵律词必须由两个韵素构成。

22、The profound significance of theory of "intrinsic rhythm" is that this theory lays basis for the existence of free verse form. 郭沫若的“内在韵律论”的重要意义在于,它是自由诗形式存在的理论根据。

23、Far more musical is spoken Chinese than English and may other languages. Utterances in Chinese are more like songs than mere locutions. 汉语的韵律美远远超过英语和许多别的语言。说中国话好象是唱歌,而不仅仅是简单的发声说话。收藏。

24、Metaphysical poetry is characterized by verbal wit and excess, ingenious structure, irregular meter, colloquial language, elaborate imagery, and a drawing together of dissimilar ideas. 玄学诗多使用巧智,结构精巧,韵律多变,语言口语化,意象奇特,把不同的事物进行并置。

25、Water Language logo to design elements for water soft lines concise outline of the Smart and the rhythm of the water. “水语”标识以水纹为设计元素,柔和简洁的线条勾画出水的灵动和韵律。


26、There are limitations in theory of "intrinsic rhythm" and questions about it remained to be studied. 但郭沫若的“内在韵律论”存在着局限,“内在韵律论”留下了值得深入探讨的问题。

27、The main feature of Mandarin finger rhymes is that the verse recitation is accompanied by various finger movements, which are operated with rhythm. 华语手指谣的特色是在诗谣朗诵中加入丰富的手部动作,然其动作收放间有一定的韵律条件。

28、Prosodic prediction, which is a process of prosodic chunking, is one of the major factors for the naturalness of speech synthesis. 韵律是影响语音合成自然度的一个重要因素,韵律结构的是一个韵律组块过程。

29、The appearance of this semi-epic rhyme scheme here at the end of Milton's poem suggests his readiness, and he's ready only here at the end of Lycidas to embark on the epic project. 弥尔顿诗篇的最后处半史诗韵律的设计,显示了他已准备就绪,他在的结尾处依然准备好了,在史诗的创作上留下自己的印迹。

30、Add meaning to the information you are trying to remember by creating associations, visualizations, rhymes, or acrostics. 通过联想、形象化、韵律或离合诗的办法来赋予需记忆的信息某种意义。

31、About the poetic law, Wei Li holds that "having me" is important, not abiding the fixed discipline. 关于诗法,魏礼主张不守故法,不死抱古人的所谓韵律不放,主张“有我”的重要。

32、Keep metrics on test coverage to requirements. Keep metrics on test execution over time. 保持测试上的韵律学覆盖所有需求,并且时刻保持测试上韵律学的执行。

33、Your attorney should be able to speak to you in plain English, but there are still legal terms involved. 你的律师可以用简单的英语跟你解释,但是有时一些法律术语仍然会涉及到。

34、To be sure, the cadences of its poetic prose are enjoyable and the practical advice about composition may still be useful. 诚然,它的诗意的散文韵律可以赏心悦目,关于写作的具体建议仍然有实用价值。

35、Rhythm of English provides a relaxed, pleasant, vivid, and active platform for the students on the base of performing music and dance. 夏令营每日韵律英语以韵律、舞蹈为桥梁,为孩子们搭建了一个轻松、愉快、活泼、生动的学习平台。

36、Listen for this tempo and wait for its rhythm. 倾听这个节拍,等待它的韵律。

37、Here, this image of the lines of trees and the metrical regularity of that verse that describes them. 这里,排列成行的树的画面和,诗里韵律的规律描绘的画面。

38、The use of a single color that is featured in a gradation of the darkest to the lightest tone imparts rhythmic progression. 对于从最浅到最深的渐变的单色的使用,从根本上实现了表达韵律的过程。

39、I spoke them slowly as I wrote and only discover- ed when I read them to somebody else that there was no common music, no prosody. 我边写边念,但当读给别人听时,我还是发现,诗中没有共同的音律和韵律。

40、没有这样一部法律简单的说“让我们都说广东话”。It was not a law that simply said "Let's all speak Cantonese".

41、He gathered in this poem a wealth of symbolism, employed a structual art and his powers of metrical orchestration at their mightiest. 在诗中,他充分运用了象征主义,将结构艺术和韵律编曲的魅力发挥地淋漓尽致。

42、Angel or siren, rhythm, fragrance, light. 天使或妖妇,韵律,芳香,光线。

43、From the historical point of view, Hakka dialects' laws of phonetic evolution can be discovered contrasted with Guangyun, including 12 initials' features, 16 finals' features and 5 tones' features. 从历时的角度着眼,将龙潭寺客家话与《广韵》比较,得出龙潭寺客家话语音的古今演变规律,其中声母规律12条,韵母规律16条,声调规律5条。

44、Firstly, the concept of straight bills of lading is briefly introduced in the article; 本文首先简要介绍了记名提单无单放货行为的概念和各国的相关法律规定。

45、Kang Baiqing was the first to mention this theory, while Guo Moruo proposed it definitely, declaring that intrinsic rhythm, opposing to extraneous rhythm, is just rising and falling of feelings. 康白情最先说到这个理论的意思。郭沫若则明确提出这个理论,认为内在韵律就是“情绪的自然消涨”,它与诗的外在韵律相对。

46、First, it described three models related to prosody generation. 首先描述了韵律生成的相关模型。

47、In any case, these features cannot be found in one phonematic unit alone. 在任何情况下,这些特征不会单独存在于一个准韵律单位中。

48、Guzheng rhythm sound, Water knows perfectly. 古筝韵律声, 行云流水知晓。

49、Usually, the metrical impulse is on the beat. 一般来说,韵律的冲动出现在节拍上

50、In short, it means “more money for patent litigators,” lawyer Samson Helfgott tells the ABA Journal. 简单说来,它意味着“专利诉讼律师更有钱途了,”Samson Helfgott律师对ABA月刊如是说。


51、Rather than the rhythm of pleasure followed by emptiness, or that of investment and then profit, friendships follow a rhythm that is at once subtler and more persistent. 不同于空虚的快乐消费韵律,也不同于先投资后收益的韵律,友谊的韵律更深奥,更长久稳固。

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