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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-09 04:23:55
  • 183




1、I strike bad people's heads off; and I hear that my axe rings! 我就是砍掉坏人脑袋的人呀。我已经感觉到我的斧子在颤动!

2、I'm surprised some of those cheap houses stay up at all. 那些质量差的房子仍然原封未动,我感到很惊奇。

3、During the awards ceremony, Beckham was moved to tears and gave a special thanks to his wife Victoria. 在颁奖典礼上,贝克汉感动落泪并特别感谢他的妻子维多莉亚。

4、He appeared quite moved and a bit shaken. 他看上去谠很受感动的样子,还有一点颤抖。

5、Moving day, moving to, you know my feelings. Lang affectionate, eyes deliberately, we enjoy preparing for the wedding. You weaving, my land, the next day as sweet as sugar! 感动天,感动地,你可知道我的情意。郎有情,妾有意,我俩一起拜天地。你织布,我耕地,今后的日子甜如蜜!

6、Swartz felt she was treated like a child and even a "zoo animal" at the firm. 斯沃茨女士感觉,在公司她就像孩子甚至“动物园里的动物”一样被对待。

7、Heartbroken non-mark, I touched days touched is touched not you. 心碎了无痕, 我感动天感动地就是感动不了你。

8、By the way, the music at this event was played by a man with a cittern, who not only performed with virtuosity, but also with a sense of humour. 顺便说一句,活动的音乐是被人用西特琴演奏的,不仅很艺术,而且感觉上有些幽默。

9、Cub Scouting provides advancement opportunities throughout the program to help each Scout feel that he has accomplished something when completing an activity. 童子军会组织一些活动来给每个孩子提供获得晋升的机会,每个孩子参加完一项活动之后,总能感觉到自己获得了进步。

10、Color code sensors were adopted to trace positions of seeds and automatically acquire the position data of each seed in a rapidly moving state. 色标传感器对位置进行实时跟踪,自动获得运动中每一粒的位置信息。

11、Among animals, the RVF virus is spread primarily by the bite of infected mosquitoes, mainly the Aedes species, which can acquire the virus from feeding on infected animals. 裂谷热在动物中的传播主要是通过感染蚊子尤其是白纹物种的叮咬所致,蚊子可通过以受感染动物为食而染上病毒。

12、As for himself, Iguchi had found Letters unexpectedly moving: "That was the war as we lived it." 对于他自己,井口想不到海报上有这样一句话令他感动不已:“这就是我们经历的战争。”

13、moved to tears 感动的热泪盈眶 All the people present were moved to tears. 在场的人都感动了流下了泪。

14、A coil of wire moving in magnetic field will have an e. m. f induced in it. 当线圈在磁场中运动时,其内部会感应起一个电动势。(译为时间状语从句)

15、Foamy viruses infect some mammals, including monkeys and apes. 泡沫病毒可以感染某些哺乳动物,包括猴子和猿类。

16、I hope you will join me in this magic carpet ride, and touch children and be honest. 我希望你也能踩上这块神奇魔毯, 触动感染孩子们,做个真诚的人。非常感谢。

17、Uncovering the basket, she was moved to find her favorite fish there. 她揭开篮子,发现里面是她最爱吃的鱼,很受感动。

18、Uhm also there was an animatronic lion…uhm, a moving one when we were riding Aslan at the end… 与此同时,它又是一头电子动物的狮子…嗯,一个令人感动的狮子当我们在最后理解默斯里时…

19、I will surely "never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat", to move myself, my teachers, my parents and God. 我一定胜不骄,败不馁,脚塌实地用自己的行动感动自己,感动老师,感动父母,感动上苍。

20、This type of give-and-take at home is likely to help your child partite and be interested at school. 这种家庭形式的互动活动可以帮助孩子参与学校的活动,并对这些活动感兴趣。

21、Just now all of us felt that the house shaked. 刚才我们大家都感到房子动了一下。

22、They waited, feeling the earth move under their chairs. 他们就这样等着,感觉着椅子下大地的转动。

23、Deeply moved by what she said, Yue Yangzi again left home to continue his studies. 乐羊子被妻子的话深深感动,于是立刻离开家,继续拜师求学。

24、Rooms are all suites, so you have room to stretch out, do some work, actually unpack and not feel crowded. 房间都是套房,因此你有空间活动活动身子骨,做些事情,实际上很感宽松,不感到拥挤。

25、You were moved by his e-mail music. 你被他的电子邮件音乐感动了。


26、Many thanks to the Dahe Website and to the organizer, sister Shiliuzi, who arranged this trip. 感谢大河网和石榴子姐姐组织这次活动。

27、A great rod when the bite is on and the fish are fresh. 杆子非常的敏感,可以感觉鱼咬钩的任何细微动作。

28、Ion induction installation: Automatic leak hunting, flame-out safe protection. 离子感应装置:自动检漏、熄火安全保护。

29、Strong promoter P129and weak promoter P3 are relatively superior than other five promoters, and this two were chosen to detect characteristics. 选择温度敏感性较好的强启动子P129和弱启动子P3分别进行了特征测定。

30、You touch me so deeply. 我好感动。真系好感动。

31、The electrically excited synchronous motor (ESM) has typically small synchronous inductance values and quite low transient values because of the damper windings mounted in the rotor. 电励磁同步电动机定子电感通常较小,转子阻尼绕组的存在使得电机暂态电感更小。

32、Nevertheless, I had to grieve that I’d never have the houseful of children I’d always wanted. 不过, 我不能实现满屋子的孩子的愿望, 仍会感动悲哀.

33、The development of MCT roots in the development of micro-electronics, power electronic, sensor, automatic control and microcomputer application technology. 运动控制技术的发展得力于微电子技术、电力电子技术、传感器技术、自动控制技术、微机应用技术的全面发展。

34、We can regard them as phrases or phrases which are developing into words according to different meaning in respect of syntactical unit nature. 感官动词“摸”所构成的动补结构“摸起来”、“摸上去”,二者在语义、句法、语用、单位性质等方面存在着异同。

35、These are the cute children make so soulful and feelingful musics. 这些就是制造出这么多感人动人音乐的可爱的孩子们。

36、Lok Yang Zilin was touched by his wife, then immediately leaves the house and continues to apprentice school. 乐羊子被妻子的话所感动,于是立刻离开家,继续拜师求学。

37、Sensors in the seat detect pressure and the angle of the body, while accelerometers measure and track the movement of the user's legs. 动态椅子内的传感器会感知压力以及使用者身体的角度,加速度计也会测量跟踪使用者双腿的运动。

38、If only I could have a garden teeming with flowers in full blossom. 如果可以,我愿有个百花盛开的园子,每天去感受花开的美丽和感动。

39、I do appreciate your help. ; 极度感谢感动您的匡助。

40、It's fascinating to find a person's name and date of purchase when you get a second-hand book. 当你得到一本二手书,发现买书人的名字和买书时的日子时,必然会感到欣喜感动。

41、The blower is silent and runs the air through a filter that supposedly removes all bugs, moisture and allergens. 鼓风机是无声的,并通过过滤器使空气流动来赶走虫子、蚊子和敏感物体。

42、The signal coming from single channel only reflects the vibration of the rotor in the sensor orientation, so it can't accurately offer integral information. 转子的振动形式是个空间的概念,单通道信号只是转子在传感器方向上振动的反映,所能提供的转子振动信息并不十分准确、完整。

43、I felt Quentin's cold body stir in my arms. 我感到昆廷冰冷的身子在我的怀里挪动。

44、With Japanese verbs coming at the end I sometimes feel that translating Japanese into English is like giving away the punch line. 日语的动词放在句尾,把日语翻译成英语有时候有提前揭秘的感觉。

45、To act on the emotions of; touch or move. 打动作用于…的感情;打动或感动。

46、The Woman felt self-blame at the moment, and so moved to tears, tightly held the child in her arms. 此刻女子自责、感动得热泪盈眶,将那小孩子紧紧地抱在怀里。

47、The cartoon thrilled the children. 这部卡通令孩子们感动。

48、The sensorless of induction motor field-oriented control employing stator voltages and currents has difficulty in estimating rotor flux in the low-speed range. 在低速范围内,对无传感器感应电动机进行矢量控制时用定子电压和电流推算转子磁通是比较困难的。

49、Put down the "Three Kingdoms", you can not help feeling there are stock: a girl is such a sensitive animal. 放下手中的《 三国演义》,心里不禁有股感慨:女孩子就是这样一种敏感的动物。

50、These four factors are positive affect, conservative, emotional consuming and deposit. 这四个因子是:正面情感、保守和冲动消费,以及存款。


51、Yang Zilin musicians listened to his wife's words, very moved, put another piece of gold into their original places. 乐羊子听了妻子的话,很受感动,就把那块金子又扔到原来的地方。

52、The motive of the emotional movie is to move the removed men. 那部情感电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。

53、She wrote on the birthday card, "Kid is such a cabalistic gift from God. Everyday I learnt, was moved and grateful." 在生日卡片上写。孩子是上帝所赐的如此神妙的礼物。每天我都学习、感动、感谢。

54、Is this really the example you want to set for us impressionable kids? 难道你真的是想送礼物给容易受感动的孩子吗?

55、March 1999, I first know KS. We (10 of us) were all first time doing hiking and we chosen the though one, G. Tahan. 在大汉山,我第一次被云海感动。也是第一次认识广顺。这张照片并不怎样,但当时却感动了好一阵子。

56、When Reed was born, he began gushing and never stopped. 儿子里德出生时,他涌现出易动的感情,开始滔滔不绝,从未停止。

57、The motive of the affecting cine is to move the abolishd men. 那部感情电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。

58、His son seemed to be taking his father's oddness very pleasantly. 他的儿子似乎对他父亲奇怪的举动感到愉快。

59、His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike. 他的竖琴使人与动物皆受感动。阿波罗象征着青春和男子汉的美。

60、As your birthday month gets under way, you’ll feel a great sense of relief. 随着蝎子们诞辰月的启动,你会感到一种解脱。

61、Protected three-phase induction motors with short-circuited rotors. 三相感应电动机。防护型。短路转子。

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