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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 08:02:11
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关于”情侣的情话短句“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Lovers' love words。以下是关于情侣的情话短句的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Lovers' love words

1、A timely billet-doux can patch up a lovers' quarrel. 一封适时的情书可以停止情侣间的争吵。

2、in a case like that. -Yeah. 在这种情况下的话。--是的。

3、He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense. 他说了一大堆情绪激动的废话使情节主线模糊不清。

4、If alleged weight lifting is light, heavyweight lovers' prattle is the lovers' prattle that those very relaxed sounding. 所谓举重若轻,重量级情话是那些听起来很轻松的情话。

5、Those feelings are really bad, really those vows are lies. 实在那些感情都是滥情,实在那些誓言都是假话。

6、His words conveyed his real feeling. 他的话传达了他的真情实感。

7、Speak sentiment listener long. 说话的语气情深意长。

8、If from can go wrong- it will. 倘使事情还能更糟的话,它会的。

9、Chen said Xia bought these T-shirts as a Valentine's Day present. 夏飞买了这些情侣衫作为情人节礼物送给了志强。

10、Caustic remarks will hurt others' feelings. 说话尖刻会伤感情。

11、She spoke with an enthusiasm I never suspected she had in her. 她说话的时候带着一种热情,我从没有想到他会有此热情。

12、Typically, a woman can use an average of six listening expressions in a ten-second period to reflect, and then feed back the speaker's emotions. 一般来说,女人可以在十秒钟之内平均一连作出六个表情,来对说话者的情感作出反馈。女人的表情可以很好地反映说话者的情感。

13、Let it go by forgiving the person who said them and then forgetting the painful eode all together. 借着原谅说这些话伤害你的人让事情过去,一起忘记那些痛苦的情境。

14、His words iced her passion. 他的话给她的热情浇了一盆冷水。

15、Women fall in love through their ear, and men through their eyes. 情话会使女人坠入情网,男人则是因为眼中的美丽。

16、The park was full of lovers billing and cooing under the tress. 公园树下尽是谈情说爱的情侣。

17、If there is an emergency, dial 120. 如果有紧急情况的话,请拨120。

18、A couple in matching “Astroboy” sweet shirts strolls through Shenyang’s lavender field, September 25, 2011. 穿“阿童木”情侣装的情侣,他们正在沈阳的薰衣草园中散步。摄于2011年9月25日。

19、SMS messages, however, have necessitated the development of a new, shorter form of love talk. 然而,手机短信息服务的出现使更新的、更简短的情话的发展成为必然。

20、Talking with her , your tone should be profound. 说话的语气情深意长。

21、You can also have 6 family-numbers and 1 couple number. 可设6个亲情号码,一个情侣号码。

22、Art language records the speaker's emotional activities and the process of his creation of words elicited from sentiments. 艺术语言印记着发话主体情感个性运思和发话主体随情造辞的过程。

23、Her unkind remark bruised his feeling. 她的不友好的话伤害了他的感情。

24、Her feelings were harmed by his words. 他的一番话伤害了她的感情。

25、The predominant emphasis is on unfinished business, empty-chair dialogue, within an empathic, relational context. 强调的重点是共情关系情境下的未完成和空椅对话。


26、Such behavior is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. 这样的行为被认为是“人之常情”,这句话的潜台词就是其它动物不会将这种不满情绪发挥到如此地步。

27、This is what Sternberg calls "companionate love." 这种情况,斯腾伯格称之为伴侣式爱情“

28、Lovers live by love, as I arks live by leeks. 情侣靠爱情生活,正如云雀靠韭葱生活。

29、My topic is moods. 我的话题是情绪。

30、Sincere words reacted on the cold-hearted person. 真诚的话语对这个冷酷无情的人起了作用。

31、Wants, saying I am in such a bad misinterpreting what you said. 的话,直接要求说:我情绪很坏,你话。

32、Couples do sometimes room together, an arrangement known at some schools as \\\\\\\"roomcest. 情侣们有时也会住在一起,这种安排在一些学校称为情侣间。

33、This is what Sternberg calls "companionate love." 这种情况,斯腾伯格称之为伴侣式爱情

34、He has just eavesdropped two sweethearts. 他刚刚偷听了两个情人的谈话。

35、do you miss me that much=How much do you miss me? 一般用在情侣之间的对话,希望我的回答能帮助到你。

36、That remark was calculated to hurt someone's feelings. 那话是故意要伤害别人的感情。

37、This at first sounds like a bitter break-up of two lovers. 第一眼给人的感觉仿佛是一对情侣感情破裂,痛不欲生。

38、Lovers live by love,as larks live by leeks. 情侣靠爱情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

39、Double sticks premium couples packing with one blue and one pink is designed for couples, spouse, and sweetheart to record your love stories. 情侣礼品双只精装(粉蓝装)专为情侣,爱人,恋人设计,记录爱情点滴。

40、Be open to meeting others - don't feel that Valentine's Day is only for those coupled up. 放开自己去遇见他吧,别以为情人节只为情侣而存在。

41、The strong bent of nature is seen in the proportion which this topic of personal relations usurps in the conversation of society. 关于私人情感的话题在社交谈话中占据了相当的比例,人性对情感的强烈倾向由此可见一斑。

42、Hurstwood's glance was as effective as the spoken words of a lover , and more. 赫斯渥的目光像情人的喁喁情话一样动人,而且更加让人动心。

43、On their date, the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant. 情侣一般会约在餐馆里吃饭谈情。

44、But even some happy couples decide not to make a big deal out of V-Day. 但是某些幸福的情侣决定不在情人节这天大肆庆祝。

45、Occasionally, it's even mistaken for a love hotel by couples hankering for some time beneath the sheets. 偶尔还会有想共度春宵的情侣将其误认为是情人酒店。

46、He fuzzed up the plot line with a lot of emotional nonsense. 他说了一大堆情绪激动的废话使情节主线模糊不清。

47、How good to listen sweet prattle how lets people unforgettable commitment. 多么好听的情话,多么让人难忘的承诺。

48、I wish the Valentine's day tomorrow is a sunny day, a couple of Tan big pancake. 预祝明天的情人节是个大太阳天,把一对对情侣晒成大烤饼。

49、Tats what I wanted to tell you on Valentines day. 这就是我想在情人节和你们讲的话。

50、The early myths were essentially tales and the Greek word mythos implies that story line or plot was dominant. 早期的神话基本都是传说,在希腊语中,“神话”一词主要指的是剧情或情节。


51、Nowadays, though, more and more lovers are using email or cell phone short message services (SMS) to say a few nice words to each other. 然而,现在越来越多的情侣使用伊妹儿或手机短信息服务彼此传情达意。

52、Greet your candidates warmly and chat with them briefly to help them relax. 热情问候他们,和他们做个简短谈话,让他们放松放松。

53、Schumann : The Poet Speaks from Kinderszenen, Opus 15 舒曼:诗人的话,选自儿时情景,作品15。

54、See if you like the sweethearts outfit short sleeve T-shirt! 看看有没有您喜欢的情侣装短袖T恤吧!

55、The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses. 情人们一点也受不住旁人拿他们情侣的名字开玩笑。

56、She assented to it all rather by look than word. Her spirits were low. 范妮用神情表示同意,但没有说话。她情绪低落。

57、In the second one, Jack and Mary are a couple planning an evening out. 第二个对话中,杰克和玛莉是一对情侣,他们在商量晚上要去哪里。

58、If couples who are in love are called "love birds" then couples who always argue should be called "angry birds". 如果把热恋中的情侣们叫“爱情鸟”,那总在争论的情侣们就该叫“愤怒的小鸟”了。

59、In memory and memories of the way, not just a fairy tale secret tenderness between the couple Italy. 在记忆与回忆的途中,不仅仅是童话里情侣间的柔情密意。

60、"Emotion and molding" was very similar to the old topic of emotion and art. “情感与造型”,似是重提了情感与艺术的老话题。

61、What you said hurt my feelings. 你的话伤害了我的感情。

62、I can&39;t afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle. 深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

63、Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. 18fu. net 情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

64、A timely paymentet-doux can patch up a fans' quarrel. 一封适时的情书可以终止情侣间的争持。

65、or ideally, simultaneously both. 情况允许的话,也可以两者一起进行。

66、Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks . 情侣*爱情生活,正象云雀*韭葱生活一样。

67、The obviousness of the lie was embarrassing. 那是明摆著的谎话,真叫人难为情。

68、His words were like a mood defibrillator. 他的话就像一台心情减颤器。

69、At best, a love can only echo the words of the poet Ernest Dowson, and say, "I have been faithful to thee in my fashion." 一个情侣最好只是用诗人欧内斯特道森的话来说一句:“我会一直忠于你,用我自己的方式。”

70、What's the worst that can happen? 那样的话,最糟糕的事情会是什么?

71、Woven in the heart words you hear? 织在心里的情话你听见了吗?

72、Those who are really feeling flirting, really those vows are lies. 实在那些感情都是滥情、实在那些誓言都是假话。

73、At best , a lover can only echo the words of the poet Ernest Dowson, and say, "I have been faithful to thee in my fashion." 情侣处于最佳境时也只能随声附和诗人欧纳斯特·道森说的那句话:“我以我的方式忠实于你。”

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