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心理描写英语句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-22 21:01:43
  • 54

心理描写英语句子 13个

1. Her heart raced as she stepped onto the stage, feeling the overwhelming pressure of all eyes upon her.(她的心跳加速,当她走上舞台时,感到所有目光的压力。)

2. He felt a deep sense of relief wash over him as he finally confided in his closest friend about his struggles.(当他最终向他最亲密的朋友坦白自己的挣扎时,他感到一种深深的宽慰。)

3. The silence in the room was suffocating, and her thoughts raced wildly as she waited for the results to be read.(房间里的寂静令人窒息,她在等待结果公布时,思维狂奔。)

4. His palms were slick with sweat as he nervously twisted the wedding ring around his finger, preparing to confess his infidelity.(他紧张地在手指上旋转着结婚戒指,汗水滑过他的手掌,准备坦白自己的不忠。)

5. She tried to hide the tears in her eyes as she listened to the heartbreaking news of her brother's sudden death.(听到她兄弟的突然去世的悲痛消息,她努力掩盖眼中的泪水。)

6. He felt a sudden surge of anger at the injustice of the situation, his fists clenching tightly as he prepared to fight back.(面对不公的情况,他突然愤怒起来,握紧拳头准备反击。)

7. The overwhelming sense of loneliness threatened to consume her as she sat in the empty house, surrounded by memories of happier times.(孤独的感觉压倒了她,当她坐在空荡荡的房子里,被更快乐的回忆包围。)

8. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter receive her college diploma, the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice.(当他看着女儿收到大学毕业证书,为多年的努力和牺牲而感到自豪。)

9. She felt a surge of happiness as she watched her child take his first steps, a milestone in his development.(当她看着孩子迈出他的第一步时,感到一股幸福的涌动,这是他发展的里程碑。)

10. The sharp scent of disinfectant filled the hospital room, creating a sterile and impersonal atmosphere that left her feeling uneasy.(医院房间里弥漫着刺鼻的消毒剂气味,营造出一种冷漠而不真实的氛围,让她感到不安。)

11. Her heart sank as she realized the enormity of the mistake she had made, knowing that there was no way to undo the damage that had been done.(当她意识到自己所犯的错误的巨大性时,心情沉重,知道已经没有办法撤销所造成的损害。)

12. He felt a sharp pang of regret as he looked back on the missed opportunities and wasted time of his past, wishing he could go back and do things differently.(当他回顾过去错失的机会和浪费的时间时,他感到一阵深深的懊悔,希望自己能回到过去,做出不同的选择。)

13. She felt a sense of awe and wonder as she gazed up at the night sky, filled with stars and endless possibility.(当她仰望满是星星和无限可能性的夜空时,感到一种敬畏和惊叹。)

14. His heart hammered in his chest as he approached the girl he had been admiring from afar, finally gathering the courage to ask her out.(当他走向他一直远远欣赏的女孩时,他的心在他的口狂跳,终于鼓起勇气向她约会。)

15. She felt a deep sense of gratitude as she watched her friends and family gather around her on her wedding day, feeling the love and support of those closest to her.(当她看着她的朋友和家人在她的婚礼上聚集在她身旁时,感到深深的感激,感受着她最亲近的人的爱和支持。)

16. His heart swelled with determination as he set out on the difficult journey ahead, knowing that he had the strength and courage to overcome any obstacle.(当他踏上困难的旅程时,他的心中充满了决心,知道他有足够的力量和勇气来克服任何障碍。)

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