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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-25 05:24:53
  • 96


关于”万圣节的句子“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Halloween sentences。以下是关于万圣节的句子的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Halloween sentences

1、How should I prepare for Halloween night? 在万圣节之夜我该如何准备?

2、Ann: What are the main colors in Halloween? 那万圣节的主色调是什么呢?

3、These lights are called jacko‘lanterns, which means Jack of the lantern. 万圣节前夕

4、Learn about how to embellish Halloween placemats with expert tips on Halloween decorations in this free craft video. 了解如何在万圣节装饰品来美化与专家提示万圣节餐垫在这个自由工艺影片。

5、See the finished pumpkin Halloween placemats with expert tips on Halloween decorations in this free craft video. 看到这个免费视频的成品工艺南瓜与万圣节的装饰品专家提示万圣节餐垫。

6、The name Halloween means the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day. 万圣节前夕意为众神日或众圣日的前夕。

7、Children like painting their faces at Halloween. 孩子们喜欢在万圣节扮鬼脸。

8、The jiack-o-lantern is the symbol of halloween. 南瓜灯成了万圣节的标志。

9、What should I be for Halloween? 万圣节我该打扮成什么模样?

10、The jackolantern is the symbol of Halloween. “空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征。

11、万圣节的活动有哪些 What are the activities of Halloween?

12、While there are many versions of the of Halloween, some remain consistentby all accounts. Different cultures view Holloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same. 尽管关于万圣节的起源和旧俗有很多不同的看法,但有一些是被所有人接受的。不同文化看待万圣节总是有点不同,但是传统的万圣节做的事情都是一样的。

13、Learn how to add a bow tie and bund for vampire Halloween costumes in this free Halloween costume video. 了解如何加入这个自由万圣节服装的视频领结和吸血鬼的万圣节服装腰带。

14、and you know, there's Halloween parties. 此外,还有万圣节聚会。

15、Learn how to dry brush highlights on the face of a Halloween corpse in this free Halloween props video tutorial. 了解如何干刷强调在这个自由万圣节道具的视频在一个万圣节尸体的脸教程。

16、See the finished candy corn Halloween placemats with expert tips on Halloween decorations in this free craft video. 看到这个免费视频的工艺完成玉米在万圣节糖果装饰专家提示万圣节餐垫。

17、Halloween is almost upon us. Have you started unpacking your Halloween decorations to decorate your home? 万圣节快到了,你开始准备装饰你的屋子了吗?

18、It is a good greeting card for Hallowmas. 这是不错的万圣节的贺卡。

19、Different cultures view Holloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same. 不同文化看待万圣节总是有点不同,但是传统的万圣节做的事情都是一样的。

20、That means Halloween! 那也就意味着万圣节到了!

21、Canada’s Governor General David Johnston certainly joined in the festivities last Halloween. 看样子加拿大总督约翰斯顿去年万圣节也好好玩了一把。

22、I ate all your Halloween candy. 我吃光了你的万圣节糖果。

23、Learn about how to make felt Halloween placemats with expert tips on Halloween decorations in this free craft video. 如何使学习觉得在这个自由的工艺装饰品视频在万圣节万圣节餐垫专家提示。

24、The tale of Jamie Freel, here called "The Halloween Changeling, " is the selection for Halloween. 杰米弗雷尔的故事,这里被称为“万圣节换子”,是在万圣节的选择。

25、Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween. 万圣节前夜,小孩子通常都乔装打扮,玩得很开心。


26、The jackolantern is the symbol of Halloween. “空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征。

27、Hallowe'en was eight months ago! 万圣节是八个月之前的事情了!

28、Halloween is often miscalled All Saint's Day in Chinese area. 万圣节前夕在华语地区常被误称为万圣节。

29、TrickorTreat 不给糖,就捣蛋 Happy Halloween. 万圣节快乐 Have a great Halloween. 愿你有个很棒的万圣节

30、"'Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" has become a common sight during Halloween in North America. “万圣节或治疗儿童基金会”已成为司空见惯万圣节北美。

31、We're like gluttonous kids on Halloween with a big pile of candy. 我们就像万圣节前夕贪吃的孩子,捧着一大堆的糖果。

32、Every trick or treater knows to go to the house with the most Halloween decorations! 每个技巧或处理机知道去最万圣节装饰的房子!

33、What do the children do in Halloween? 那万圣节的主色调是什么呢?

34、A mother bought her son a ¥100Halloween costume(万圣节服装) to scare his friends.

35、The kids pigged out on the candy they had collected on Halloween. 孩子们狼吞虎咽他们在万圣节得来的糖果。

36、万圣节的英文介绍 Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October

37、October thirty-first is Halloween. 十月第三十一是万圣节。

38、For a black cat, Hallowmas is the most miserable day. 对于黑猫来说,万圣节是一年中最“悲惨”的日子。

39、Big class B loves Halloween! 大B班爱过万圣节哦!

40、As to black cats, Hallowmas is the most miserable day in a year. 对于黑猫来说,万圣节是一年中最“悲惨”的日子。

41、The Halloween motifs are aimed at everyone who is crazy about Halloween and wants to show it. 万圣节主题防护罩的受众锁定在那些热衷于过万圣节并且愿意展示自己的人群

42、Such acceptance did not diminish the pranks committed by young males that night who now saw Halloween as their best opportunity to let loose. 这种接受并没有改变万圣节的恶作剧传统,男孩子仍然把万圣节看做狂野一把的最好机会。

43、Jack-o-lantern jar - This is a great Halloween project. 杰克灯- 万圣节的好节目。

44、In Chinese, Halloween is often mistakenly translated as all saints' day. 在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints' Day)。

45、It is not like Halloween, where despite an interesting history, most people just put on Halloween costumes, get candy, and leave it at that. 它不像万圣节,尽管万圣节有着有趣的历史,但是大部分人都仅仅是穿上万圣节的服饰,向别人索取糖果,然后就是这样了。

46、在万圣节之夜我该如何准备? How should I prepare for Halloween night?

47、Halloween here is just a different thing. 这儿的万圣节之夜变味了。

48、Learn about how to prepare pumpkin Halloween placemats with expert tips on Halloween decorations in this free craft video. 了解有关如何准备在这个自由工艺影片万圣节南瓜与万圣节的装饰品:专家提示餐垫。

49、look at your yard decoration, how spooky! 万圣节快乐!

50、Then Halloween is the holiday for you! 那万圣节就是你的节日了!


51、Learn about Halloween chocking hazards with expert Halloween safety tips in this free video clip. 关于万圣节安全提示与专家万圣节呛咳的危险学习内容免费视频剪辑。

52、The merchandising for the holiday is enormous second only to that of Christmas. 万圣节能够带来巨大的商机,影响力仅次于圣诞节。

53、Why not dress up your kids as Mario and Luigi for next Halloween? 下一个万圣节,把自家孩子也装扮成超级玛丽吧!

54、Sun WoKong usually practise playing tennis after school. 孩子们在万圣节穿带面具的特殊戏服。

55、Happy Halloween Debby. 万圣节快乐!

56、On the eve of All Hallows, Oct. 在万圣节的前夜,10月31日,

57、These lights are called jacko‘lanterns, which means Jack of the lantern. 万圣节前夕32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431363030

58、There have been few studies to examine how the holiday affects children. 很少有人研究万圣节到底对孩子会产生怎样的影响。

59、The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume. 当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。

60、Learn how to apply black makeup for a Halloween scarecrow costume in this free Halloween costume video. 学习如何运用在这个自由万圣节服装万圣节稻草人视频黑色服装化妆。

61、Thee traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary-school. 现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们开心的夜晚。在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。

62、The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume. 当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。

63、For three years we had never spent Halloween without Father getting his nose broken. 连续三年,我们过万圣节,父亲都碰破了鼻子。

64、Learn what kinds of and ss to wear for a glow in the dark skeleton Halloween costume from a costume and makeup expert in this free Halloween video. 了解什么样的袜子和鞋种为骨架万圣节在黑暗中从服装服饰,化妆专家辉光穿在这个自由万圣节影片。

65、Halloween has a lot of snacks, such as pumpkin pie, baked pumpkin seeds, popcorn, apple juice and corn sugar snack in Halloween New Year's Eve. 万圣节有很多零食,比如南瓜馅饼、烘南瓜子、爆玉米花、苹果汁和粟米糖是万圣除夕的点心了。

66、Halloween Night Orienteering and party ! 万圣节黑夜定向赛及派对!

67、Have Daddy put on his funny clown costume a day ahead so your child can get used to that weird nose, or let him listen to that scary Halloween soundtrack tomorrow. 如果父亲在万圣节的前一天穿上他有趣的小丑衣,那么你的孩子就会习惯那奇怪的鼻子,或者让孩子听一听明天万圣节将发出的恐怖的声音。

68、Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. 南瓜也是万圣节的标志性象征。

69、It's my son, Zachary, my younger son, dressed up as Spider-Man, but it is Halloween. 是我儿子,扎卡里,我的小儿子,扮成蜘蛛侠的样子,不过这是在万圣节

70、In consonance to the Halloween happening this Friday, I showed them a Halloween-themed movie. 为了迎合本周五的万圣节,我为大家播放了一个万圣节主题的电影。

71、Every Halloween, children enjoy being frightened by this scary story. 每年万圣节,孩子们都喜欢被这恐怖故事吓得直打哆嗦。

72、万圣节 Hallowmas Halloween Allhallowmas all saints' day 皆可

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