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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-21 05:34:19
  • 91


关于”情人节的句子“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Valentine's Day sentences。以下是关于情人节的句子的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Valentine's Day sentences

1、Whatever the odd mixture of origins, St. Valentine's Day is now a day for sweethearts. 无论渊源有多么复杂,“情人节”如今已是情侣们的节日。

2、This the ancestors for China's Valentine's Day. 这就是中国情人节的由来。

3、Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world. “ 情人节”或“圣瓦伦仃节”是全世界许多人在2月14日庆祝的节日。

4、On this Valentine's Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you. ——如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

5、There are schools that have banned conkers and snow and now Valentine’s cards. 有学校禁止了打果子和打雪球游戏,现在又禁止情人节卡片。

6、Valentine's day, Chinese Valentine's Day, X-mas, Birthday of your lover, Anniversary and so on, will you get sleepless, poor appetite or even nervous as these days coming? 西洋情人节、中国情人节、圣诞节、情人的生日、两人的纪念日……每次遇到这样的特殊节日,你就开始失眠、吃不下、焦虑不安吗?

7、Unlike Saint Valentine's Day abroad, Qixi, or Chinese Valentine's Day is characterised by its implicit and meaningful style. 与国外热情奔放的“圣华伦泰情人节”不同,中国情人节独具含蓄隽永的风情。

8、No more lying, no more melodrama, still run-on sentences still funny punctuation but so what. 再没有谎言,也没有情节,仍然是连写句,标点怪怪,那又怎么样?

9、This Valentine's day, indulge your loved one with a relaxing massage at CHI, The Spa. 这个情人节,带上您的爱人来“气”水疗中心度过一个轻松愉快的情人节吧!

10、I used to like Valentine Day. 我一直都喜欢过情人节的。

11、Xiao Chen is proposing to her boy friend this Valentine's Day. 今天是情人节,小陈打算这个特殊的日子向男友小王“求婚”。

12、Sometimes, celebration of this day -- which is not really bad -- ends up in a sin. 情人节并不坏,但有的时候,庆祝情人节的方式却会带来罪恶。

13、For centuries, couples celebrate Valentine's Day love between two persons. 数百年来,情人们以庆祝情人节的方式共享两人的柔情蜜意。

14、This Valentine's Day, why not buy your loved one a foreclosed home? 这个情人节,为什麽不给你爱的人买一套丧失了抵押赎回权的房子呢?

15、The bogus email directs the recipient to click on a link to retrieve an electronic Valentine's Day card. 假邮件指示收件人点击一个链接来获得电子情人节卡片。

16、It is the day when young people give valentine cards to their boyfriends or girlfriends. 情人节那天,年轻人会给自己的男(女)朋友送情人卡。

17、may you have a wonderful Valentine's day! 愿你有个美好的情人节。

18、Valentine's Day was Feb. 14, and Chinese call it "lovers' day". 2月14日是瓦伦丁节,中国人称之为情人节。

19、A splendid idea on Valentine`s Day is to open your heart to your sweet one and let know your feelings for her. 情人节浪漫点子之一就是向爱人倾诉衷肠,让她了解你的内心世界。

20、Happy belated Valentine's day, all! 祝所有人,迟到的情人节快乐!

21、And Zhang Feng's first Valentine's Day! 与张铭峰的第一个情人节!

22、The plot is incomprehensible. 这部片子的故事情节让人不知所云。

23、Learn how to fold an origami Valentine's Day treat box with expert tips on Valentine's Day crafts in this free video. 了解如何折纸折一本免费视频情人节与情人节工艺品治疗专家提示框。

24、A:When is Chinese Valentine's Day? 中国情人节是什么时候?

25、Today is Valentine's Day Tanabata. 今天是七夕情人节。


26、There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法,有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特-瓦伦丁的人士发起的。

27、The first Valentine card grew out of this practice. The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time. 第一张情人节卡片就是在这种情况下诞生的。1415年,奥尔良公爵查尔斯将第一张真正的情人节卡片送给了他的妻子。那时,他正被关在伦敦塔内。

28、Valentine's Day should be sweet if you are dating and in love.  情人节你的约会和爱情将是甜蜜的。

29、Think Valentine’s Day, Easter, Birthdays, Anniversaries. 想想情人节,复活节,生日,周年纪念日吧。

30、You can send valentine like this one to your loved ones to wish them a happy Valentine's Day! 你可以给亲人寄情人节卡祝他们情人节快乐!

31、If this occurs a patient can have life-long problems with arthritis of the wrist. 如果发生这种情况,病人可能一辈子都会有腕关节炎问题。

32、Take care this Valentine's Day. 这个情人节,好好保重。

33、When is Chinese Valentine's Day? 中国情人节是什么时候?

34、Happy Valentine's Day to my best love! 愿天下所有的有情人——情人节快乐!

35、Jack: What about the valentine? 情人节礼物是什么呢?

36、'You're going to deliver on Valentine's Day, ' Mr. Arif told his wife. 阿瑞夫对妻子说:“他们安排你在情人节这天生孩子。”

37、Tanabata Valentine's Day, she no longer lonely. 七夕情人节,她不再寂寞。

38、The family celebrated Valentine's Day in a little bit bigger way than wedo now. 一大家子庆祝情人节比我们现在要隆重一些,菜肴更加丰富。

39、Most girls like to receive a bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day. 大部分女孩子都希望在情人节时能收到一束玫瑰花。

40、i shall but love thee better after death. 情人节物语valentine's day

41、I never realized it was the last time when it happend. 每个情节都能让我泪如泉涌,不能再看到别人幸福的样子。

42、My dear, today is Valentine's Day in China. Far, and to send you a Valentine's Day kiss! Chinese-style. 亲爱的,今天是中国情人节。远远的,送你一个情人节的吻!中国式。^v^。

43、In some areas of England, people bake valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins. 在英格兰的某些地方,人们烤情人节小面包准备李子、或葡萄干。

44、The Perma-Peddle Achievement is no longer a part of the "Fool for Love" meta-achievement. 成就* 情人节事件中获得一只小丘比特的成就不再作为情人节头衔成就的一部分。

45、Tanabata Valentine's Day, she no longer sad. 七夕情人节,她不再悲伤。

46、I think banning the cards stops children from having social skills. 我认为禁送情人节贺卡不利于孩子们社交技能的培养。

47、Although few argue that Qixi Festival is a lovers’ holiday, its association with the Western Valentine’s Day is relatively new. 虽然很少人说七夕节就是情人们的节日,但它与西方情人节之间的关联得到人们关注。

48、Valentine's Day, how about it? 情人节要怎么过。

49、It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

50、You mightbe in for a good Valentine's day. 情人节有你享受的了。


51、You'll see that the best is yet to come. 你认为,情人节是一个必须有情人的日子。

52、I send you a Valentine greeting. 让我送上情人节的祝福。

53、Among couples getting betrothed , 30 percent said they would propose during a weekend getaway or vacation, which have been dubbed engagementcations. 那些准备订婚的情侣有30%称他们会在被誉为“订婚假日”的情人节周末或情人节假期求婚。

54、Hope you lucky and happy on the Double Seventh Festival, the Valentine's Day Of China, my dear friends ! 七夕节前夕,尘缘禅心祝天下有情人乞巧节巧结良缘!祝博友们中国情人节快乐!

55、Virburnum Farrari's leaves dance happily in three seasons. 荚迷花的叶子在三个季节里尽情舞蹈。

56、Sentient beings, every day is a day. A one, a proverb; A acacia, a heart in hope; A love, a lifetime love! 有情之人,天天是节。一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份爱意,一生相恋!

57、My wife Ann and I choose not to make a purchase the center of our Valentine's Day celebration. 我的妻子安和我决定,在情人节上我们不会以购物为中心。

58、On this Valentine's Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you. 如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

59、The first Valentine card grew out of this practice. The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife. 第一张情人节卡片是这么来的:1415年,奥尔良公爵查尔斯将第一张真正的情人节卡片送给了他的妻子。

60、Over 15,000 people took out "love insurance" provided by China's most popular e-wallet service provider Alipay on Valentine's Day this year, China Youth Daily reported. 据中国情人节当天,超过1万5千人在中国人气最高的电子支付服务商支付宝上买了爱情保险。

61、Now children, picking the valentine's day break up, and expert pick on April fool's day. 现在的孩子,分手专挑情人节,告白专挑愚人节。

62、A Girl Scout troop sold valentines and donated $300. 一个女童子军卖情人节礼物,捐赠了300美元。

63、Happy Valentine's Day! Sweetheart. 我的心上人,情人节快乐!

64、We can ignore most of the western festivals, Valentine's Day, April Fool's Day and Christmas Day but Mothers' Day ! 在众多的洋节日中,情人节,愚人节,圣诞节等等通通可以少,惟独母亲节!

65、Forget Valentines . Boycott Valentine’s Day, as it makes people think they should be romantic on special occasions. 4忘记情人节 ,我们要抵制情人节,因为它会让人们认为只有在特殊的时候才需要浪漫。

66、So on Valentine's Day she might go out to dinnerwith one of them or babysit for her grandchildren. 所以,情人节那天她可能和孩子们出去吃饭或帮着照料孙子。

67、Ciao, buon compleanno, Happy Valentine's Day. 你好,生日快乐,情人节快乐。

68、It is Valentine's Day. It is chicho time. 今天,这注定了又是一个没有情人的情人节。

69、You told your kids you were watching Avatar: The Last Airbender because it had such an amazing plot, but really, you just had a crush on Zuko. 你告诉你的孩子你在看《降世神通:最后的气宗》,因为它们的情节够抓人。但实际上,你只对祖克王子情有独钟。

70、The Valentine's Day arrived, slicing to hate to make stronger the old lover, development new lover, protect the little lover, guard against to know what happened the person. 情人节到了,切忌巩固老情人,发展新情人,保护小情人,提防知情人。

71、On this Valentine’s Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you. 如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

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