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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 05:17:50
  • 112


关于”时尚的句子“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Fashionable sentences。以下是关于时尚的句子的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Fashionable sentences

1、"Miss Zhou is very stylish today. "one of the men said. It was also fashionable to call girls as "Miss". “密斯周今天好时髦!”男子中的一个说。称未嫁的女子为“密斯”也是时髦。

2、The picture is further complicated by the adjective "trendy", which can mean either very fashionable, or faddish . 我们来看看“时尚前沿”这个形容词,那就史复杂了,它可以指非常时尚的,也可以指狂热时髦的。

3、Touching the fashionable skirt, my wife showed a deepest affection to it. 摩挲着那套时尚的裙子,妻子爱不释手。

4、Timeless classic black, a very stylish, slim profile style, arc small, easy-to-wear; 经典隽永的黑色,非常时髦一款,轮廓纤细时尚, 弧度不大,易于佩戴;

5、A gallant feathered hat; cut a gallant figure at the coronation. 华丽时髦的带有羽毛的帽子;加冕礼给人一种时髦的印象。

6、Nowadays, men, especially those who are fashion-conscious, are lucky because there are many available designs for neckties. 现在的男性,尤其是赶时髦的男性,会有很多时尚的领带。

7、Additional, set on s on the spherule of posse giness also is very modern dress up oh. 另外,在鞋子上镶上一团毛茸茸的小球也是很时髦的妆扮哟…

8、Fifi Lapin is an extremely stylish rabbit. 菲菲拉平兔子是一个非常时髦。

9、The trendiest kind of books among children is Harry Porter. 目前孩子们中最时髦的读物是《哈利·波特》。

10、love makes man grow up or sink down. 希望帮到你

11、This popular car is now being turned out at the rate of a thousand a week. 请问这句话怎么理解。谢谢…这辆时尚的车每周以千分之一的速度折旧。

12、"Miss Zhou looks fashionable today. " One of the men said. Well, it's fashion enough to call an unmarried woman "miss". “密斯周今天好时髦!”男子中的一个说。称未嫁的女子为“密斯”也是时髦。

13、Smart suits have been pulled up alongside a working men's boots. 时髦的套装和某个工人的靴子一起被拉了上来。

14、Sleek and fashion-forward clutch made of metal mesh with rich leather trim. 时髦和时尚前卫的手抓包,皮革具有丰富的金属网装饰。

15、The doors were newer and looked more modern compared with the unpainted wooden doors of the older ones. 新房大门和旧房子没有油漆的木门比起来更新更时髦。

16、This elegant silhouette, featuring wrinkle-resistant fabric, is equal parts classy and comfy. 这款高雅的连衣裙,特征是免烫的纤维,等同于一款时髦舒服的裙子。

17、It might be a subjective concept -- one man's cool Hawaiian party shirt is another's discarded Christmas gift -- but certain brands do seem to stay in fashion forever. 这可能是一个主观概念——某人时髦的夏威夷花衬衫可能在其他人眼里不值一提——但是这些牌子却一直走在时尚的前沿。

18、His wife is not pregnant, as is often thought, but holding up her full- skirted dress in the contemporary fashion. 虽然很多人会误解,但画中的妻子并未怀孕,只是穿著那个时代时髦的大摆裙。

19、I'm wearing an ASOS dress with an ASOS bag and Miss Selfridge boots. 我背了一个环保时尚袋,穿着吴塞尔弗里奇靴子还有环保时尚的衣服。

20、When my grandfather Denton built it, it was the acme of fashion. 我的祖父Denton造这所房子时,这里可以算作是时尚的尖端。

21、As we crossed Blackwell's Island a limousine passed us, driven by a white chauffeur, in which sat three modish es, two bucks and a girl. 我们的车子从桥上过布莱克威尔岛的时候。一辆大型轿车超越了我们的车子,司机是个白人,车子里坐着三个时髦的黑人,两男一女。

22、Spiders are trendier pets than cats among boys. 在男孩子中间蜘蛛是比猫更时髦的宠物。

23、His wife is not pregnant, as is often thought, but holding up her full-skirted dress in the contemporary fashion. 虽然很多人会误解,但画中的妻子并未怀孕,只是穿着那个时代时髦的大摆裙。

24、Some of the stylish policemen have become targets themselves —of cat-calls and lewd propositions. 部份打扮时髦的员警也自身不保,成了登徒子吹口哨和搭讪的目标。

25、Finn: The latest funky fashion designs… Chen Li: 最时髦的流行时尚设计。


26、"Missu Zhou is very stylish today, " one of the men said. It was also stylish to address girls as "Miss". “密斯周今天好时髦!”男子中的一个说。称未嫁的女子为“密斯”也是时髦。

27、I'm sorry. Let me put you on hold for a minute while I go ask somebody. 欠好意思。请你不要挂机,等一下子,我去雅瑞时髦坊。

28、i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you. 爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。

29、Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body . 时髦细高跟鞋、时尚紧身牛仔裤和可爱手提包等如今的时尚服饰看起来很时髦,但对你的身体可不一定有好处。

30、Even their fun and quirky eyewear craze has caught on in Singapore. So nail these trends with Phyllis Quek in Fashion Asia. 这一集的《亚洲时尚风》郭妃丽带你到首尔发掘星味十足的时尚潮流,包括新奇好玩的时髦眼镜和流行饰物,一起向韩国偶像们偷师。

31、Dressy pants and a blouse, sleekjerseyknits and skirts and tops are all examples of corporate casual. 衣着裤子和衬衣,时髦针织衫,裙子,上衣都是指企业燕服。

32、Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos,skin-tighthipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body . (Health 24) 时髦细高跟鞋、时尚紧身牛仔裤和可爱手提包等如今的时尚服饰看起来很时髦,但对你的身体可不一定有好处。

33、If you were a groovy chick, or are now a groovy hen, let's get together and listen to my boss collection of eight-track tapes. 如果你认为你仍是一个时髦的女子,或者现在已为一位时髦的妇女,那么,让我们一起来欣赏我长期保存的磁带收藏吧!

34、At that time, I once exclusion lattice, that grid is nothing trendy, rustic of. 那时候,我一度排斥格子,觉得格子一点也不时髦,土里土气的。

35、How to look cool and feel comfy? Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body . 时髦细 高跟鞋、时尚紧身 牛仔裤和可爱 手提包等如今的 时尚服饰看起来很时髦,但对你的身体可不一定有好处。

36、The lady is trying on a fashionable hat. 那位女士正在试戴一顶时髦的帽子。

37、Or you have some that will just filibuster you for 30 minutes with stuff you just don’t understand — this buzzword, that buzzword. 或者你会碰到一些人对着你吹嘘30分钟,说一些你不明白的东西——这里来一个行话,那里来一句时髦话的。

38、A stocky figure , fashionably dressed in light grey, turned and said easily. 一个穿着淡灰色时髦衣服的矮胖子转过身子, 若无其事地说。

39、Fashion people do. 时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。

40、BMW Z4: spy photos of the folding hard top … 宝马 Z4:折叠硬顶谍照…时髦的汽车与时髦迷彩。

41、Twelve million fashion-conscious women drivers of Britain are risking their lives by wearing sungl which limit their view of the road. 宽边和深色也许是当下最流行的元素,但赶时髦的女性在时应将安全置于时尚至上。

42、Bling: These two youngsters are all dressed up to the nines in their furs and finery. 珠光宝气:这两个孩子身穿华丽的皮衣服饰,显得非常时髦。

43、It's for kids, hipsters, fashionistas, socialites, no specific, our target aims across the spectrum. 有孩子,赶时髦的人,社会人士,没有特定,目标人群范围很广。

44、An ion-plated stainless steel case and bezel match the band to give it a fashionable look. 离子镀不锈钢表壳与表圈比赛的乐队给它一个时髦的外观。

45、For others, it's the bag. But for more and more fashion followers, nails are the hottest place to show off the latest fashion trends. 而对于另一些人,时尚则是包,但是对于越来越多时尚的女孩子们,指甲则是最热门的表现时尚潮流趋向的地方。

46、My wife came down to dinner dressed up to the nines, while I was still sitting around in my gardening clothes. 我妻子下楼来用晚餐时, 穿着时髦华丽的衣服,而我却仍穿着花园内干活时的工作服。

47、Fashion extends even to the family pet, which wears a fashionable collar or sweater and eats from an appropriately decorated bowl. 时尚甚至会波及家中的宠物,它们会戴一个时髦的领圈或穿一件时髦的马甲,从一个装饰得体的喂食碗里舔食。

48、She is dressed stylishly in a short-sleeved, on front jacket with a matching skirt. 她穿一件时髦的前排纽扣的短袖外套,配一条相宜的裙子。

49、Handsomeness nowadays has been a fashion, and "enjoying a handsome life" has been a slogan. 如今,潇洒成了一种时髦,活得潇洒成了一句口号。

50、Unique cup and saucer set with stylish and eye-catching design. 设计时髦、引人注目的独特的杯子和托盘组合。


51、Not lose my hope and lattice clothing store to be fashionable pedestrian street than thirty years. 不失我所望,格子店的衣服比步行街的要时髦三十年。

52、Fashion-savvy students love these boots, which sit above the ankle and below the knee. 这款靴子是时髦学生们的大爱,靴筒介于膝盖与脚踝之间。

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