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英语句子有什么结构 10个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-04 18:05:06
  • 174

英语句子有什么结构 10个

1. I like to eat pizza for dinner.(我喜欢晚餐吃比萨)

2. She is studying for her exams.(她正在为考试学习)

3. We went to the beach last weekend.(上周末我们去了海滩)

4. He works as a doctor in a hospital.(他在医院里当医生)

5. They watched a movie together.(他们一起看了电影)

6. The cat slept on the sofa all day.(猫整天睡在沙发上)

7. I need to buy some groceries at the supermarket.(我需要去超市买些杂货)

8. She enjoys playing video games in her free time.(她喜欢在空闲时间玩电子游戏)

9. My parents are coming to visit me this weekend.(我父母这个周末要来看我)

10. The teacher assigned us a lot of homework.(老师给了我们很多作业)

11. They are planning a trip to Paris in the summer.(他们计划在夏天去巴黎旅行)

12. He is playing basketball with his friends.(他正在和他的朋友打篮球)

13. The book is on the shelf next to the window.(这本书在窗户旁边的书架上)

14. She is always on time for her appointments.(她总是按时赴约)

15. My sister was born in New York City.(我姐姐出生在纽约市)

16. They are going to have a party at their house.(他们将在他们的房子里举办派对)

17. The dog barked at the mailman.(狗对邮递员吠叫)

18. I need to go to the bank to deposit some money.(我需要去银行存些钱)

19. We took a long hike through the mountains.(我们沿山脉漫长地徒步旅行)

20. She cooked a delicious meal for her family.(她为家人做了一顿美味佳肴)

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