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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 11:31:33
  • 145


关于”简单句的五个基本句型“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Five basic sentence patterns of simple sentences。以下是关于简单句的五个基本句型的三年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five basic sentence patterns of simple sentences

1、In this article, for the sake of simplicity, several major topics like component models and security were omitted. 本文为了简单起见,省略了几个重要主题,比如组件模型和安全。

2、Your camera is basically just a box with a hole in it and a light sensor inside. 简单来说,你的相机基本上就是一个身体上带洞并且内部装有一个感光器的盒子。

3、This article purposefully simplified the XML programs in order to have an easy-to-understand article. 本文故意简化了 XML 程序,以便本文简单易懂。

4、In this case, I simply applied my common sense to create a primitive PHP4-based benchmarking script. 在这个例子中,我只是简单地以我的常识创建了一个粗糙的PHP4基准测试脚本。

5、" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed. 这个彻罗基老人简单回答道:“你饲养的那只。”

6、Take complicated problem oversimplifies and abstract problem pictorialize as base, Take software project manages process visualization and controllabled as basic goal. 本文以复杂问题简单化、抽象问题形象化为基本原则,以软件项目管理过程可视、可控化为基本目标。

7、You don't have to give up being an active investor. But consider ditching individual stocks in favor of easier choices like index funds. 你不必放弃做一个积极型投资者,但要考虑放弃选个股,换一些更简单的选择,如指数型基金。

8、Effect of interchain coupling on the inversed polarization of a biexciton in conjugated polymers; 提出了一个简单的包含有极化反转及电饱和影响的压电材料的本构模型。

9、The service returns a file handle, as you can see in Listing 12. 服务返回一个文件句柄,正如在清单 12 中所看到的。

10、Before the circuit design , simply introduce the basic theory about the FET upconverter and the harmonic balance. 在进行电路分析之前,简单介绍了一些FET 上变频器的基本理论和基本的关于谐波平衡法的理论。

11、In this short exercise, you've seen some basic techniques for scripting images containing lines and text using ImageMagick. 通过本文的简单实践,您看到了使用 ImageMagick 通过脚本编写包含线条和文本的图像的一些基本技巧。

12、To paraphrase Rohn’s quote, I am the average of these five. 按照罗恩那句话来理解,我就是这五个人的平均,或者说相似的同类。

13、This article only gives a brief overview. 本文只给出了一个简单的概述。

14、Survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic properties of matter. 简单介绍电磁学的基本现象:包含静电学、静磁学、物质的电磁特性。

15、This text introduced the basic concept and modeling process of a semantic object model, and compared it with E-R model. 简要介绍了语义对象模型的几个基本概念,并与E-R模型作比较。

16、There's something reassuring in its self-pitying simplicity—as if the three-word absence explains who I am and wins me sympathy-so I carry it with me, like a label on my back. 这句有点自怜的简单话语听起来颇有些自我安慰的味道——仿佛这三个字的缺失就为我为什么成为现在的我提供了借口,还为我赢得了同情——于是,我总是把这句话挂在嘴边,就像把它贴在背上当标签一样。

17、Listing 1 is a simplistic HTML example of a table-based navigation menu. 清单 1 是一个基于表的导航菜单的简化的 HTML 示例。

18、In order to create any kinds of expressions, we're going to need values. Primitive data elements. 因此下一节课,Python的一些简单介绍,我们需要值或者基础的数据类型l来创建。

19、Within Wikibooks, there are two diverging links which point to Wikijunior, a wiki resource for children and Simple English, a wiki with simplified English books. 在维基教科书里,还有两个不同的链接指向维基儿童,一个儿童维基资源和维基简单英语,一个简化英语图书维基。

20、In a one-to-one model, this requires 150,000 credentials (passwords). 在单对单模型下,需要十五万个用户凭证(密码)。

21、Less than a month from graduation day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston , Illinois, had yet to find the right job. (para. 1 还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨·卡塞比尔还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。(简单句)

22、Silk Texts of the "Five Elements" chapter in the "after" after the text, since the beginning in Chapter 6, sentence by sentence has explained until the end. 帛书本《五行》篇于《经》文之后,自第6章开始,逐句都有解说,直至结束。

23、Authors reviewed the related researches and found that team Five-factor model of personality characteristics were positively related to team efficiency and contextual performance within teams. 本文在简单回顾个体水平的研究结果的基础上,着重介绍团队大五人格特征与团队绩效以及关系绩效之间关系的研究;

24、There were four large molds to form the basic shape of each standardized unit. 由四个大型模具来形成每个标准单位的基本形状。

25、The principle, application and developing tendency to of these biosensors are introduced briefly. 文章还简单介绍这类传感器基本原理、应用及发展趋向。


26、Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?". 所谓的灾难往往是用“在五年内,将这个问题……?” 这样的词句构建的。

27、The fiber Bragg grating (FBG) hydrophone and the distributed feedback (DFB) fiber laser hydrophone are recent rapidly developing underwater sound detection technologies based on fiber grating. 本文简单介绍了基于光纤光栅的光纤布喇格光栅(FBG)水听器以及分布反馈式(DFB)光纤激光水听器的基本工作原理与信号解调的基本方法。

28、Simple, low cost projects can be built and maintained by village-based methods. 可用基于村庄的方法来建造且维护一些简单且低成本的工程。

29、In Version, you can gather detailed database breakdown statistics, not just for the transaction but for individual SQL statements. 在版本 中,您可以收集详细的数据库细目统计信息,不仅针对事务,也可针对单个 SQL 语句。

30、Simple Search-based Traceability ("Just Google It!") 简单基于搜索的可追踪性(“google一下”)

31、You can use the wiki syntax and keybindings or the editor to style and manage your notes/lists. 你可以使用维基句法、快捷键或者编辑器来管理和个性化你的笔记和清单。

32、Like Amy's death, she could have added. 像艾米之死,她本可以加上一句。

33、Main achievements are summarized as follows:1. Basic principles of crosstalk-induced fault testing were presented. 主要成果简述如下:1、提出了串扰型故障测试的基本原理。

34、To solve this problem, you can easily setup a basic corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). 去解决这个问题,你可以简单地设立一个基本的公司或者是有限责任公司。

35、The utility model has the advantages of saving of work, time and labor for installation, and simplicity and convenience. 本实用新型具有安装省工、省时、省力,非常简单方便的优点。

36、This article briefly introduces the basic principles of gravitational lens and NFW mass distribution model. 简要介绍了引力透镜,NFW质量分布模型的基本原理。

37、In chapter four he export nonlinear vibration problem of the double-deck reticulated shallow shell structures. 第四章中简单给出了双层网格扁壳的非线性振动基本方程。

38、In this case, the script presents only the first five alternates. 在本例中,脚本仅提供前五个替代单词。

39、The basis of sentence is realistic time unilateral linearity axes. The deep ter language meaning presents some correlative form. 语句的基础是现实时间的单向线性轴,其深层的离散性语义必然表现出一定的相关形式。

40、According to localities of the units that few specimen records located, and their similarities to other units, we were able to predict the possible distribution of species. 然后根据少数几个标本采集点所在的基本单元,利用这些基本单元与其他单元的物种组成相似程度,可以出物种的可能分布范围。

41、So the model was simplified without consideration of the viscosity variation, and an equation for contamination concentration distribution caused by elevation difference was developed. 在此基础上简化模型,推导出了高差混油浓度分布的基本方程。

42、The Basic Words - makes clear every word in Basic list. 基本词汇 -清楚每一个字的基本名单。

43、Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. 熟悉网络信息可信度测试的基本原理,比学习乘法表还简单。

44、The Genius mouse is abbreviated as the mouse, is one of the basic peripheral hardware of the microcomputer. 鼠标器简称鼠标,是微型计算机的基本外设之一。

45、At first the classical BDI model is introduced simply, and points out some problem based on normal logical model. 首先简单介绍了经典的BDI模型,以及基于正规模态逻辑存在的一些问题。

46、The field of this course mainly studies the chromosomal disorder, single gene disorder, polygenetic disorders, genetic diagnosis and counseling. 本课程的五个重要内容包括染色体病、 单基因遗传病、多基因遗传病、遗传学诊断与遗传咨询。

47、In this thesis, three printed ANTENNAs were studied for digital broadcast reception. The first one is a meandered loop antenna. Being in a meandered form, it can be made very compact. 本论文提出一种可使用于笔记型电脑的微型化廻圈天线,利用简单且低成本的印刷于电路板制作来完成天线设计。

48、You don't have to give up being an active investor. But consider dtiching individual stocks in favor of easier choices like index funds. 你不必放弃做一个积极型投资者,但要考虑放弃选个股,换一些更简单的选择,如指数型基金。

49、In chapter 1, the applications of weak magnetic field detection and the basic principle of four sensitive magnetometers are briefly introduced. 在第一章中,简单介绍了微弱磁场探测的应用和四种高灵敏度仪的基本原理。

50、The ocean reverberation theory and the ray-normal mode reverberation model are discussed. 讨论了海洋混响的基本理论和混响的射线-简正波模型。


51、As he left, Ben spoke of a “calm chaos. 本要离开的时候,说了句“淡定的混乱”。

52、The best type of vessel for ins saler fishing is a basic bay boat or flat boat. 最佳型船近岸海水钓鱼船湾是一个基本的单位或船。

53、Then this article briefly reviewed the "learn-by-doing" model, AK model, endogenous technological change model and human capital model. 然后对新增长理论模型中的“干中学”模型、AK模型、罗默的技术内生模型和卢卡斯的人力资本模型进行了简单回顾。

54、Adding kerning to the basic text rendering algorithm is easy: When a kerning pair is found, simply add the scaled kerning distance to the pen position before step 4. 在基本文本渲染算法上增加字距调整非常简单,当一个字距调整对发现了,简单地在第4步前,将缩放后的调整距离增加到笔位置即可。

55、Base on simplification rules of basic model structures, recognition algorithm and sorting rules for work- flow region were advanced. 基于基本模型结构的简化规则,提出了工作流区域的识别算法和排序规则。

56、In a given script, you can use only one statement terminator. 在一个特定的脚本中,您只能使用一个语句结束符。

57、Mr. Haythe's original screenplay was a faithful and at times literal adaptation, using great chunks of Yates's own language. Mr. 贾斯汀海耶斯的原始剧本忠于原著,引用大量叶慈小说的原句,有时简直是逐字改编。

58、The above quote is from a story I read last weekend in The Simple Life. 这是我上周末在《简朴的生活》一书看到的一个故事中的一句话。

59、In other words, marriage here is sometimes still about more than simply two people falling in love.It's about the merging of families and adding a certain patina to their social status as a result. 换句话说,在中国,结婚有时并不简单代表两人相爱,而是两个家族的结合,进而带来社会地位的提高。

60、Some tasks can be performed faster and more simply with more basic tool sets. 某些任务通过更基本的工具集来执行会更快且更简单。

61、And in fact, in very basic terms this is the concept behind the basic building block of multi-cellular life: the eukaryotic cell. 事实上,这个简单的原理就是构成多细胞生命的一个基本原则。

62、In the teaching of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, the curriculum was mainly based on The The Four Books and The Five Classics. 主要基于…的基础上,方便的拿整句我帮你翻 在春秋战国时期,传授儒学课程中的这部分知识,主要都是基于四书五经的内容。

63、The ability to run single or multiple DDL/DML statements and view results in single or multiple grids 能够运行单个或多个 DDL/DML 语句,并在单个或多个网格中查看结果

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