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大学英语写作万能句子 17个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-13 09:15:18
  • 146

大学英语写作万能句子 17个

1. In my opinion, learning a foreign language is essential in today's globalized society. (在我看来,学习一门外语是当今全球化社会中必不可少的。)

2. It is widely acknowledged that technology has greatly changed the way we live and work. (众所周知,科技已经极大地改变了我们的生活和工作方式。)

3. To sum up, the benefits of studying abroad far outweigh the challenges. (总之,留学的好处远远大于挑战。)

4. As a matter of fact, the Internet has revolutionized the way we access information. (事实上,互联网已经彻底改变了我们获取信息的方式。)

5. Despite the fact that there are some disadvantages to using social media, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. (尽管使用社交媒体有一些缺点,但它已成为我们日常生活中不可分割的一部分。)

6. It goes without saying that education is crucial for personal and societal development. (不言而喻,教育对于个人和社会的发展至关重要。)

7. In light of recent events, it is clear that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. (鉴于最近发生的事件,显而易见,气候变化是一个迫切需要立即行动的问题。)

8. Although some people believe that money can buy happiness, I firmly believe that true happiness comes from within. (尽管有些人认为金钱可以买到幸福,但我坚信真正的幸福来自内心。)

9. To be honest, I was initially hesitant about pursuing a career in the arts, but my passion for creative expression ultimately led me down this path. (说实话,一开始我对从事艺术工作还有些犹豫,但我的创造表达最终引导我走上了这条路。)

10. It is widely believed that traveling broadens one's perspective and fosters personal growth. (人们普遍认为旅行可以拓宽视野,促进个人成长。)

11. Despite the fact that some people may view failure as a negative experience, it is important to remember that it is an integral part of the learning process. (尽管有些人可能把失败视为负面经验,但要记住它是学习过程中不可或缺的一部分。)

12. It is no secret that the world is becoming increasingly interconnected and interdependent. (众所周知,世界越来越相互联系和相互依存。)

13. In today's fast-paced society, it is more important than ever to prioritize mental health and well-being. (在今天快节奏的社会中,重视心理健康和幸福感比以往任何时候都更加重要。)

14. Despite the challenges that come with being a working parent, I firmly believe that it is possible to balance career and family life. (尽管作为一个工作的父母会面临很多挑战,但我坚信平衡职业和家庭生活是可能的。)

15. It is clear that education is key to promoting social mobility and reducing inequality. (显然,教育是促进社会流动和减少不平等的关键。)

16. Despite the fact that there are many different ways to define success, I believe that it ultimately comes down to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. (尽管有很多不同的定义成功的方式,但我认为归根结底就是过上充实而有意义的生活。)

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