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英语续写描写感动的句子 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-22 15:20:29
  • 198

英语续写描写感动的句子 16个

1. Tears streamed down her face as she read the letter from her long-lost sister. (泪水顺着她的面颊流淌,当她读到来自她失散多年的姐妹的信时。)

2. The elderly man's smile lit up the entire room as he saw his grandchildren walk through the door. (当他看到孙子孙女们走进门时,老人家的笑容照亮了整个房间。)

3. She felt a lump in her throat as she listened to her best friend's wedding vows. (当她听着最好的朋友发誓时,她感到喉咙里有一个结块。)

4. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter receive her diploma on stage. (当他看着女儿在舞台上领取文凭时,他的心中充满了自豪。)

5. The entire audience erupted into applause as the young girl finished her breathtaking piano performance. (当那个小女孩完成了令人惊叹的钢琴演奏,整个观众都爆发出热烈的掌声。)

6. She was overwhelmed with gratitude as her coworkers surprised her with a farewell party. (当她的同事们给她一个惊喜的欢送会时,她感到无比感激。)

7. His eyes filled with tears as he witnessed his son's first steps. (当他见证了他儿子的第一步,他的眼睛充满了泪水。)

8. She felt a rush of emotions as she reunited with her childhood best friend after many years apart. (当经历了多年的分别后,她与她的童年好友重逢时,她感到了一阵情感的涌动。)

9. The community came together to help the family who lost everything in the fire, restoring faith in humanity. (社区里的人们齐心协力,帮助在火灾中失去一切的家庭,让人重新对人类充满信心。)

10. His heart broke as he watched his beloved pet pass away peacefully in his arms. (当他看着心爱的宠物在他的怀里安详地去世时,他的心被撕裂。)

11. She felt her heart swell with compassion as she listened to the stories of the refugees and the hardships they faced. (当她听了难民们的故事和他们所面临的困难时,她的心充满了怜悯。)

12. His voice cracked as he spoke about the love he had for his late wife. (当他谈论他对他已故妻子的爱时,他的声音嘶哑了。)

13. She was moved to tears as she watched the volunteers work tirelessly to rescue the animals affected by the natural disaster. (当她看着志愿者们不知疲倦地营救受自然灾害影响的动物时,她被感动到泪流满面。)

14. The entire stadium erupted into cheers as the underdog team won the championship. (当这支弱旅赢得冠军时,整个体育场都爆发出欢呼声。)

15. She was filled with joy as she watched her daughter perform in her school play. (当她看着女儿在学校的戏剧中表演时,她充满了喜悦。)

16. He was touched by the kindness of strangers who helped him change his flat tire on the side of the road. (当陌生人帮助他在路边更换扁掉的轮胎时,他感动了。)

17. She was overwhelmed with gratitude as her friends surprised her with a birthday party. (当她的朋友们给她一个惊喜的生日聚会时,她感到无比感激。)

18. His heart swelled with pride as he watched his son receive the prestigious award at the ceremony. (当他看着儿子在颁奖礼上获得了这个崇高的奖项时,他的心中充满了自豪。)

19. She felt a rush of emotions as she watched her sister walk down the aisle on her wedding day. (当她看着妹妹在她婚礼的那天走下通道时,她感到了一阵情感的涌动。)

20. The entire audience held their breath as the acrobat performed a death-defying stunt, before erupting into applause. (当杂技演员表演了一场惊险刺激的绝技时,整个观众都屏住了呼吸,然后爆发出热烈的掌声。)

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