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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 00:58:15
  • 124


关于”背诵句子的app“的英语句子38个,句子主体:App for reciting sentences。以下是关于背诵句子的app的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:App for reciting sentences

1、And then you go to a recitation instructor. 那你们可以去找背诵课的讲师。

2、The new concept English learning. To recite the text. 学习新概念英语。背诵课文。

3、Many children learn to say their alphabet to the tune of ‘le, le little star”. 就像许多孩子通过唱“le, le little star”来背诵他们的字母表。

4、Jack can give recitations from Shakespeare. 杰克能够背诵莎士比亚的作品。

5、They choose not to interact with the recitation instructors. 他们选择不与,背诵课的讲师交流。

6、Anyone who can memorize the Shurangama Sutra is a true disciple of the Buddha. 哪一位能读诵,能把《楞严经》背得出来,那是真正佛的弟子。

7、Our teacher asked us to recite the text again. 我们老师又要我们背诵课文了。

8、Then recites that article, swaggers away! 然后将那文章背诵一遍,扬长而去!

9、Emphasis has been placed on reading aloud in learning of the classical language. 二是对文言文的学习强调了诵读的作用,还规定了背诵的数量和篇目。

10、It is well documented that people can recite epic poems from memory but fail to do so when the same content in these stories is presented to them as a series of random words. 有文件能够很好的证明,人们能够凭记忆背诵篇章很长的诗歌,但是如果同样的内容在文章中以一系列不经意的词句出现,那么人们便很难将它背诵下来。

11、He memorized the two-times table. 他把二的乘法表背诵下来了。

12、So, those recitations occur Tuesdays and Thursday. 背诵课安排在周三和周四。

13、A:Yes, the teacher says recitation is real good. 是的,老师说背诵课文真的有好处。

14、My daughter recited the whole conversation in lesson 127 this afternoon. She recited it to me this evening. 今天下午,我女儿背诵了第一百二十七课的整篇对话。今天晚上,她把这些内容背诵给我听了。

15、Better than reciting a hundred meaningless verses is the reciting of one verse of Dhamma, hearing which one attains peace. 背诵一首有意义及听后心得平静的偈,好过背诵百首无意义、与证悟涅盘无关的偈。

16、Who can recite the text? 谁会背诵课文?

17、just as every coin has two sides也很值得背诵。

18、In the operating room, Michael is reciting the alphabet. 在手术室内,迈可背诵字母表。

19、When you pull the right one, he recites the lords prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm. 当你拉右边的线时,它会背诵主祈祷,当你拉左边的线时,它会背诵第23章圣歌。

20、A. Read the dialogue and try to remember. 熟读对话,并背诵下来。

21、I often listened to him speak in English. 我听了她背诵课文。

22、She recited them to me just now. 刚才她把这些内容给我背诵了一遍。

23、The actor knows his lines by heart. 那位演员能够背诵自己的台词。

24、The students went on to recite the text. 学生们停下其他事,继续背诵课文。

25、Don't jerk out your words,try to recite more smoothly. 不要结结巴巴地背诵,努力背得更流利些。


26、He could recite the prose chapter and verse. 他能一字不漏地背诵那篇散文。

27、Somebody recites in your presence what I just recited to you. 有人在你面前像我刚才背的那样背诵给你。

28、A:Reciting texts really bores me to death. 背诵课文烦死人了。

29、I tried to say the lord's prayer. 我试图背诵主祷文。

30、Of course, she also recites Fire once. 当然,她还背诵了一遍《火灾》。

31、Reciting texts really bores me to death. 背诵课文烦死人了。

32、Read and recite the text. 熟读课文并试着背诵。

33、Then you go to recitation. 然后你们去上背诵课。

34、Do you see those strings on his legs?When you pull the right one, he recites the lords prayer, and when you pull on the left he recites the 23rd Psalm. 你看到在它脚上的绳子了吗?当你拉它右脚的时候,它会背诵祈祷文章,当你拉它左脚的时候,它会背诵第23张圣歌。

35、Recite the first paragraph of the text. 背诵课文第一自然段。

36、And also, likewise with the recitations. 还有,背诵课也是这样。

37、Blah, blah... See, I can even recite it. 那都是废话。看,我甚至会背诵了。

38、Yes, the teacher says recitation is real good. 是的,老师说背诵课文真的有好处。

39、Next, the little ones recited in concert their lesson. 接着,小同学们齐声背诵课文。

40、Who should say even a hundred verses without meaningful words, better is one verse on the Dharma, after hearing which, one can attain calm. 背诵一首有意义及听后心得平静的偈,好过背诵百首无意义、与证悟涅槃无关的偈。

41、Recitation to me is the best way. A:Why? 背诵在我看来是最好的办法.为什么?

42、However, with perseverance Hee-Ah can now memorize and play a piece that lasts longer than seven minutes. 然而僖芽坚持不懈,如今已可背诵并弹奏超过7分钟的曲子。

43、Of course, she also recites Too Much Noise once. 当然,她还背诵了一遍《太吵了》。

44、Recite the text one by one "the teacher said." 老师说:“一个接一个地背诵课文”。

45、So chanted the child to his antagonist. 一位小孩向他的敌手诵念这句话。

46、The students went on reciting the text. 学生们继续背诵课文。

47、Read the story and recite. 听读并背诵课文。

48、For today's homework, make sentences with the words on the blackboard, learn the text by heart and do the exercises on page 54. 今天的家庭作业是:用黑板上的单词造句,背诵课文,做第54页上的练习。

49、Reciting speech is great way of English learning! 背诵演讲是学习英语的好方!

50、This is sort of venues for learning: recitation, reading, homework, so, that's my responsibility, the lecture. Recitation: that's got to be the staff. 这些是学习的内容:,背诵课,阅读,家庭作业,这是我的职责,上课,背诵课:,那则是由教学人员负责。


51、Repeat the text after the tape and try to recite it. 跟读课文录音并背诵课文。

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