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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-18 03:45:40
  • 74


关于”好的句子“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Good sentence。以下是关于好的句子的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good sentence

1、Is very good, Luo shows clearly and oneself son all too good! 很好,罗明秀和自家儿子都太好了!

2、A: The child talks as if she were a grownup. 那孩子说话的样子好象她是个大人。

3、If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. 如果我们种好,我们获得好收成。

4、Cover your tummy with the coverlet. 用被单盖好肚子。

5、The quilters made a quilt in a single day. 缝被子的人只花了一天就做好一个被子。

6、Make the tree good, and good fruit will be the result. 先使树变好,然后必定结出好果子。

7、Historically, the phrase refers back to mediaeval falconry in England where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was certainly worth more than two in the bush (the prey). 从历史来看,这句话可以追溯到中古世纪英格兰的猎鹰训练,当然,这个时候手头有一只猎鹰自然要好于林子里那些还不属于自己的鸟儿。

8、I got confession, I think I am not only obsessed about food, but also ss as well. 难得买到心头好,我会好好珍惜我所有的鞋子的。

9、Paper book is better thane-book. 纸书比电子书好。

10、9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

11、In 2010, 489 militants have attempted to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir while 485 militants tried to enter the state in 2009 and 342 militants in 2008. 2010年,489名好战分子试图渗透进查谟和克什米尔。而在2009年,485名好战分子试图进入该邦,2008年是342名好战分子。

12、Relax. Pick them up later, after you've rested. 好好休息一下,过一阵子再把它们捡起来。

13、In fact, Golden Sparrow is a good example of a "Sparrow Monkey". 事实上,金燕子是一个好例子,去“麻雀猴子”。

14、On the other hand, for safety it's best to create a backup before resizing partitions. 换句话说,为了安全起见在调整分区大小之前最好先创建一个备份。

15、The handcart was got ready and the body was placed on it, covered with the blanket, and bound in its place with the rope. 手推车准备好了,他们就把尸体放在上面,并用毯子铺盖好,再用绳子捆好。

16、Turn the chestnuts and bake. 香香的糖烤栗子就好了。

17、The wheat is coming along fine. 麦子长得才好呢。

18、The parents are the first teachers of the children, so they should act as good teachers to educate and manage children well. 父母是孩子的启蒙老师,一定要教育、管理好子女,当好师表。

19、" Doing good, work to the old" and" let their own value" this two words there is no contradiction. “做事做的好,干活干到老”和“让自己有价值”这两句话间并没有矛盾。

20、But doing this too much could have the opposite effect. 每次孩子系好鞋带就赞道“做得好!”

21、You deserve a gruesome death, boy! 你不得好死,孩子!

22、Now, give me an example. 好,给我举一个例子。

23、Open the window for some ventilation. 打开窗子好通风。

24、I was so embarrassed that I rushed to the ladies?room without even thanking him for catching me. 我觉得好冏,于是就冲到洗手间,连一句谢谢他扶住我的话也没说。

25、It drains you, it's your day, everything is so beautiful. 真的好想你,有你的日子,一切都是那么美好。


26、The blankets were folded up and packed in boxes. 那些毯子已经折好并装进了箱子里。

27、Banai: Get your nets ready. 巴耐:把网子准备好。

28、What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子呀!

29、"But," she adds, "The seed may be planted. “可是,”她补充说,“这粒要好好地培植。”

30、Hail Child. Well done Bro. 向孩子致敬。干得好。

31、Shall I wear this dress? 我穿这条裙子好吗?

32、To talk about "arousing the m of the people" day in and day out and then to be scared to death when the m do rise … 叶公好龙造句 嘴里天天说 “唤起民众”, 民众起来了又害怕得要死, 这和叶公好龙有什么两样!

33、Youd better find a good teacher for him, since he is a really musical child. 你最好给他请个好老师,他可是有音乐才能的好苗子。

34、Tell YouBin swallows, liu Zhou Qingqing in have dinner together talking and laughing, YouBin hurriedly asked how big son liu character, good get along with, the swallow really dont know what to say. 燕子告诉尤斌,大刘父子同周青青一起吃饭有说有笑的,尤斌连忙问到大刘儿子性格如何,好不好相处,燕子真不知道说什么好。

35、He buckled up for safety . 他为安全扣好扣子。

36、Emily was carefully adjusting her hat before a mirror. 埃米莉正在镜子前仔细把帽子戴好。

37、Repellents are excellent for mosquitoes but not bees. 它对于蚊子很有效,但好像对蜜蜂效果不好。

38、Children shouted "How are you? 孩子们大喊,“你好吗?”

39、Example: When workers working at height, they must secure their safety harness has been buckled to certain anchorages . 例句:高空作业的工人必须保证其安全绳在锚固件上保险地扣好。

40、Open the window , will you ? 请打开窗子,好吗? 缨。

41、Build better skin with beans. 用豆子打造好皮肤。

42、) 9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

43、He put on his hat carefully. 他小心戴好帽子。

44、This be that the "bad" child "finishes becoming" child's photoplay! 这是个“坏”孩子变成“好”孩子的故事影片!

45、I want a cook who can make good broth and cabbages. 我要一位能做好的清汤,善烧青菜的好厨子。

46、Hurdles champion Liu Xiang is a case in point. 男子110米栏冠军刘翔就是一个很好的例子。

47、They had several children. 卢府上有好几个孩子。

48、He wondered how many times he must have walked past this man without even saying "hi, " "good morning" or "good job" or "I appreciate what you do. 他想到自己不知有多少次曾与那个人擦身而过,却都没有说一句“你好”,“早上好”,或是“干得好”,“对你做的我很感激”之类的话。

49、The critique: "Boy, he's got to cultivate that better, " Federoff says. 点评:“小子他需要更好地护养他的胡子。

50、I had never realized I could spend so much before I got going on this adventure, now I have to live on my credit card for a while. 还真没想到去探一次险竟会花这么多钱,居然也要开始做个把月的“卡奴”了。好在马上就有收入了,不然真不如干脆一直留在那里探一辈子险好了,终于意识到那句话:探险是给有钱人玩的。


51、A good example of this: calculator. 一个好的例子:计算器。

52、Like we have no brains. 就好像我们是没脑子的。

53、The Cury House is an impressive example of construction, good drawing and good execution on building the architecture. 该Cury房子是建筑,绘画和建立良好的架构良好的执行令人印象深刻的例子。

54、Mr Rouyer said there was "no better worming substance" for ducks and that his flock was in excellent health. Rouyer说:“没有更好的鸭子驱动药物”以使鸭子有一个良好的健康状态。

55、I left the children tucked up snugly in bed. 我给孩子们掖好被子,让他们睡觉了。

56、Well, I'm the hoochie man. 好吧,我是男子汉。

57、Spare the rod and spile the child, as the Good Book says. 省了棍子,插管子,为好书说。

58、Befriending music will now play for bunnymen and chess creatures. 兔子人和棋子类生物会有友好的效果音。

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