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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-17 15:15:05
  • 96




1、Gratitude, thank you don't have to be readmitted, but an attitude to life, is a kind of beauty. 感恩,不一定是感谢大恩大德,而是一种生活态度,是一种善良的人性美。

2、Peter Klaven:TU, I also felt. 皮特:“恩,我也感觉到了。

3、Experiencing benevolence from others and seeking ways to return the kindness are important emotional bases for one's moral conducts. 感受他人恩惠和欲求报恩是一个人道德行为发生的重要情感基础。

4、 Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩。

5、Gratitude is the sign of le souls. (感恩是精神高尚的标志。

6、Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩。

7、Gratitude is the least of virtues; ingratitude the worst of vices. 感恩是起码的美德;忘恩负义是最不道德的行为。

8、Ben Gunn's last words came back to my mind. 我想起了本·葛恩最后说的那句话。

9、Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day, We bow our hearts to You and pray. 天父,在这感恩的日子里,我们向袮谦卑献上我们的心,并向袮祷告。

10、Before you practice gratitude, you are in the dark and there appears to be very little to be grateful for. 在你练习感恩前,你还处于黑暗之中,可以感恩的事情看起来为数甚少。

11、Gratitude is the gateway to wealth. 感恩-是拥有财富的法门。

12、Do you know Cafe Gratitude? 你知道感恩咖啡吗?

13、But we should be thankful. 但是我们应该感恩的。

14、With gratitude, with a kindness heart, to do service work, then you won't feel weary or tired. 用感恩的心,用报恩的心,来做服务的工作,便不会感到倦怠与疲累。

15、Gratitude and greed go not together. 贪婪的人不懂得感恩。

16、You want to thank your family. 你要感恩你的家人

17、Blessed are those who give thanks. 懂得感恩的人总是被佑护。

18、Offer your service with a heart of gratitude, as if repaying a kindness, then you wont feel weary or tired. 用感恩的心、报恩的心,来做服务的工作,便不会感到倦怠与疲累。

19、Don’t leave anything out. 不要遗漏掉任何你应该感恩的。

20、People have to gratitude, gratitude, to give love and regret. 人要知恩图报,感恩,才能让付出爱的人无悔。

21、Gratitude is the sign of le souls. 感恩是精神高尚的标志。

22、The kids sang and danced to "The Thankful Heart. " Praise God, though it was cold that day, our hearts were warm. 孩子们准备了一个歌舞《感恩的心》给我们,那天很冷,我们的心却很热,感谢上帝。

23、Do you accept the gratefulness challenge? 你接受感恩挑战吗?

24、Gratitude is free---there is no cost. 感恩不需要成本。

25、They held a grand farmhouse ritual to appreciate the grace of sheep to send seeds. 人们举行了盛大的农家祭祀仪式,以感激神羊的送之恩。


26、acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩。

27、This morning, Fu Jiajie kept himself busy doing this or that beside his wife as if in celebration of thanksgiving day . 这天上午,傅家杰怀着感恩的心在妻子的身边忙碌着。

28、Penning notes of appreciation to gift-givers teaches gratitude and helps polish writing and spelling skills. 给送礼者写感谢信不仅能教会孩子们学会感恩,同时还能帮助他们提高写作和拼写能力。

29、Gratitude is the sign of le souls 感恩是精神高尚的标志。

30、It is because the eyes have seen many many unfortunate, so we should often cherish a grateful heart, grateful that we now have everything, thank your, thank you. 正是因为亲眼看见过许多许多的不幸,所以才要常怀一颗感恩的心,感恩我们现在所拥有的一切,感谢自己,感谢你。

31、My child , the gold is for you to count your blessings ; the black is for you to let go. “孩子啊,”上帝说,“给你金盒子是要你感恩,给你黑盒子是要你释怀啊。”

32、And great gratitude will arise in your being, and great thankfulness. 你存在中会升起巨大的感恩、巨大的感谢。

33、When I complain about house cleaning, I should be thankful. I still have a place to lay my head. 当我抱怨打扫房子麻烦时,需要感恩,我还有一枕之地。

34、Explainer thanks Dr. Dave Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project, and Neil Sheehan of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 感谢原子能安全项目的戴夫.洛赫鲍姆博士和原子能管理委员会的尼尔.希恩。

35、That’s how Shaun Stewart felt when he started receiving brochures from colleges. 这就是肖恩斯图尔特感觉时,他从大学开始接受小册子。

36、Indebtedness is more of a negative feeling and doesn't yield the same benefits as gratitude, which inclines you to be nice to anyone, not just a benefactor. 感激更是一种负面情感,无法产生与感恩同样的效果。感恩更倾向于使你对人友好,而不只是一个捐助者。

37、I lay on the side of the dirt road next to a rocky trench, looked up to the gray morning sky, thankful for air, thankful for light , thankful to be alive. 我躺在泥土路一边,是怪石嶙峋的坑壕,我望着清晨灰蒙蒙的天空,为空气感恩,为光芒感恩,为仍活着感恩。

38、The more you develop an attitude of appreciation for God, your family, and other people, the healthier you are emotionally. 你为神,为你的家人,为其他人而心存感恩,你对神的感恩越多,对你的情感就越有益。

39、As it turns out, the bottle was a much-appreciated gift from a grateful patient. 最后证明,这个珍贵的瓶子是由一个感恩的病人送来的。

40、Gradually, you will know that gratitude will help you enjoy peace of mind. 慢慢的,你会知道,知恩,心安,感恩,心宽。

41、"Gratitude is the memory of the heart." French Proverb感恩就是心灵的记忆

42、Yes, Thanksgiving flowers rain, because rain nourishing his growth; goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky let him fly; mountain Thanksgiving earth because the earth so that he high-rise. 是的,鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润他成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让他飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让他高耸。

43、About "HRSC" fashion gratitude put "price". 约“惠”时尚感恩放“价”。

44、Will always have the heart of a Thanksgiving. 永怀一颗感恩的心!

45、To return home at eventide with gratitude; 在黄昏怀著感恩的心回家;

46、You need to know how to be grateful 你要知道感恩

47、I'm grateful for being born me - for my house, car, family, health and the feeling of joy with which I pursue each and every day. 我对我现在所有的感到感恩—我的房子,车,家庭,健康,和我每天所追求的快乐的感觉。

48、I learned gratitude and forgiveness. 我学会了感恩与宽恕。

49、Gratitude is the sign of le souls. 感恩是精神高尚的标志。

50、He offers seminars to help people 'change a complaining voice to an appreciative heart.' 他开办培训班,帮助人们“把一肚子怨气转化为一颗感恩的心”。


51、In the front room they were preaching the Diamond Sutra. In the back room they were preaching the Gratitude Sutra. 在前面的屋子里念的是金刚经,后面的屋子里念的是感恩经。

52、We can be grateful to the graces that people did it to us in the last year. 我们新年能感恩旧年一切人所赐的恩德。

53、Be grateful you have work. 那就感恩你有工作。

54、Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 应当充满感恩进入他的殿门,满口赞美进入他的院子; 要感谢他,称颂他的名。

55、Leaves circled in the air and write music with a Thanksgiving, it is a tree on the earth nourished it Thanksgiving; 落叶在空中盘旋,谱写着一曲感恩的乐章,那是大树对滋养它的大地的感恩;

56、、Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩。

57、Got a kid here that'd be obliged if you could give him a ride to Noon City. 这儿有个孩子,如果你能载他一程送他到卢恩城,他会感激你的。

58、This is because the Eucharist releases the joy that we need so much, and we must learn to grasp it ever more deeply, we must learn to love it. 因为,从感恩祭中涌出我们所需要的喜乐,我们应该学习不断更深入地瞭解感恩祭的深邃意义,我们应该学习热爱感恩祭。

59、Let us always be grateful that within this organization, we can often hear people share their experiences. 我们要常常感恩,感恩在这个团体中,我们能常常听到,听到很多人的身教,现身说法。

60、Adrian : I feel awful. 阿德里恩: 我感觉糟透了。

61、Find gratitude for what we already have. 感恩我们已拥有的东西。

62、Ollin: Thank you so much, Sean! 欧林:非常感谢你,肖恩!

63、Mm-hm. Check on those green beans too, OK? 恩-恩。也看一下豆子,好吗?

64、En particular things. I will treasure. The world, and that love Thanksgiving. Broad land, that the sincere gratitude and thank all, so that the lives of brilliant shine. 万物尤为恩。花开花落,我一样会珍惜。世界之大,感恩以为爱。宽广土地,感恩以为诚,感谢一切,让生命辉煌照耀。

65、 Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩

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