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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-20 04:06:09
  • 131


关于”常用的句子“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Common sentences。以下是关于常用的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentences

1、In the second chapter, we will introduce the basic apparatuses and measure method with the interference of two-photon. 第二章是双光子干涉实验中常用到的基本器件与常用测量手段。

2、One sentence in this parable is often quoted and re-quoted. It is the phrase: 'Well done good and faithful servant'. 这个比喻中有一句话经常被人引用,那就是:「好,你这又良善又忠心的仆人。」

3、Among them, the most commonly used ones include the strategies such as dictionary consultancy, rote-memory, note-taking, and sample sentence; 在词汇习得策略中,最常用的策略包括查字典、死记硬背、记笔记和看例句;

4、The Chinese used the chopsticks to dine is spreads down from ancient times, the ancient times said that it was " the chopsticks", middle the daily life has to chopsticks' utilization is fastidious. 中国人使用筷子用餐是从远古流传下来的,古时又称其为“箸”,日常生活当中对筷子的运用是非常有讲究的。

5、There may be a special fork for the fish or it may be similar to the meat fork . often it is smaller. 桌上可能有吃鱼用的一把专用叉子,它也可能与吃肉用的叉子相似,通常要小一点。

6、Useful case will allow you to safely open bottles with your iPhone. 非常实用的手机套,可以用iPhone来开瓶子了哦,而且很安全!

7、According to legend, because many Hmong tered in the remote mountains, and all daily necessities have to be to the more distant areas of the HanGanchang exchange, are often fooled. 相传,因苗族多散居在偏僻地崇山峻岭之中,一切日常用品都必须到比较远地汉区赶场交换,常常受骗上当句号。

8、Methods for suppressing secondary electrons in neutron tubes are discussed. 二次电子是扫描电子显微镜中最为基础和常用的信号。

9、We used to create signages as big as 10-12 ft high, all using brushes and paints, " remembers Om Prakash." 我们过去常常用刷子和涂料来制作10-12英尺高的标识。

10、Unusual ss covered with chains designed by Iris van Herpen. Iris van Herpen所设计的用链条覆盖的不寻常的鞋子。

11、It means "Go away. " But it's a very rude way of saying so. 就是“走开”的意思。不过,那是一种非常不礼貌的说法。今日作业:用今天所学的词组造句标明。

12、Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage. 妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。

13、POTTING - A good potting tray and trowel are most helpful. 移植工具——好的托盘和铲子非常有用。

14、One built a tree house with the steps leading to it close together. 有个孩子在树上搭建了一座小房子,而上树用的踏板的间距非常近。

15、But the passive voice is often used in more formal sentences, like this one, where the actor—here, the invisible writer of this sentence, who is the one using the passive voice—is hidden from view. 但是被动语态却更常在正式场合中使用,像这句,演员在哪里-这里,这句话的隐形作者,也就是使用被动语态的这个人-从当前默默隐去了。

16、As one of the fluorescent molecules with high quantum yield, rhodamine was often chosen as the mother molecule in the synthesis of metal ion fluorescence chemosensor. 作为一种高量子产率的荧光分子, 罗丹明常常被选作荧光母体用于金属离子荧光探针的设计合成。

17、It also contains some suggestions for common data subsets that you might want to use (for instance, for a domestic carbon calculator). 它还包含关于您可能要使用的常用数据子集(如针对一个家用碳计算器的数据子集)的一些建议。

18、Past carbon nanotube transistors were typically constructed atop silicon composites common in the electronics industry. 奈米碳管电晶体以往通常在电子工业常用的矽复合材料上面制作。

19、In general, beaded necklaces have been most commonly used to ward off the evil eye. 一般来说,用珠子穿连的项链最常用来避开恶毒眼光。

20、He was so angry that he thumped the table with his fist. 他非常生气,用拳头重捶桌子。

21、The two most common are the pull-through with backing device (TEMAS) and pull-through (TEMAT) designs. 那二最通常的由于支持装置(TEMAS) 和擦枪筒用的带绳刷子(TEMAT) 设计是擦枪筒用的带绳刷子。

22、Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition。该句使用了完全倒装。正常语序是The picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition is emerging from the 1980 census。

23、The ss were often used in conjunction with the standing pillory (a device that holds your head and wrists in place while you stand). 这种鞋子常常是联合直立用颈手枷(站立时枷住头部和手腕的一种装置)使用的。

24、And let's say our second electron now is really far away, such that it's actually not going to shield any of the nuclear charge at all from that first electron. 距离原子核非常非常近,我们说第二个电子处于非常远的位置,这样它不会对第一个电子,感受到的来自原子核的电荷量有任何屏蔽作用,我们最后要说的是。

25、Those giving alternative translations begin with "Or" and generally introduce the alternative with the last word preceding it in the text, except when it is a single-word alternative; 若是为了表示不同的翻译,通常以“或作”起头,用来介绍文中在标示符号之后的那个字或句子的不同译法,除非另一种译法是一个单个的词;


26、THE quantum world defies the rules of ordinary logic. 量子的世界无法用通常的逻辑规则来解释。

27、They often use bricks to build houses. 他们常使用砖块砌房子。

28、It does this using reasonably good examples and rather incoherent explanations. 使用的例子非常精彩,但对例子的阐释却显得语无伦次。

29、Pauline's maimed hand often has trouble threading a bolt to keep his monsters together. 为了防止他的怪兽们散架子,波林经常要用他那只残疾的手费力地拧紧螺钉,这常常让他感到不便。

30、Verses are quoted, they're alluded to, whether to be championed and valorized or whether to be lamed and pilloried. 人们经常在引用圣经中的诗句,不管是在维护赞扬它,还是为了对它讽刺嘲笑一番。

31、Chinese dumpling filled with spiced minced pork usually served in soup. 加调过味的碎猪肉的中国包子;常在汤中食用。

32、To a certain point, stiffer racquets are generally less comfortable than more flexible racquets. 可以确定的是,通常硬拍子没有柔韧的拍子用起来那么舒服。

33、He used to his son to school. 他过去常用自行车带他儿子上学。

34、Her moustaches and eyebrows were extraordinarily becoming to her. 她那用软木炭画的胡子和眉毛对她非常相称。

35、We want to measure the interactions of smell receptors with odorant that are very low molecular weight ligands. 我们想测量嗅觉感受器与香味剂分子间的相互作用,而香味剂分子通常都是非常低分子量的配体。

36、The word effeminate the way it is ordinarily used refers to this one sub-class of men. Right? 娘娘腔这个词常常被用于,指这一类男子,是吗?

37、For example, we often see ane-Mall at Home with large advertising launched as "Valentine's day discount digital cameras." 兴个例子,我们常常看到某个电子商城在首页用大幅的广告推出如“情人节数码相机大优惠”。

38、Using the paws, he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth. 用爪子,他慢慢的咀嚼竹子非常他口中所出的声音。

39、I would never let my son use those horrible kids toothpastes that you buy in the stores that are full of bad chemicals, so I tried this. 非常棒的商品。我的孩子非常喜爱这个口胃,不用在花时间在孩子刷牙的事变上了。

40、Especially suitable for changing environment often need ss. 特别适用于需要经常脱换鞋子的环境。

41、The subtemplate takes normal template variables, so you can assign them as normal. To specify a subtemplate, you merely call on it as you would a normal template file. 子模板处理常规的模板变量,所以你可以常规的分配他,指定一个子模板,你只需要像调用常规模板一样调用就可以了。

42、Nick enters a common electronics store. Nick走进一个寻常的电子用品商店。

43、Students use emails in the computer room very often. 学生们时常在电脑室使用电子邮件。

44、Pigs often root about in the mud for their food. 猪经常用鼻子在泥里拱寻食物。

45、Generally, we can call it cation - interaction. 通常可以把它称为阳离子-相互作用。

46、In ss, passion often trumps the practical. 对于鞋子,热情通常超越其实用性。

47、Mozart reserved the Key of D major for happy compositions usually calling for a degree of virtuosity… 这句话没错呀,意思是莫扎特写那些通常具有一定程度炫技性的作品时才用D大调。

48、Verses are quoted, they're alluded to, whether to be championed and valorized or whether to be lamed and pilloried. 人们经常在引用圣经中的诗句,不管是在维护赞扬它,还是为了对它讽刺嘲笑一番。

49、Granular inoculant is made specifically for this purpose and is commonly used to inoculate treated groundnut seed. 颗粒接种剂通常就是为此而特制的,常用在处理过的花生上。

50、This is why you never wear brown ss with black trousers, but you can usually wear black ss with brown trousers. 这也是为什么你不能用棕色鞋子配黑色裤子,而你可以常常穿黑色鞋来配棕色裤子。


51、The oscillation frequencies can be represented by the following formulas. 当使用振荡子时,通常会采用考毕兹电路。

52、She often shook a string of beads in a stereotyped way. 她经常用同样的动作来晃动一串珠子。

53、It will be interesting to see what this diverse community make of Closures and how the common idioms evolve. 看到这个多样的社区中闭包的诞生和常用语句的演化其实是一件很有趣的事。

54、Particle formation inside softgel is normal and dissolves after ingestion. 粒子形成的软胶囊内是正常的,溶解后服用。

55、Old granny was used to cook it in the rice cooker. 老祖母惯常用电锅蒸茄子。

56、TV dinners are cooked and often served on throw-away trays. 电视上的烹饪节目也经常使用一次性的碟子。

57、And you actually see this in children. 孩子们经常使用这种防御机制。

58、This bed is often used in the South, the bedstead can fly around the mosquito net to avoid mosquito. 这种床常常用在南方,四周的床架可以悬挂帐子用以避蚊。

59、When measuring the time for a remote call, for example with trace statements, it is important to know where each part starts and ends, so that the trace statements can be appropriately placed. 当估算远程调用的时间时,例如,用跟踪语句,了解每一部分从哪里开始以及到哪里结束非常重要,因为这样才可以在适当的位置设置跟踪语句。

60、The solid state disk is called the electronic disk. 固态盘又称电子盘有着非常广泛的应用前景。

61、A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar. 手持工具,常为干活儿的人用的,如子、钻或扳子。

62、Such was their childishness, or rather his, that he found it interesting to use the same bread-and-er plate as herself, and to brush crumbs from her lips with his own. 他们都非常孩子气,或者说他非常孩子气,觉得和她共用一个黄油面包盘子,用自己的嘴唇擦掉苔丝嘴唇上的面包屑,真是其乐无穷。

63、Produced when the main instrument used has scissors, pliers, drills , brushes and general sculpture commonly used instrument. 制作时所用的工具主要有剪刀、钳子、钻子、毛笔和一般雕塑常用的工具。

64、Our company's base is in New York , but we have extended many branches all around the world. 我们公司的总部设在纽约,但是分公司遍及全世界。而basis则用来表示抽象意义上的“基础”,常用于比喻句。

65、This table is made of very good wood. 这个桌子是用非常好的木料做的.

66、The housewives always make spice bags for their children. Children carry them with five-colour lines. These ones will bring them good luck. 女主人常常给自己的孩子制作荷包,用五彩丝线挂在孩子身上,据说可以给孩子带来好运。

67、With a very old-fashioned words, if you are a fire, I was only reckless foolish moths. 用一句非常老土的话来说,如果你是火,那我就是那只不计后果的愚蠢的飞蛾。

68、One often-cited example is user authentication - taking a username and password combo and authenticating it against some back-end store. 一个常常被引用的例子就是用户验证——将用户名和密码对提交给后端系统验证。

69、As a programmer, subqueries are something that you can be tempted to use and abuse. Subqueries, as show below, can be very useful. 程序员会喜欢用子查询,甚至滥用。的子查询非常有用。

70、He often uses the mirror, a device which fascinates him because of its doubling and illusionary effects. 他常常使用镜子,并对它的双重效果和幻想功能很着迷。

71、Density—neutron overlapping is quite familiar. 比较常用的是密度—中子曲线重叠法。

72、As a programmer, subqueries are something that you can be tempted to use and abuse. Subqueries, as show below, can be very useful. 程序员可能会喜欢用子查询,甚至滥用。的子查询非常有用。

73、Physical punishment was used routinely for infractions of household rules. 是很常用的,如果孩子违反家里的规矩。

74、Eating it often can relieve patches of pigmentation. 经常食用柿子还可以减少色素沉淀。

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