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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-12 01:05:15
  • 78


关于”句子的单词“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Words in sentences。以下是关于句子的单词的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Words in sentences

1、So if I want to use a string as we'll call it which is a word or phrase generally, they always go between double quotes, David hence the quotes around David, and they are double quotes not single quotes intentionally. 当我们要表示单词啊,词组啊,句子啊等等这样的东西时,就会用到字符串,它们位于双引号之间,也就是这里双引号之间的,是双引号,不是单引号哦。

2、Phonics is a code that unlocks word construction. It empowers the child to learn by putting small pieces together. 自然拼读是解开单词结构的钥匙,它赋予孩子们通过把字母组合在一起学新单词的能力。

3、It is better to tell a child some unknown words to maintain the flow rather than insisting on trying to build them all up from the sounds of the letters. 当教给孩子一些他不认识的单词时,培养孩子的语感比试图从字母的发音拼出单词更为重要。

4、When you're trying to learn a word list, for instance, you should not just look at the words, or even think about how they sound. 例如,在学习单词表时你不应当只关心单词本身,甚至还要考虑单词的发音。

5、Look at the common example of designing a vocabulary for international purchase orders. 现在看一个常用的例子,即为国际订单设计词汇表。

6、Their spelling, grammar and comprehension also suffered. 这些孩子在单词拼写、语法以及理解能力等方面也存在一定的缺陷。

7、"They have a lexicon, just a giant word list, and they find the word most similar to what the recognizer produces, " he says. 他们有一个词汇库,就是一个巨大的词汇单子,然后它们寻找与识别器提供的最接近的词。

8、Recursively, a word is reducible if any of its children are reducible. As a base case, you can consider the empty string reducible. 只要一个单词的孩子还可以缩减,那这个单词本身就亏缩减。你可以认为空字符串是可以缩减的,这样来作为一个基准条件。

9、For more granular searches, you can also perform a NEAR search to look for words near other words and adjacent (ADJ), which looks for words near others, but only in the specified order. 对于更为细化的搜索,还可执行一个 NEAR 搜索来查找靠近和邻近(ADJ)其他单词的单词,不过它查找的是靠近其他单词的单词,但只能按指定的顺序。

10、How many houses are there in the picture? 教师出示较多的房子的图片并领读单词。

11、Review words: balloon , cup , ball , bag , I ce cream , hamburger, fish , cap. 复习单词: 气球,杯子,球,包,冰淇淋, 汉堡, 鱼, 帽子。

12、Then use your dictionary and the internet to find more examples of that word in use and note those sentences down as well. 然后,通过字典和网络找到更多使用该单词的例句,也把它们都记下来。

13、If you instead use GetString, same thing: blinking cursor, the function is just going to wait for the user to type a word, a sentence or whatever, and then hit Enter. 如果你用GetSring来代替它,同样的:闪烁光标,那个函数只是等待用户来,输入一个单词,一个句子什么的,然后敲回车。

14、She says she wanted a word for his son and not a name. 索萨蒙解释自己想给儿子的是个单词而非名字。

15、Denotation: The literal or "dictionary" meaning of a word. 外延:单词的字面意义或“词典”解释。

16、Anne wrote the word"G-L-A-S-S" into her left hand. 安妮在她的左手拼写“杯子”这个单词。

17、The number of rows entered for each word will be equal to the number of synonyms for that word. 为每个单词输入的行的数量将等于该单词的同义词的数量。

18、If there is no child in the required direction, the new word is not in the tree, and in fact the empty slot is the proper place to add the new word. 如在搜寻方向上无子树,则说明新单词不在树中,并且,当前的空位置就是存放新加入单词的正确位置。

19、Singular count nouns always take a determiner. 可数名词单数前需用限定词。

20、Now, look at me and guess what class I am having. 猜一猜。使用动作或单词卡片让学生复习有关科目和星期的单词。

21、Term searches use standard-language words, usually in combination, to locate and rank cataloged information. 词汇搜索使用标准语言的单词(通常是多个单词的组合)来定位分类信息并对它们排名。

22、It refers to the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words or morphemes. 将词缀加入其他单词或词素以构成新词的方法。

23、When doing translation, for the translator, buried in numerous and complicated documents, every sentence, even a word is of upmost importance. 做笔译工作,埋头于纷繁复杂的文件中,每一句话甚至一个单词都至关重要。

24、In addition, this article also discusses theories about the monosyllabic verb synonyms in ZhuangZi and about the discrimination of the ancient synonyms. 另外,还对《庄子》单音节动词同义词及其辨析的相关理论进行了探讨。

25、Pronounce these letters, sounds and words. 读出这些字母、单音和单词。


26、Best guess: If no suggestions have been found, add all dictionary words that have the same phonetic code as the misspelled word and with the smallest edit distance from the misspelled word. 最佳猜测:如果没有找到建议,就加入字典中所有与拼写错误的单词的语音代码相同的单词, 以及与拼写错误的单词编辑距离最小的单词。

27、For these codes, add all dictionary words that have the same phonetic code as the misspelled word and whose edit distance from the misspelled word is less than a given threshold. 对于这些代码,加入字典中所有与拼写错误单词语音编码相同的单词, 以及 与拼写错误单词的编辑距离小于指定阈值的单词。

28、John Ayto has written several books about words and their origins and so I'm sure that he chose his words there very carefully. 约翰•埃托已经出了好几本关于单词及其来源的书了。因此,我认为,他对于遣词造句一定是非常小心谨慎的。

29、How can I remember so many words in one day! 我的脑子一天之内怎么能记得住这么多的英语单词!

30、Up to now I have argued that we can use singular terms significantly in sentences without presupposing that there are the entities-which those terms purport to name. 到现在为止我已论证了,我们能够有意义地在语句中使用单独语词而无需预先假设有这些语词所要命名的对象。

31、The word in parentheses is the subject oun for each possessive adjective. 括号内的单词是每个所有格形容词的主语代名词。

32、I take the flash cards for each lesson and use these to teach the kids. 我将每课中的单词制成临时卡片,用来教孩子。

33、Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder. 在你的词汇积累库中写出五个新单词。

34、Can you identify the part of speech of this word? 能说出这个单词的词类吗?

35、You can use"KingSoft PowerWord" if you cannot understand the words. 不懂的单词你可以用“金山词霸”。

36、Listing 12 is a basic example using our text1 file, which contains three lines each having two words.. 清单 12 是使用我们的 text1 文件的基础例子,它包含 3 个行,每行只有两个单词。

37、On receiving a request for synonyms of a given word, search the map using the given word as the key. 在收到对给定单词的同义词的请求后,使用给定单词作为键来搜索映射。

38、This table will hold a word and the number of times that word has occurred. 这张表将保存单词及单词已经出现的次数。

39、To correct the word, right-click it and select the correct spelling from the options available. 右击单词,选择列表中的正确单词,即可修正拼写错误。

40、In order to prove it, Houdini left his wife a secret note with 10 randomly selected words that he would communicate to her after his death. 为了证明这个,霍迪尼留下了一张只有十个随意选择的单词的纸条,他将会用这些单词在他死后和他妻子交流。

41、TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. 单词「typewriter」是只用键盘第一排打出来的最长的单词。

42、Sputnik"is an example of a Russian word which has been transliterated into Roman script. " Sputnik" 便是用罗马字母拼写俄文单词的一个例子。

43、Then we made a craft that will help children remember the names. 为了帮助孩子们记住这些单词,做了个蔬菜水果篮的手工。

44、Learn new words. 学新单词。

45、Look for obscure word lists, sign up for word-a-day emails and never hesitate to look up a definition if you encounter an unfamiliar word. 寻找含糊的单词组,收发“每天一单词”的邮件,或当你发现不熟悉的单词时毫不犹豫地查出定义。

46、Whether if you can put all the words in the lattice. 你能把所有的单词放进格子里么。

47、Odds are when this function called gets a string from the user by expecting them to manipulate their keyboard - with their fingers, I need to-- initiatively I'm gonna get back a sentence or a word or a phrase or something. 调用GetString获取的信息也有可能,是通过键盘敲进来的,东西-,它将会返回句子啊,单词啊,或词组啊等等一些信息。

48、Their use of the French word "libre" (free as in unfettered) clears up the ambiguity inherent in the English word "free, " which can also mean without cost. 他们使用法语单词"libre"(无拘无束的自由)来清除英语单词"free"固有的歧义,单词"free"也可以表示免费的意思。

49、Use "deep" processing of information. When you're trying to learn a word list, for instance, you should not just look at the words, or even think about how they sound. 例如,在学习单词表时你不应当只关心单词本身,甚至还要考虑单词的发音。

50、Mnemonic Dictionary (MD) helps in learning and remembering word and it's meaning easily by providing memory aids (called mnemonics ) for each word. 助记词典通过为每个单词提供助记方法(记忆术)来帮助人们轻松的学习和记忆单词及词义。


51、The commonest words are starred in this dictionary. 在本词典中,最常用的单词前加有星号。

52、It occurs through multiple exposures to a word in different contexts. 学习者通过在不同的情境下,多次接触单词而附带习得该单词。

53、Write five new words in your Vocab-builder. 在你的词汇库里写上五个新单词。

54、Teachers can make suggestions about how to sound out a word or when to use a capital letter. Other skills to address include punctuation, prefixes, and suffixes. 老师同时也教授孩子们如何发音每个单词并指出如何使用字母的大写,还有包括断句、前缀后缀等写作技能。

55、Complete the following words we've learned in this unit and put them into Chinese. 根据本单元所学词汇,补全下列单词并注上中文。

56、Word building reinforces the pre-reading concept that letters (and their sounds) make words, and that words have real meaning…and power. 单词的认识能增强阅读的概念,字母和他们的发音形成了单词,单词都有其真实的意思和影响。

57、You can specify whether prime words, class words, and modifiers are optional, and the order in which these elements should occur. 可以指定基本单词、类单词和修饰词是否是可选的,以及这些元素出现的次序。

58、Like other languages the Miao language consists of single words and compound words. 根据词的不同内部结构,可把苗语的词汇分为单纯词和合成词两种。

59、What part of speech does this word belong to ? 这个单词属于什么词类?

60、To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. 要想修改起来更容易,多留一些页边空白,行与行之间也要留出空白,这样你就可以轻轻松松地增加单词、句子和更正的内容。

61、Major headings and terms in bold and italics: Words in major heading tags and words in bold and italics will also influence your ranking. 主要标题以及粗体和斜体的单词:主要标题标记中的单词以及粗体和斜体的单词也会影响排名。

62、Learn some words about places some prep. and adv. How to give directions. 学习地点的一些单词,介词和副词,如何指路。

63、How could I remember so many words in one day. 我的脑子一天之内怎么能记得住这么多的英语单词!

64、Today's eode isn't so much about a specific word or etymology. It's about the future of podictionary; 今天的话题没有多少是关于特定的一个单词或是词源的,它是关于单词爱好者的未来的;

65、To begin I’ll take a bite into the word bitter because the word bite is related. 首先,我还是对单词bitter来 咬 文嚼字一番(a bite),因为这个词与单词bite 是相关联的。

66、A great example of a neologism is "antecedentially", whichrelies on real words and has applicable meaning, but was coined for thepurposes of this wikihow article. 一个很好创造词语的例子是 ‘antecedentially’,它是依赖真实的单词和适当的意思,但是造词是wikihow(作者)的目的。

67、I've met children that you could class as having a poor education and they knew hundreds of words about skateboards that you won't find in a dictionary. 我遇到过可以被你归为受教育程度低的孩子,他们认识上百个关于滑板的单词,而那些单词根本不在字典里。

68、"They have a lexicon, just a giant word list, and they find the word most similar to what the recognizer produces," he says. 他们有一个词汇库,就是一个巨大的词汇单子,然后它们寻找与识别器提供的最接近的词。

69、Sputnik"is an example of a Russian word which has been transliterated into Roman script." 便是用罗马字母拼写俄文单词的一个例子。

70、Although he is a child, he speaks fluent English. 虽然他是个孩子,但能讲流利的英语。(名词单数前不用不定冠词a)

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