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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-20 03:51:42
  • 168


关于”4个单词的短句“的英语句子48个,句子主体:A short sentence of four words。以下是关于4个单词的短句的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A short sentence of four words

1、If it is like a word or a phrase it is easy to change by re-typing the word or phrase. 假如只是一个单词或者是一个短语而已,那问题不大,直接修改就行了。

2、The word in parentheses is the subject oun for each possessive adjective. 括号内的单词是每个所有格形容词的主语代名词。

3、It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. 这是据说公司的最新产品有限公司拥有大量的词汇我储存百万单词和短语。

4、Exercise 6-4. Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count. 练习6-4 编写一个程序,根据单词的出现频率按降序打印输入的各个不同单词,并在每个单词的前面标上它的出现次数。

5、Only one word is allowed. 只允许一个单词。

6、Furthermore, if the word is a dictionary word of length 2 or higher, $factor is raised to the power of the word's length. 而且, 如果那个单词是一个长度为 2 或者更长的字典单词,那么 $factor 将增加 为单词长度的乘方。

7、All of the common words, phrases, and adjectives commonly used with the short-lived subgenre fit properly here, and they're all positive, every one of them. 所有适用于短命地下流派的单词、短语和形容词都可以用来描述这张专辑,而且它们都是正面和肯定的。

8、In a remarkable show of efficiency (to say nothing of creativity), the agency managed to find 1, 100 words and phrases in English and nearly 600 in Urdu. 在他们令人咂舌的高效下(尽管毫无创造性可言),这个机构总算列入了1,100个英语单词及短语和接近600个乌尔都语词。

9、Term searches use standard-language words, usually in combination, to locate and rank cataloged information. 词汇搜索使用标准语言的单词(通常是多个单词的组合)来定位分类信息并对它们排名。

10、Perhaps the trickiest bit is the piece shown in Listing 20 that fills in words or random letters on vertical lines, where the word is shorter than the whole line. 最棘手的部分可能是清单 20 中将单词或者随机字母填入垂直行(其中单词短于整行)的部分。

11、What part of speech does this word belong to ? 这个单词属于什么词类?

12、Then they train cloud computers to recognize which words and phrases match up across tongues. 然后,他们训练云运算计算机识别各个语言的单词和短语。

13、The number of rows entered for each word will be equal to the number of synonyms for that word. 为每个单词输入的行的数量将等于该单词的同义词的数量。

14、Can you identify the part of speech of this word? 能说出这个单词的词类吗?

15、A Class Word (CW), required; 一个类单词(CW),必需;

16、That's why students taking CET-4 will have to translate a passage of 140-160 words, and those taking band 6 a passage of 180-200 words. 这就是为何参加英语四级考试的考生需要翻译长度为140-160个单词的段落; 而参加英语六级考试的人则需要应付长度为180-200个单词的段落翻译。

17、Pratice this sount. listen to each word and practice saying each word using the recording tool. 练习这种声音。听每个单词和使用录音工具练习说每个单词。

18、When the first syllable is stressed, the word is either a noun or an adjective. 当第一个音节重读的话,这个单词可以是一个名词也可以是一个形容词。

19、Number the pictures as what they heard, then repeat the words and phrases. 根据所听到的内容,给图片标序号,然后跟读单词和短语。

20、Write five new words in your Vocab-builder. 在你的词汇库里写上五个新单词。

21、To populate the file, loop through the values in your word map, writing each to a row in your file (see Listing 4). 要填充文件,可循环通过单词映射中的值,将每个值写到文件中的一行(参见 清单 4)。

22、The most used four-letter word is Love", Value it." 用的最多的四个字母单词是“爱”,珍惜它。

23、The only word in the English language that has 4 sets of double letters in a row is balloonneer. 英语中唯一有四队叠词的单词是热气球飞行员。

24、What is the function of the prepositional phrase? 这个介词短语的作用是什么?

25、It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i<3 u" means “I love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ). 这种短信文是由图片、字母或数字的组合来代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜一样。比如:"i<3 u"就代表“我爱你”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,而lol则是laugh out loud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。


26、Each data element name shall contain a sufficient number of modifiers and qualifiers to fully describe it (up to four modifiers per prime word and one modifier plus two qualifiers per class word). 每个数据元素名称应该包含数量足够的修饰词和限定词,以便充分描述它(每个基本单词最多有四个修饰词,每个类单词最多有一个修饰词和两个限定词)。

27、One student comes to the board and writes a four-letter word under the four lines. 一个学生到黑板前,在横线上写下一个含四个字母的单词。

28、The major research questions are the following:(1) The coverage rate of CET-4 words in MEE texts and in the four sub-corpora of MEE corpus. 大学英语四级词汇在轮机英语中的单篇覆盖率,在四个分语料库的单篇覆盖率以及总覆盖率。

29、Each data element name shall have one prime word taken from a pre-defined prime word list. 每个数据元素名称应该有一个取自预定义基本单词列表的基本单词。

30、Given a single word, like BIKE, we can create four words with missing letters(.IKE, B.KE, BI.E and BIK.) that can be passed through the crossword helper to find possible matches. 给定一个单词,如 BIKE,我们可以创建缺少字母的四个单词(.IKE、B.KE、BI.E 和 BIK.) ,可以将这些单词传递给纵横字谜助手以查找可能的匹配。

31、其实就纹"family"这一个单词就ok了,分别用其中的每一个字母组成一个单词,意思是mother and father I love you

32、No. It’s one of the shortest words in the English vocabulary, but it’s also one of the most difficult for many of us to say。NO(不),这个词可谓是英文中最短的单词之一了。但要说出一个“不”字,对很多人来说却大有难度。

33、) wiki上有个 list of latin phrases 有很多短词 且有英文翻译

34、Although Sphinx-4 does not currently support word spotting, we can still achieve useful results by forcing all utterances to match at least one of the words in the grammar. 虽然 Sphinx-4 目前不支持单词定位,但是仍然可以通过强制所有发音至少在语法上匹配一个单词来获得有用的结果。

35、Intermediate processing: partints were shown a word and asked to think about what it rhymes with. 中度加工水平:被试看一个单词,并被要求回想这个单词的韵律是什么。

36、When you use a word-processing program, the individual data values are characters, which are then assembled into larger units such as words, sentences, and paragraphs. 当你运行一个文字处理程序,每个单独的数据值是字符,然后这些字符可以组成更大的单元,例如词、句或篇章。

37、When there are several consonants between the end of one word and the beginning of another, you're linking cered consonants in two separate words. 如果一个单词的词尾与下一个单词的词首之间有几个辅音的话,你就要把这些挤在一起的辅音连起来读。

38、Here you can see several words that have several possible expansions, and all the words look like words, or like morphemes. 在这里,您可以看到有一些单词有多个可能的扩展,而且所有单词看起来都像是单词或者词素。

39、Hence, it is again possible also to query for category groups such as word or phrase. 因此,现在仍然可以查询类别组,例如单词或短语。

40、Each data element name shall have one class word taken from a pre-defined class word list. 每个数据元素名称应该有一个取自预定义类单词列表的类单词。

41、How to play: Ask 3 or 4 kids to form a circle. The teacher puts some vocabulary cards around the circle. 请三到四名幼儿围成一个小圆圈,教师将一些单词卡片放在小圆圈的周围。

42、These are just a few examples. You can use your own ideas too. Play around with a few methods and find one that works well for you. 你也可列出一些能与某一单词搭配的单词,而不只是学一个单词。

43、Could you tell me how to ounce this word? ounce 是单词发音的意思,它是一个及物动词。

44、Notice this word, it is a proper noun, so no article is needed. 注意这个单词是一个专有名词,不用冠词。

45、Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder. 在你的词汇积累库中写出五个新单词。

46、Write five new words and phrases in you vocab-builder. 在你的词汇库里写上五个新词和短语。

47、Fingerprint matches—This involves looking for more complex combinations of words and phrases. 指纹匹配——这种方法涉及到查找比较复杂的单词和短语组合。

48、"Bromance" is a portmanteau, a combination of the words "brother" and "romance". Bromance这个词是brother(兄弟)和romance(爱情)两个单词的合成词形式。

49、To begin I’ll take a bite into the word bitter because the word bite is related. 首先,我还是对单词bitter来 咬 文嚼字一番(a bite),因为这个词与单词bite 是相关联的。

50、But know that our tongue is rich in crisp, brisk, swift, short words. 但是你却要记得:你知道更多的是那些干脆、利落、简短的小单词。


51、Second is the vocabulary, the more you live, the more you learn English. To reach a general level, your vocabulary should be at the level of 3000 to 4000. 第二是词汇关,你住的单词、短语越多,你学会英语的路就越短。达到一般的水平,你的词汇量应该在3千到4千的水平。

52、The word "look" is sometimes classified as a "short vowel" because the "oo" sounds different in words like "spook". However, the word "looking" needs a stronger emphasis and an extension of the vowel. look这个单词有时被归为短元音,因为其中的"oo"与spook等单词中的"oo"听上去是不一样的,但是要注意looking这个词中的元音需要被强调并且拉长。

53、In this lesson, we will listen to 10 short dialogues and we will practise using phrasal verbs and gerunds. 在这一科中,你将听到10个短的对话以及练习使用短语动词和动名词。

54、I counted the first unit not even a total of 55 words, ten units have how many words, a want and then know. 我数了一下,第一单元不算人名一共有55个单词,十个单元有多少个单词,一想便知。

55、Listing 4. Testing an edge case: What if someone presses the on without typing in a word? 清单 4. 测试一个极端例子:如果有人没有输入单词就按下了按钮该怎么办?

56、The most used four-letter word is "Love". Value it. 用得最多的四个字母的单词是:“爱”。珍惜它。

57、The two forms are interchangeable. 这两个单词是可互换的。

58、Spell the word…, please. 请拼读这个单词。

59、Better yet, it shows you similar and related words and phrases at the same time. 更重要的是,它可以同时显示类似的和相关的单词和短语。

60、The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that an underscore (_) separates one word from the next. This form is also known as underscore case . 蛇形命名法是书写复合词或短语的一种形式,用下划线分隔每个单词,也称下划线命名法。

61、给定一个单词,如 BIKE,我们可以创建缺少字母的四个单词(.IKE、B.KE、BI.E 和 BIK.) ,可以将这些单词传递给纵横字谜助手以查找可能的匹配。Given a single word, like BIKE, we can create four words with missing letters(.IKE, B.KE, BI.E and BIK.) that can be passed through the crossword helper to find possible matches.

62、"Trousers" has no singular. 这个词没有单数形式。

63、When you look up a thing in the dictionary-pay mindset of the first letter of the word. 当你在字典里查一个单词的时候,贯注这个单词的第一个字母。

64、She couldn't remember one word and wrote another word wrong. 她没有记住一个单词,并且把另外一个单词写错了。

65、All non-included words are just part of the "head" or "tail" of the phrase. 所有没有被包括进来的单词只是短语的“head”或“tail”的部分。

66、Take a moment and review this list of commonly misused words and phrases. 花一小会儿时间回顾一下这张表上常被误用的单词和短语。

67、Spell the word… plee. 请拼读这个单词。

68、Decoding: The ability to associate words or phrases with a concept or object. 译解:将新单词或短语与某个概念或物体联系起来的能力。

69、Henning's results suggest that beginning students hold the sound of words in their short-term memory, while advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory. 亨尼希的实验结果表明:初学者能把单词的声音保持短期记忆。亨尼希的实验结果表明:初学者能把单词的声音保持短期记忆,而程度高的学生能把词汇的意义保持短期记忆。

70、Using the method of memorizing vocabulary memorizing words, you must have three basic ability. 利用单词记忆法背单词,你必须具备三个基本能力。

71、Let's suppose the first word is boat and the second word is imgboat1.png. 让我们假设第一个单词是 boat,第二个单词是 imgboat1.png。

72、B: Since I’ve read quite a few English books, I know a good many words and phrases. 因为我曾阅读不少的英文书,所以我知道很多的单词和短词。

73、To make the ASF more concrete, let's take a look at a short, single-entry Atom feed document in Listing 4 要想让 ASF 更具体,让我们不妨来看看清单 4 中的这个简短的单条目的 Atom 提要文档

74、Since I've read quite a few English books, I know a good many words and phrases. 因为我曾阅读不少的英文书,所以我知道很多的单词和短词。

75、The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter except the first letter, which is lowercase. 驼峰式命名法是书写复合词或短语的一种形式,除首字母要小写外,每个单词或缩写都以大写字母开头。

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