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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 15:45:43
  • 171


关于”表达建议的句型“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Sentence patterns expressing suggestions。以下是关于表达建议的句型的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns expressing suggestions

1、Small Yoda may be, but full of helpful advice is he. 尤达或许矮小,但他却充满了有益的建议。

2、By constructing the BOM structure model, mathematic expression and arithmetic of the four types of Items in the multi-view mapping course is deducted. 通过建立BOM结构数学模型,推导了四种类型物料项映射规则的数学表达式和相应的算法。

3、Objective To construct the expression vectors of human cytochrome P450(CYP)4F2 wild type, V81G and V433M Variants and express and purify CYP4F2 protein in E. 目的构建人细胞色素P450 4F2基因野生型、V81G和V433M突变型表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达并纯化出CYP4F2蛋白。

4、According to proposals drawn up by US-trained architect Mukesh Mehta, the redeveloped Dharavi will have gardens, clinics, schools, shops and space for residents to run small businesses. 根据留美建筑师穆克什梅塔的建议,重建后的达拉维将拥有花园,诊所,学校,商店和居民区以及小型企业。

5、They just wanta give him the proposition, they said they'd turn him loose . 他们只是要他转达建议; 他们会释放他的。

6、Faldan was glad to find someone else to ask advice . 福达很高兴又找到了一个寻求建议的人。

7、Good understanding of architectural theory, and good understanding of contemporary building and construction techniques; 良好的建筑理论素养,和良好的建筑表现及表达能力;

8、Objective To construct recombinant retrovirus vector of chimeric transmembrane form of CD55 gene. 目的构建嵌合跨膜型CD5 5基因的重组逆病毒表达质粒。

9、"You should ask Humpty Dumpty, "suggested the three little pigs."He “你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。

10、As I mentioned earlier, every query expression is generically typed to denote the type of the value the expression evaluates to. 如前所述,每个查询表达式都是泛型的,以表示表达式计算的值的类型。

11、Suggested three: try to open-backed pants to wear out random walk. 建议三:尝试穿开裆裤出门随意溜达。

12、HaoQin Suggestions for rich with an investment, but think of the rich is the trap delight, will HaoQin suggestion atavism, secretly sent to the police informers. 浩勤建议达富进行一项投资,但是达富却认为是欢喜所设的圈套,便将浩勤的建议倒行逆施,更暗中派人向警方告密。

13、You can also do it like what Darren Rowse at problogger suggests - write a link post by sharing your ideas and opinions about what other bloggers have posted. 你也可以像达伦.罗斯所建议的那样:就别人在博客上发表的文章来表达你的想法和意见。

14、Use the metaphone-matching and regular-expression generator to create a suggestion link based on 404 hits to your Web site. 使用变音位匹配和正则表达式生成器创建基于 404 采样数的 Web 站点建议链接。

15、ObjectiveTo establish a cell model expressing human mutant CD59 molecular, and study its biological activities. 目的建立表达人突变CD59的细胞模型,初步研究其活性。

16、To talk about cooking and cheng, suggest to spend the weekend in a resort together. 达子和成斌讨论做饭的事,达子建议一起去度假村过周末。

17、Approximate expressions of cross-section mean velocity by exponential function and power function were established. 建立了指数函数型和幂函数型断面平均流速近似表达式;

18、Objective To construct an expression vector for highly efficient expression of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) confined in the mammary gland of cow to develop a cow mammary gland bioreactor. 目的构建组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)乳腺定位表达载体,使其在牛乳汁中高效表达,从而建立牛乳腺生物反应器。

19、In the show Bart and Lisa use “Meh” to express indifference when their father Homer suggests a day trip . 在《辛普森一家》中当父亲homer建议去出去玩一天时,Bart和Lisa用“meh”来表达自己的漠不关心。

20、The relationship between the concerned parameters were studied and the logical relation model about these parameters was given. 为表达这些规律,建立了微孔渗流参数关系的逻辑模型。

21、The concluding paragraph ends with the expected outcome or suggested action to be taken. 尾段表达其所希望的结论或建议所应采取之行动。

22、The recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid was correctly constructed and can expressed in SP2/0 cell. 正确构建的复合表位真核表达质粒可在SP2/0细胞中表达;

23、If you're in the running for multiple jobs at once, make sure to address thank-yous to the right people, career experts advise. 职业专家的建议是,如果你同时面试几个职位,记得要对恰当的人表达感谢。

24、The simplicity and ease of expression of XUL makes it a great technology for GUI prototyping. XUL 的表达式简单易用,这使得它成为建立 GUI 原型的优秀技术。

25、It also provides a natural lead-in for your observations and suggestions for improvement. 同时利用这一机会,你还可自然地表达你的想法和改进的建议。


26、To create a precise and complete model, we need both UML diagrams and OCL expressions. 为了创建一个精确且完整的模型,我们需要 UML 图表及 OCL 表达式。

27、Objective To construct the eukaryotic expression plasmids of HBV middle envelope protein and HBV E antigen. 目的构建乙型肝炎病毒( HBV)中片段表面抗原真核表达质粒和E抗原真核表达质粒。

28、The resultant type of any expression. 所有表达式的结果类型

29、Construction of HBV targeted ribonuclease and its expression in 2.2.15 cell line. HBV靶向核糖核酸酶真核表达载体的构建及其在2.2.15细胞内的表达。

30、AIM: To construct the recombinant plasmids expressing full-length HCV core protein gene and 3 different deletion mutated hepatitis core protein genes and to express them in E. coli. 目的:构建丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)全长及3种不同缺失突变的核心蛋白基因的原核表达载体,并在大肠杆菌中表达。

31、Type: Gets the static type of the expression. In this case, the expression is of type Func. Type:得到表达式的静态类型,在本例中,表达式的类型是Func

32、I recommend also explicitly expressing such rules from concept bases, but you get a sense from this example how expressive it can be to just attach concepts to schemata. 我还建议在概念库中明确地表达这类规则,但是从这个示例可以看到光是从概念附加到 scchemata 就非常具有表达性。

33、Therefore, deformation resistance of 304 stainless steel was obtained according to the mold built. 因此,根据建立的计算模型得到了304不锈钢板带的变形抗力数学表达式。

34、Yan Shu's heart was also like the Tang Dynasty, but she is too shy to express, she nodded acquiescence in the Tang Dynasty 's suggestion. 颜姝的心里同样喜欢着唐朝,可是她羞于表达,她点头默许了唐朝的建议。

35、The experiments show that using this method, the weight math module's relative coefficient is 0.95, the color math module's relative coefficient gets to 0.92. 试验结果表明,通过该算法,得到的蛋重模型相关性达到0.95,建立的颜色模型相关性达到0.92。

36、At these conferences, they decide on a recommended or uniform insurance regulation policy and it acts a little bit like a Congress. 在会议上,他们就统一监管政策或者建议达成决议,它的运作有点像国会

37、In the third chapter, first of all, a single-gene expression model with two delays is given. 在第三章中,首先构建了双时滞的单基因表达模型。

38、To clone mouse interleukin 4 (mIL-4) truncated gene, construct its eukaryotic expression plasmid pFB-mIL4 and express the truncated protein (murine IL-4 receptor antagonist). 构建小鼠IL-4截短型基因真核表达质粒,表达小鼠IL-4受体拮抗体蛋白。

39、Concatenating two regular expressions creates a longer expression. 连接两个正则表达式创建一个更长的正则表达式。

40、When truly conflicted, Danu turned to the Jedi for advice. 思想斗争激烈的达纽寻求绝地的建议。

41、If you use these expressions, make sure they cannot be misinterpreted as a technical design suggestion. 如果你使用这些表达,确定他们在作为技术设计建议时不会被误解。

42、Did you have a trainee make a phony offer to Lecter in the senator's name? 你可有个见习生,冒参议员之名 向莱达提出一个虚假的建议?

43、The regular expression built requires a word boundary at the end of the built expression to ensure this behavior. 构建的正则表达式要求在构建的表达式末尾有一个词界以确保此行为。

44、Some in the Senate also quietly whispered their misgiving. 议会中的某些人也悄悄地表达了他们的疑虑。

45、She advises writers to try using caveats with dramatic metaphors, or simply use alternative metaphors. 她建议作者们应该试着用一些戏剧性的修辞,或是简单地使用其它修辞手法来表达。

46、Instead, the study recommends 60 minutes a day, every day. 同时,研究建议每天都要做长达一小时的运动。

47、Moreover, the port-based component constraint model is presented, and the object-oriented representation for configuration model is given. 给出了产品配置建模的一般过程,并应用面向对象的方法表达配置模型。

48、Shrager had previously negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of Canadian hemophiliacs and then established a panel of claimants, led by Wadleigh, to advise him and other lawyers. 斯拉格以前代表加拿大血友病患者的利益,达成了一个令人赞同的解决协议;之后又建立了一个索赔小组,由沃德利领导来给他和其他律师建议。

49、'We have not yet got agreement with Apple, ' Wang said. 王建宙说,我们尚未与苹果达成协议。

50、Objective: To construct enhanced cyan fluorescence protein(ECFP) lentiviral vector using the gene multipoint mutation. 目的:通过多点突变构建增强型青色荧光蛋白(ECFP)慢病毒表达载体。


51、To make the model even more understandable, you should create as many diagrams as required to express different business views. 想要让模型更加好的理解,你应该按照需要建立很多图表来表达不同的业务视图。

52、Two members of the European Parliament belonging to the official parliamentary delegation, the delegation arrived in Mumbai to partite in the EU - India Summit. 两位欧洲议会议员属于议会正式代表团成员,该代表团抵达孟买参加欧盟-印度峰会。

53、But he also said one of the activities suggested for students "wasn't worded quite correctly". 但是他也说其中有一项向学生提建议的活动“没有用语言表达清楚”。

54、The Taylor Trading Technique was Linda B. Raschke's recommendation. 泰勒贸易技术是琳达乙拉舍克的建议。

55、The points, lines, planes are form languages to express the external spaces. In the whole space shape is embodied these elements. 点、线、面表达建筑外部空间造型的形式语言,空间的整体造型是这些形式的凝结与汇聚。

56、Objective:To construct and express anti CD3/anti CD20 Diabody and identify its biological activity. 目的:构建和表达抗CD3/抗CD2 0微型双功能抗体,并测定该微型双功能抗体的生物学活性。

57、RESULTS: An intact diagnostic model from all 253 discrepant protein peaks, and a terse model from the top-scored 4 peaks were built. 结果:以全部253个差异表达蛋白质峰的数据构建完整诊断模型,以差异最大的4个峰的数据构建简化诊断模型。

58、WSDM compliments the model by defining how to express that model in XML schema and access the model using Web services. WSDM 通过定义如何在 XML 模式中表达该模型以及如何使用服务来访问该模型来表达对这种模型的赞赏。

59、Gaudi expressed his ideology with building. 高迪以建筑来表达思想。

60、Objective:To construct an eukaryotic expression vector containing the open reading frame (ORF) of long type of LRP16 gene and to detect its expression in HL60 cells. 目的:构建长型LRP16基因开放阅读框架序列的真核表达载体,并观察其在髓系白血病细胞系HL6 0细胞中的表达情况。

61、This book was recommended by market wizard Linda B. Raschke. 这本书是由市场向导建议琳达乙拉舍克。

62、Protocols — and a related feature, datatypes — provide a solution to what is known as the Expression Problem. 协议 — 及相关功能数据类型 — 对所知道的表达式问题提供了解决方案。

63、The vectorization expression of OPF is established by arranging the control variables and state variables according to the variable type. 通过将同类型的优化变量集中排列,建立最优潮流模型的矢量化表达形式。

64、Delivering the Republican response, SenateSenator George LeMieux of Florida recognized the need for reformwithbut urged caution. 佛罗里达州参议院乔治·雷米厄在传达共和党对此给予肯定的同时,建议保持谨慎。

65、"You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He “你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。

66、Interject thoughts and comments about the business that you discovered from your research when opportunities arise. Ask questions of the interviewer when appropriate. 有机会时,根据自己对公司的研究,要适时地表达自己对公司的想法和建议,适时地提问。

67、The shape of the external spaces are expressed through the form languages such as points, lines, planes. 建筑外部空间造型的表达是通过点、线、面等一系列形式语言,外部空间的整体造型是这些形式的凝结与汇聚。

68、Objective To construct an eukaryotic expression vector of compound multi-epitope gene of HCV and express the gene in COS7 cells. 目的建立丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)复合多表位基因的真核表达载体,并在COS7细胞中瞬时表达。

69、直译的话也可以 我建议用另一种表达方式 希望成为一个大学生 I REALLY HOPE TO BE A COLLEGE STUDENT

70、METHODS: The vector that expressed the fusion protein of HMGB1 and enhanced green fluorescent protein(EGFP) was constructed. 方法: 构建HMGB1-增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)融合蛋白的真核表达载体。

71、Rich see money first, so accept HaoQin investment advice. 达富见钱开眼,因而接受浩勤的投资建议。

72、Constitutive expression of wild-type NTRC in mutant transgenic lines rescued this phenotype. 在突变体中过量表达野生型的NTRC可以恢复突变体表型。

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