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  • 2022-08-07 16:33:35
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关于”发明的名词“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Terms of invention。以下是关于发明的名词的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Terms of invention

1、In terms of sense, nouns can be divided into concrete noun and abstract noun, whose grammatical functions are different and asymmetrical. 名词按照意义的不同可以分为具体名词和抽象名词。

2、Shakespeare didn't come up with most of the famous phrases in his plays but was credited with them because of a fault with the Oxford English dictionary, a leading scholar claims. 一位著名的学者称,莎士比亚在他的作品中并没有发明那些著名的短语,但是由于牛津词典的错误,很多人相信这些短语是莎士比亚发明的。

3、Embedded Chinese noun or noun phrase follow the morphological changes as to number, case and possessee; 嵌入的汉语名词或名词性短语发生数、格和从属的变化;

4、The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2001) has no less than seven definitions of the noun "model." 简明牛津词典(牛津大学出版社,2001)关于名词“model”至少有 7 种以上的定义。

5、How to ounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement? 布告中的名词"盎司"怎样发音?

6、By giving several examples on its measure words and place names, it shows the main reasons why this language is still full of life and being kept on. 本文对仫佬语的原有词汇和汉语借词作了一些粗浅的探讨,并以一些量词和地名名词作为实例,证明汉语借词是仫佬语能够保持和发展的主要因素及其活力所在。

7、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns. 识别并使用可数名词和 不可数名词。

8、These documents material to prove, as the term "divide" the meaning of the word is "a position" and "dubbing. 这些文献材料证明,作为名词的“分”字之义在于“职分”和“名分”。

9、' Hunger' is an abstract noun. “饥饿”这个词是抽象名词。

10、birth [不可数名词, 可数名词] the time when a baby is born; the process of being born  出生;

11、The development of adjective-noun collocational knowledge is linked with second language proficiency level. 形容词和名词搭配知识的发展与第二语言水平相关。

12、When your name becomes a synonym for evil scheming, you know you’ve hit the philosophical big time. 如果你的名字成了阴谋的代名词,那就说明在哲学领域你已成了大人物了。

13、The ancient civilization became a byword for isolation and stagnation. 闭关锁国,停滞不前成了这个文明古国的代名词。

14、Noun The development of noun is mainly epitomized on prefix and suffix. 名词的发展主要表现在词头词尾上。

15、B. as porridge cannot count but dumpling can count. 因为米粥是不可数名词,而饺子是可数名词。

16、Let's assume that proportions of full np to ominal subjects stays constant throughout development. 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词词组到代名词当主语的比例维持不变。

17、Chapter three is concrete nouns of common nouns. 第四章普通名词中的抽象名词。

18、Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on … 城市农村两重天,不知是谁发明了“城市”和“农村”这两个名词,也不知从…

19、English nouns can be practically classified into countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 英语名词可以从实用的角度分为可数名词及不可数名词。

20、Errors often occurring in business writing are those with ouns, adjectives, articles, verbs , adverbs, conjunctions and participles . 商业写作中的错误经常发生在代名词,形容词,冠词,动词,副词,连接词和分词上面。

21、So, once you know the meaning of all the high-frequency root words, you can understand the meaning of their derivatives or associated words (compound nouns, etc. ). 所以,一旦你知道所有高频词根的意思的话,你就会明白它们所有的衍生词和关联词(复合名词,等)的意思。

22、Ilrate on the blackboard the use of a and an using the nationalities introduced in Lesson 6. 用第6课表示国名的单词在黑板上说明英语中不定冠词a和an的区别。

23、Please decide whether the following nouns are CNs or UNs. 判断下列词是可数名词(CN)还是不可数名词(UN)。

24、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns. 区分可数名词与不可数名词。

25、Pilley's experiments showed that Chaser was capable of a rudimentary "language" -- and understood the relationship between nouns and verbs like fetch, paw, and nose. 皮利的实验证明了察塞有能力掌握基本的“语言”和明白名词和动词的关系,比如取回、抓、鼻子。


26、Avoid cute or clever names, marketing-induced names, company-specific names, and unfamiliar technical names. 避免太过于高校或者自作聪明的名字,市场导向的名字,公司名,或者不被树枝的技术名词。

27、They're all bright, they're all cheerful, they all say "Merry Christmas," etc., etc., etc. 它们都是明亮,欢乐的代名词,都表示圣诞快乐。

28、He finds that English premodifiers and postmodifiers are expressed flexibly, but modifiers in Chinese are invariably placed before head nouns. 作者发现在英语名词词组中,中心词的修饰语非常灵活;

29、A preponderate governs (a noun or oun in) the objective case. 前置词支配宾格(的名词或代词)。

30、Cognitive appellation nouns generally develop from metaphors and metonymies and are mainly used in appellation behind one's back. 我们把称谓名词分为亲属称谓名词、社会称谓名词和认知称谓名词。

31、The etymological meanings on animal names or reasons of animal names in these three languages can be explored by the connections between their phonetics and their semantics. 这三种语言动物类名物词的词源义或者说构词理据可以从词音与意义的联系中探明。

32、The French make the best lingerie (heck, they invented the word) and Aubade makes the best of the best. 法国人制造最好的 内衣 (所以他们发明了内衣这个名词),而Aubade做得最为出众。

33、The law of its sematic collocation and semantic shift is different from other categories . 抽象名词作为名词的一个大类,其语义搭配和语义偏移的规律与其他类名词不同。

34、Christine was an invalid all her life. 代词 代词是代替名词的一种词类。

35、The term “platform” is clearly over-used to the point of losing its meaning. 很明显名词“平台”被过度使用了以至失去了它的原意。

36、We classify concrete nouns with the category of aspect into function nouns and relative nouns and ilrate the characteristics respectively. 意义上对具有体范畴语义因素的具体名词从即时、常时的角度概括为功能名词和关系名词,并各自阐明其特点;

37、Impiety and corruption ? in what sense are these civic offenses? 亵渎神明与腐化,这两个罪名词汇的意义究竟为何?

38、Anatomy involves learning arbitrary Latin names for hundreds of different elements of your body. There often aren’t clear patterns and constructs, just a dry list of facts. 其中一个例子就是我在医学院一年级时学习解剖学,解剖学中涉及到数百个与器官相关的拉丁名词,这些名词并没有明确的派生关系和构词方法,而仅仅是一系列的毫不相干的词。

39、Also pick meaningful, human-readable names for targets and properties. 同样,精选含意明确、容易读懂的词汇来命名任务和属性。

40、Chapter Two is about the derivatives of eponyms. 第二章是关于名祖名词的派生词。

41、But there are exceptions whose matching ability is limited to noun-classifiers. No matter which nouns they modify, they can only match a small number of numerals. 一般名量词可以跟任何数词搭配,但有些名量词跟数词搭配的能力却很有限,不管修饰什么名词,它们只能跟某个或某些数词搭配。

42、An etymologist can trace the origin and development of a word, but who can identify the moment when absolutely took off? 一名词源学家可以追踪一个词的源头和发展; 但是谁能发现”肯定“什么时候流行的呢?

43、As shown in the study, nouns account for the largest percentage of EU Treaty English, while prepositions and determiners come to the second and the third. 研究表明,名词在欧盟条约英语中比重最大,其次是介词和限定词。

44、Reflexive ouns can emphasize a noun or oun. 反身代词可强调名词或代词。

45、He was exculpated by the testimony of several witnesses. 几名目击者的证词证明他无罪。

46、The second chapter is the survey on the numeral name, which sums up its historical and cultural basis, its practical origin and describes its way of expression and distribution in numeral names. 第二章是数词名称概说,归结了数词名称命名的历史文化依据和和实践渊源,分析描写了数词名称的语言表现形式和常用数词在商名中分布概况。

47、Let's assume that proportions of full NP to ominal subjects stays constant throughout development. 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。

48、Are they countable nouns or uncountable nouns? 它们是可数名词还是不可数名词。

49、Countable Nouns are nouns that can be counted. 可数名词 是指可以计算的名词。

50、The woman with a large hat on her head is beautiful. 冠词,顾名思义,就是戴在名词头上的一顶帽子。


51、它们都是明亮,欢乐的代名词,都表示圣诞快乐。They're all bright, they're all cheerful, they all say "Merry Christmas," etc., etc., etc.

52、In fact, Chinese EFL learners exhibit a particular weakness in using adjective-noun collocations. 实际上,中国英语学习者在形容词与名词搭配的运用上表现出明显的不足。

53、One thing about inventions is that we have something called patents. 关于发明,有个词叫做专利。

54、These nouns all refer to something that takes place or comes to pass. 这些名词均指发生或即将过去的事情。

55、Even when you define difficult terms they may not keep up. 甚至是当你详细说明他们无法理解的艰涩难懂的名词的时候。

56、Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago. 另一些人说,一位名为俄巴底·凯利(Obadiah Kelly)的铁路工人发明了这个单词。

57、How many hours did you spend on this project? 可以看出来,两个词的用法还是很灵活的,spend后面的on和in的介词选择根据后面是名词还是动名词来决定。

58、Is "happiness" an abstract noun? “幸福”这个词是抽象名词吗?

59、The machine is named after its inventor. 这部机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。

60、The machine is named after its inventor. 这台机器以其发明者的名字命名。

61、The staff have even invented a new phrase to describe the irate passengers, 'king nu zu', which translates as 'air rage tribe', reported The Telegraph. 《每日电讯》报道,人们甚至给这些暴躁的乘客发明了专属名词:“空怒族”。

62、Economists soon coined a new word to describe what was happening,‘stagflation’. 经济学家很快发明了一个新的名词来形容这种经济现象:”滞胀“。

63、An Abstract Noun Teacher: What's an abstract noun, Jane? 抽象名词 老师:简,什么是抽象名词?

64、Lexicographic order is imposed on the namespace declarations and attributes of each element. 对名称空间声明和每个元素中的属性采用词典序。

65、Predicative adjectives follow the noun. 表语形容词放在名词后面。

66、I have to play something and see if it happens. 我必须拼出个词来,然后看看它到底会不会发生,得是某些似乎不能发生,但却证明由于单词的力量而发生的事情。

67、It is the predicate which first gives the subject, which till then was on its own account a bare mental representation or an empty name, its specific character and content. 主词必须先通过谓词的规定才具有其明确的规定性和内容,因而,孤立的主词本身只是单纯的表象或空洞的名词。

68、I affirm that my affidavit cannot be terminated once the Province of Manitoba has issued a Certificate of Nomination for the Prinl applicant and accompanying dependents . 我申明,我的证词不能被终止后,马尼托巴省已发出证明书提名为主要申请人及陪同家属。

69、The combination of this kind of nouns with degree words makes up the vacant problem of adjectives semantic expression and results in the conversion of some nouns to both nouns and adjectives. 这类名词与程度词的组合弥补了形容词语义表达上的缺失问题,并由此引发了部分名词向名形兼类词的转变。

70、That is, juniors used more nominalizations than freshmen did. 即三年级学生名词化应用的数量明显多于一年级。

71、It clings to verbs, adjectives, some numerals and counts to express that things will happen. 它可以放在动词、形容词、少数名词、数量词之后,表示事件即将发生。

72、As with solitary appositives, appositive phrases are placed near the noun or oun they describe. 同位词组放置在他们所描述的名词或代名词附近。

73、Luan overall trend in the evolution of place names are:elegant wording of names, geographical names standardization of structural patterns. 六安地名发展演变的总体趋势是:地名用词典雅化,地名结构方式规范化。

74、The need for a new term highlighted the fact that something fundamental had changed, and that the change was irreversible. 之所以需要新名词,有力地表明一些基本原理发生了变化,而且这种变化还是无法逆转的。

75、Valence of noun existence in semantic plane, embodiment combines the ability of dependent noun for noun. 名词的配价存在于语义平面,体现为名词结合名元的能力。

英文句子模板76:Terms of invention

76、We use ' have' with a plural oun or noun. 与复数代名词或名词连用。

77、We'll compare common nouns and proper nouns today. 我们今天来比较一下普通名词和专有名词。

78、The second, to summarize the document studied during each dynasty and explain the adopted editions. Chapter 2, the definition of shi noun. 综述历代研究《礼记》文献,说明版本所依。第二章,事名词的定义与《礼记》事名词的确定。

79、Since the parallel studies between clauses and nominal phrases have been noticed in the latest development of generative grammar, the phase theory is adopted in nominal phrases. 在生成语法近来的理论发展中,由于人们已经认识到了分句与名词词组的平行关系,语段理论也应用到名词词组的研究。

80、How to ounce the noun "ounce" in the headline? 文牍中的名词“盎司”怎样发音。

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