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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:36
  • 326


关于”星空的诗“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Poetry in the starry sky。以下是关于星空的诗的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry in the starry sky

1、CB: The many stanzas that are left blank in "The Manufacture of Negative Experience" leave room for thought; they are the blank spots of a negative dialectics, writ large. 伯恩斯坦:《否定性经验的制造》中许多诗节都是空白,可以给思想留出空间,很明显,这些空白诗节都是否定辩证法的空白点。

2、On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。

3、Star, star, in the sky. 星星,星星,高挂在天空。

4、The space saga follows the Terran story line as the Terrans fight off attacks from the extraterrestrials trying to take over. 这部太空史诗遵循人族的故事线索,第一部中人族击退了外星人发起的试图控制人类的进攻。

5、Also identified in the famous star field are Messier catalog objects. 在这片星空中还能看见梅西叶星表中的天体。

6、The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars. 无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。

7、I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star .“我爱夜空中的繁星,而你就如同这繁星般美丽”

8、4  Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。

9、knowledge is their talent and abilities. 星星使天空绚烂夺目;

10、The stars led in the night sky. 星星在夜空中闪烁。

11、The sky was spangled with stars. 天空闪烁着星星。

12、The sky is spangled with stars. 天空闪烁着星星。

13、The Myth: Polaris is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere night sky 误解八:北极星是北半球夜空中最亮的星星。

14、That drop from your cup on the night sky’s 漆黑的夜空中的星星从你的杯中掉落

15、Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant. 这里的黄昏很突然,夜很静,璀璨的星空彷佛没有尽头。

16、Here,the dusk is sudden,the night silent,the panoply of stars immense and brilliant. 这里的黄昏很突然,夜很静,璀璨的星空彷佛没有尽头。

17、The black sky was strewn with le stars. 夜空中布满了闪亮的星星。

18、Stars were billiant in the clear night sky. 星星在夜空中光辉灿烂。

19、All the Christmas candles rose higher and higher till she saw that they were only the ling stars. 所有的圣诞蜡烛越升越高,最后她看清那只是夜空中闪烁的星星。其中有一颗星星落了下来,在空中滑过一道亮光。

20、The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) is one of the best known planetary nebulae in the sky. 猫眼星云(NGC 6453)是天空中最著名的行星状星云之一。

21、Stars stud the sky. 星星散布在天空上。

22、the ling of a starry sky。星空的闪耀。

23、Stars shining in the sky Tang Lee Du most bright, future generations of their study also the most fully. 在群星闪耀的唐诗天空中李杜最为光亮,后人对他们的研究也最为充分。

24、He ped the little Stars right and left, all over the sky, until every one of them put his little lamp out and left it dark. 小杰克摇摇在小星星中间左冲右撞,横行整个天空,直到星星们熄灭了手里的灯笼,天空暗了下来。

25、The stars glittered in the night sky. 星星在夜空中闪烁。


26、Thus re-research of Si Kongtu's poem theory excluding TWENTY-FOUR POEM STYLES is becoming the specially important things of present Si Kongtu's poem theory research. 从而重新认识《二十四诗品》之外的司空图的诗歌理论就成了当前司空图诗论研究中的当务之急。

27、On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。

28、His photos show cers of stars in a starfield, or a star trail, which shows the movement of the earth through the sky. 他拍摄的照片为某一片星空中的几组恒星,或者一个恒星的轨迹,表示地球穿过天空的运动。

29、From its current centralised structure, Star will restructure into three units -- Star India, Star Greater China and Fox international Channels. 星空传媒将由现在的中央管理结构划分为三个部门--星空传媒(印度),星空传媒(大中华)和Fox国际频道.

30、The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。

31、Shaped like a faithful dog , Canis Major includes the btightest star in the sky : Sirius . 形状像一条忠实的狗,大犬星座包含了天空中最亮的星:天狼星。

32、Stars were winking in the sky. 星星在天空中闪烁。

33、I would drink deeper; fish in the sky, whose bottom is pebbly with stars. 我愿饮得更深;在天空中打鱼,天空的底层里有着石子似的星星。

34、the ling of a starry sky 星空的闪耀

35、On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars. 在晴朗的夜晚,天空中布满了恒星。

36、   The fair tale of immortal Luoshen added up more mysterious color to the Luohe River。我们席地而坐,极目宽阔的河床和没有星月的夜空,任凉凉的夜风亲吻着肌肤,心被夏夜那空旷诗化的静谧包裹着、融化着。

37、Choral evensong still wafts across the ether. 唱诗班的晚祷声仍然在空中回荡。

38、The sky was ablaze with stars as if each one were on a pull chain. 星星是台上的主角,天空中星光灿烂,一颗颗星星像点缀在一根璀璨的项链上。

39、The Scorpio- Centaurus stars share a common motion through space. 天蝎-人马组合中的星星在太空中运动相同。

40、He has published works in various journals including The People's Literature, Chinese Prose, Sichuan Literature. 作品见于《文学》、《中华散文》、《诗刊》、《星星》、《四川文学》、《诗选刊》等报刊。

41、The sky was ling with stars. 天空星星闪闪发光。

42、Of cloudless clime and starless sky. 在那没有云朵没有星星的天空中。

43、The stars sparkle in the dark sky. 夜晚的天空上星星闪闪发光。

44、Stars faded out from the sky. 星星渐渐地从天空中消失了。

45、From its current centralized structure, Star will restructure into three units -- Star India, Star Greater China and Fox international Channels. 星空传媒将由现在的中央管理结构划分为三个部门--星空传媒(印度),星空传媒(大中华)和Fox国际频道.

46、The stars stand at the highest point of sky so as to light the night sky. 为了照亮夜空,星星才站在天空的高处。

47、Among the prosperous Middle Tang poetic circle, Zhangji is absolutely an important poet for he makes great achievement in both"Folk-tang-styled-verse"and"Modern Style Poetry". 在群星荟萃的中唐诗坛,张籍无疑是有重要影响的一位诗人,在乐府诗与近体诗创作上都有较高成就。

48、Stars are most easily seen when winds high in the air blow dust and clouds away. 通常如果高空中有风的话,它会把高空中的灰尘与云层吹散,这样星星就能清晰可见。

49、4  Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。

50、Sky shining colorful fireworks, some fireworks in the sky like all the stars shining, some like meteor shower, the instant disappeared in the sky. 天空闪耀着五彩的礼花,有的礼花在天空中像满天的星星一闪闪,有的似流星雨,一瞬间就消失在天际中。


51、But most of the stars in the sky are far away galaxies or nebula. 然而,天空中的多数恒星位于遥远的星系或星云中。

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