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高中英语读后续写优美句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 04:25:51
  • 92

高中英语读后续写优美句子 13个

1. As the sun set behind the mountains, a sense of tranquility washed over the valley. 阳光落在山后,平静的感觉弥漫着整个山谷。

2. The sound of the waves crashing against the s was a soothing melody, as if nature itself was singing a lullaby. 海浪拍岸的声音是一曲舒缓的旋律,仿佛大自然在唱着摇篮曲。

3. Her words were like gentle caresses, softly brushing against his heart. 她的话语像温柔的抚摸,轻轻地刷过他的心灵。

4. The scent of freshly cut grass filled the air, reminding me of carefree summer days. 新鲜割草的香气弥漫在空气中,让我想起无忧无虑的夏日。

5. The sky was a canvas painted with hues of pink, orange, and gold, a breathtaking sight to behold. 天空绘着粉色、橙色和金色的画布,令人惊叹。

6. The wind whispered secrets to the trees, rustling the leaves in a melodious symphony. 风向树密语,树叶伴随着悦耳的交响乐般的沙沙声。

7. The stars led like diamonds in the velvet sky, a celestial sight that never failed to amaze. 星星在绸缎般的夜空中闪耀着,一个令人惊叹的天空景象。

8. The silence of the forest was broken only by the occasional chirping of birds, a peaceful retreat from the noise of the city. 森林的宁静只被偶尔的鸟叫打破,是远离都市喧嚣的一处和平之地。

9. Soft petals of lilac blossoms fell gently to the ground, like a soft carpet of purple. 紫丁香花瓣轻轻飘落,像一张柔软的紫色地毯覆盖在地上。

10. The moon cast its silver light upon the quiet lake, illuminating the placid waters like a beacon in the night. 月亮将银色的光芒投射到宁静的湖面上,照亮了平静的水面,犹如夜晚中的灯塔。

11. The sound of laughter and the clinking of gl filled the air, a celebration of love and life. 欢笑声和杯子碰撞的声音充斥着空气,是爱和生命的庆祝。

12. The sound of church bells ecd through the streets, a call to worship and reflection. 教堂钟声在街道上回响,是一种崇拜和反思的呼唤。

13. The sun's warm embrace enveloped the world, casting a golden glow on everything in its path. 阳光的温暖拥抱包裹着整个世界,给它的一切都披上了金色的光辉。

14. The scent of blooming roses wafted through the gardens, a fragrant invitation to stop and smell the flowers. 飘散在花园中的盛开玫瑰的香气,像是一个充满芬芳的邀请,让人停下来闻闻花香。

15. The sound of waves crashing on rocks was a reminder that even the strongest forces of nature can be tamed. 海浪拍击岩石的声音提醒人们,即使是最强大的自然力量也能被驯服。

16. The snow covered landscape was a beautiful sight, a serene and peaceful world of white. 覆盖着白雪的景色是一道美丽的风景,一个安静和平的世界。

17. The stars in the night sky were like a thousand ling eyes, watching over the world as it slept. 夜空中的星星就像一千只闪烁的眼睛,在世界沉睡时守望着。

18. The sound of rain tapping against the window was a comforting sound, a reminder of the power of nature to nourish and rejuvenate. 雨声敲打着窗户,是一种慰藉人心的声音,也提醒着大自然滋养和恢复的力量。

19. The sun rising over the horizon was like a promise of a new day, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. 太阳从地平线上升起,像是一个新的开始的承诺,充满着无限的可能性和机会。

20. The beauty of nature was a reminder that we are but a small part of a larger universe, and that every moment is precious. 大自然的美丽提醒我们,我们只是宇宙中的一小部分,每个时刻都是宝贵的。

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