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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 06:03:12
  • 168


关于”美好的句子“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Beautiful sentences。以下是关于美好的句子的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Beautiful sentences

1、He lives in the past now,bethinking himself of happier days. 他现在追念过去,缅怀往昔更美好的日子。

2、Hestia appeared to be the perfect wife and stood as an example of the good wife for the slaves. 赫斯提看来是一位完美的妻子,并成为奴隶们好妻子的榜样。

3、Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewels set in-just the colour to wear in her beautiful hair. 多么好看的梳子,纯玳瑁做的,镶着铢宝,颜色恰好配上她那美丽的头发。

4、The hills were covered with the of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. 他的影子遮满了山,枝子好像佳美的香柏树。

5、The day on which I met yeti was the greatest of my life. 我遇到雪人的日子是我一生最美好的时光。

6、I think that it is a magnificent piece of architecture. 第一张图的妹子好美,是我的菜!

7、All mothers really want, despite everything, is for their kids to have the qualities that would give them the best headstart in life, and help them lead good lives. 所有母亲真正想要的,原来是希望孩子具有美好的品德,这些品德能让孩子在生活中拔得头筹,享受美好人生。

8、美好的日子,已悄悄来 [happy birthday] beautiful flowers are open to you; good days, has quietly come

9、Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn. So smile. 美好的日子从你微扬的嘴角开始。笑吧!

10、What a beautiful night when I became a baby king. 多么美好的夜晚,那一夜,我是孩子王。

11、This is a classic case of the runaway male ego, designed to present a man in the best light and impress a woman. 这句话经典地完美地再现了男人的好胜心,这样说正是为了把他最好的一面展示给女人并给她留下很深的印象。

12、Otherwise, put on your sweetest smile, tap the offender on the shoulder, and try one of these carefully worded lines 不然你只好面带最甜美的微笑,拍一下冒犯他人者的肩膀,然后字斟句酌地试试

13、Hou Yi was a good, courageous god with a beautiful wife, Chang Er. 郈已是一个良好的,勇敢的神与美丽的妻子,张尔。

14、I miss the good old days, ' she added sentimentally . “我怀念过去那些美好的日子,”她动情地补充道。

15、In this good season and beautiful days, send you missings and best wishes. 平安的季节,美好的日子,寄上浓浓的相思,送给你一份美好的祝福。

16、Go to pick a colorful and comfy pair for the beautiful summer! 选双色彩鲜艳又舒服的鞋子好好过个美丽的暑假唷!

17、Love is spending a few minutes together at midnight before Christmas. 爱是在圣诞前夜的子夜一起度过的美好时光。

18、Young Confucius: I see. The beautiful scene is a good reflection of the virtue of the gentleman. 小孔丘:我明白了,这些美好的景物,正好和君子的美德搭配一起。

19、` I miss the good old days, 'she added sentimentally. ‘我怀念过去那些美好的日子,’她动情地补充道。

20、Hello, I'm so, Hello everybody, the good thing; mountains, river beauty, home beauty, beauty of his associates. I wish you all live the United States, Happy New Year. 你好、我好、大家好,好事不断;山美、河美、家乡美,美好联连。祝福大家生活美、过年好。

21、That day the best day of my life is that thing's happening, and Naoki meet. 我一生中最美好的日子是发生那件事情的那天,是和直树相遇的日子。

22、Hemingway said: The world is beautiful and worth fighting for. I agree with the last part . 个人签名:“海明威说过:这个世界是美好的,值得为之奋斗。我同意后半句。”

23、For the joy that the day had brough. 为了这美好的日子带来的快乐;

24、True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. 刚刚看到的这句话,谁能完美呢;对人好是一门学问,要坚信有个人会学会的,一定会的。

25、MIYOKO:That's a bit expensive. You'd better try them on first. Look at. 美代子:有点贵。你最好先试一试。看看。


26、May: Done. Oh, don't foget to take napkins, disposable plates, cups and picnic blanket. 阿美: 弄好了。哦,别忘了带餐巾纸,一次性的盘子和杯子,还有野餐布。

27、Afather and son snakeare out fora nice afternoon slither. 蛇爸爸和蛇儿子滑动出去过一个美好的下午。

28、A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. 名誉强如美好的膏油;人死的日子,胜过人生的日子。

29、As for the feed formulation is doing duck, not the original duck son delicious. 好比是给鸭子做饲料配方,肯定没有原生态的野鸭子味道鲜美。

30、I would not trade one moment of that precious time and I miss nursing babies. 那段珍贵的时光多么美好,我多么怀念给孩子喂奶的日子!

31、I miss the good old days, 'she added sentimentally . “我怀念过去那些美好的日子,”她动情地补充道。

32、Children to a better future is every parents greatest wish! 给孩子一个美好的未来,是每个家长最大的心愿!

33、Good morning, Amay. You are really a good child and you are practising English now. 阿美,早上好。真是好孩子,又在读英语了!

34、What with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. 我们都会有美好的未来。兔子。我。陈翔。大家都会有的。

35、The mountains were covered with its shade, the mighty cedars with its branches. 他的影子遮满了山,枝子好像佳美的香柏树。

36、Instead of purchasing $50 boots that will wear out in a winter, save up your $200 and buy the best pair of boots you can purchase, but only ONCE. 与其买价值50美元穿一个冬就坏的靴子,不如存200美元买一双你能买到的最好的靴子,不过一双就好。

37、Their new house is a real dream. 他们的新房子真像梦一般美好。

38、Fat man have no future, your mind again beauty is also a good fat! ⊙、胖子没前途,你心灵再美也就是个好心肠的胖子!

39、Grandma put up stawberry jam,tomatoes,beans,peppers,pears and peaches in canning jam. 奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。

40、Almond is a good fruit, which can make girls beautiful. 杏仁,一种可以美容润肺的好吃果子。

41、Grandma put up strawberry jam,tomatoes,beans,peppers,pears and peaches in canning jam. 奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。

42、A good name [is] better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth. 名誉强如美好的膏油。人死的日子,胜过人生的日子。

43、She is a pretty, sweety girl. 她是个美好的女子。

44、"That's a beautiful sophism" said the girl with a smile more beautiful still. “那是一种美丽的诡辩,”女孩子说,露出了更加美好的笑容。

45、Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. 爱是美好的,但不经意间降临的爱更为美好。美好。

46、Daniel, how can you not feel the pressure and still put such a perfect full stop to the meeting just now? 小伟,你怎能好似完全没有压力,并为这场同声传译画上了这么完美的句号?

47、I'm old, now I'm often hashing over the old fine days. 我老了,现在我常常回忆过去那些美好的日子。

48、If you say today, "Ok, is all the good stuff in the days gone by?" 如果你今天说,“过去的日子里都是美好的吗?“

49、These photos remind me of the good old days. 这些照片让我想起了过去那些美好的日子。

50、So thanks to Teemu & the guys, my days at Finnvox got even nicer! 谢谢Teemu和所有同事,让我在Finnvox的日子更加美好!


51、What was Oliver Braithwaite's fondest hope for his son? 奥利弗·布雷思韦特对他的儿子抱以何种最美好的希望?

52、It drains you, it's your day, everything is so beautiful. 真的好想你,有你的日子,一切都是那么美好。

53、"There is a sense that finally time is on the dollar's side," Ruskin said. 市场有种感觉:美元的好日子终于到了." Ruskin称.

54、A little house well filled, a little land well tilled, and a little wife well willed are great riches. 一所摆满家具的小房子,一小片精耕细作的土地和一位心灵美好的妻子是最好的财富。

55、He acquainted his son with good music. 他使儿子熟悉美好的音乐。

56、“It was a perfect Hollywood moment,” Seliger says. “The weather was great, we were outdoors, and the water was controlled. “这是一个完美的好莱坞时刻”,他说:“天气很好,我们在户外,池子里的水控制的很好。

57、I am afraid I have to leave now. Hope to meet you again. 如果实在没词了,那只好和美眉说再见了,赶快回家“临阵磨枪”,疯狂搜集“泡妞”句子,“留的学习在,不怕没柴烧”! 周奔驰:对不起,我有点事,不能继续和你聊了,希望能有机会再见面。

58、The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the blind boy could not. 第二句话却告诉人们,他们能够享受美好时光而盲童却不能。

59、The chopsticks are free, it can demand open mouth, all good things to do in the collection bag . 而筷子是自由的,它可以狮子大张口,把一切美好的东西尽收囊中。

60、Traffickers prey on families made vulnerable by poverty, offering their children good jobs and a better life in India; 人口贩子的猎物家庭变得脆弱的贫困,他们的子女提供良好的就业机会和更美好的生活在印度;

61、Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter. 许多工作者被电子交通的美好幻想所迷惑。

62、I?ll always remember the wonderful time I had with you. 我将永远记住你我共处的那一段美好日子。

63、Prince Naveen: Kissing would be nice, yes? 纳温王子:“接吻是件很美好的事,对吧?”

64、But Michiko said Monday she was fine. 但美智子皇后于周一表示自己的身体状况已好转。

65、Good-- in the deep sense,good. 美好,极其美好。

66、The better the day, the better the deed. 日子越美好,事业越顺当。

67、Did you guys realise the younger Haomei is right-handed, whereas the older one is left-handed?Hahaha, Idk why I'm always looking out for these little details. 你们有没有发现, 之前的好美是右撇子, 长大了的好美是左撇子? 哈哈, 不知道为什麽老是喜欢注意这些小细节!

68、That the worlds a better place when its upside down, boy. 如果世界上下颠倒过来,会是个更美好的地方,小子。

69、At Bienville House, travelers can enjoy the finest of culinary offerings. 在号房子,游客可以享受最好的美食产品。

70、A week later Miyoko received the camera she had ordered. 一周后收到了相机美代子,她已安排好。

71、Be the best of you, not better than you. 呈现你最美好的一面,但不需打肿脸皮充胖子。

72、There are no limits to fine dining in Orange County. 橘子郡美食好吃无极限。

73、Electronicbooks are a wonderful adjunct toprint books. 电子书籍是印刷书籍的美好的辅助品。

74、Never give up during the difficult days and better time are sure to come some day. 在困境中绝不放弃,美好的日子总会到来。

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