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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 06:46:42
  • 95




1、Could you tell me the way to the museum? 您能告诉我博物馆在哪里吗?

2、Double-circuit limit switch , is widely used; 双回路型限路开关,用途广泛;

3、Many walk , less ask road , no give Chinese add mess. 多走路少问路,别给中国添乱!

4、The mainissue is intrusion of highway vehicles on the railroad. 问题的关键在于闯入铁路的公路车辆。

5、Who like to show your road map? 教师让两组学生上来边画路线图,边指路。

6、It will open the way for the commercial use of humanoid robots doing housework. 它的问世将为人型家务机器人的商业应用开辟道路。

7、At the railway information counter you may get train schedules free of charge. 在询问处你可以免费拿到铁路指南。

8、The earliest LAN technologies used either thick Ethernet or thin Ethernet infrastructures . 早期网路技术应用在粗型乙太网路架构或细型乙太网路架构。

9、The man told me wrong and I got lost in the forest. 那个人指错了路,结果我在森林里迷路了。

10、Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office? 这是去市政厅的路吗?

11、The harmful geology structure under the freeway is a ground problem existing in the freeway construction in the loess region, and it mainly results in the collapse of the roadbeds and the slopes. 黄土地区高速公路下伏不良地质体是高等级公路建设中经常遇到的地基问题,其病害类型主要是路基塌陷形成陷坑和路基边坡坍塌。

12、But there are guideposts that can help point the way out. 但是,帮助指路的路标还是有的。

13、Note that the include and library paths for the Matlab_inv libraries are specified relative to the model file. 请注意,Matlab_inv 库的包含路径和库路径是相对于模型文件进行指定的。

14、Ensure that you specify a universally accessible absolute path to the site.xml file. 确保您指定了一个到 site.xml 文件的全球可访问的绝对路径。

15、Next, specify the route it must follow to the gateway: route add -net gw 然后,指定它访问网关必须遵循的路由: route add -net gw。

16、Based on the much larger total closed-loop market size, the open-loop market will not surpass the closed-loop market until 2017, individual segments notwithstanding. 因为它是以一个更大的封闭回路型市场为基础,开放回路型市场到2017年不会超过封闭回路型市场。

17、Road-stays on the highway are holding up traffic. 高速公路上的道路施工阻碍了访问量。

18、Better to raise the way than go down the wrong path. 问路总比迷路好。隔墙有耳为什么。

19、The utility model relates to a breaker for earthed faulty lines, with a function of indicating the end of service life. 本实用新型涉及一种具有寿命终止指示功能的接地故障线路断 路器。

20、Ask for and give directions on the street. 在大街上问路和指引方向。

21、Ideal is the beacon. 理想是指路明灯。

22、One or both of the specified paths is ill-formed. 指定的两个路径或其中一个路径的格式不正确。

23、How can I get to the subway station? 对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?

24、Can you tell me where the museum is? 请问去最近的邮局怎么走?

25、Excuse me, could you give me some directions? 请你给我指指路好吗。


26、Incorporating the practice of railway EIA review, problems existing were pointed out and relative suggestion was proposed. 并结合铁路环评技术评估工作实践,指出了铁路环评技术评估目前亟待解决的问题,提出了相关建议。

27、Iuml; 'll show you. 我给你指路。

28、The said digital gate circuit marco model can be used to perform a logical simulation for gate circuit and the digital circuit formed by the gate circuit. 本文提出了一种建立数字门电路宏模型的方法 ,采用该方法建立的门电路宏模型可以对门电路 ,以及由门电路构成的数字电路进行逻辑仿真。

29、After class, I sauntered around the university for a while, takingsome pictures and observing the campus. I asked some students and faculties fordirections, and they responded me with warmth. 走出课堂,我漫步在校园里,拍照,观察…我向几个大学生问路,询问想去的院系方向,他们都非常热情的给我指路。

30、CAR-in-silver beacon highway exit into the 107 National Road, along the highway crossing signs were cited. 自驾车在广清公路银盏出口转入银英公路,沿线交叉路口均有公路指示牌引。

31、"Is this bit dirt road or paved?" I asked while pointing at the map. “这一段是泥土路还是好路?”我指着地图问。

32、"Two axes" refers to the two connected thoroughfares----Binhulan Road, the key ecological sightseeing road, and Heida Road, the main artery joining the east and west of the city districts. “两轴”是指滨呼兰河路和黑大公路-规划路两条联系通道。滨呼兰河路是区内的重要生态景观路,黑大公路-规划路是联系城区东西方向的主要交通干道;

33、You can specify either a relative or an absolute path to the image. 可以为图像指定相对路径或绝对路径。

34、In a word , Rooba has accompanied your worry-free childhood and will be with you all the way . 一句话,路豹伴你走过无忧童年,路豹在飞达,路豹在前进,路豹将和各路同仁同展翅同飞翔!

35、By the way, could you show me the way to the station? 顺便问一下,你能指给我去车站的路吗。

36、There are BUCK PFC circuit topology, BOOST PFC circuit topology, BUCK-BOOST PFC circuit topology and single-stage PFC circuit topology in single-phase PFC. 其中单相PFC包含了BUCK降压型PFC电路拓扑、BOOST升压型PFC电路拓扑、升降压型PFC电路拓扑以及单级单相PFC电路拓扑。

37、Road vehicles. Speedometer. Quick setting power take-off. 道路车辆。速度指示器。快速安装型活动插头。

38、excuse me.how can i get to the nearest post office? 这是去市政厅的路吗?

39、It points out the existing problems in the freight tariff regulations stipulated in the "Railway Law" in China. 指出我国《铁路法》中运价规范存在的问题。

40、A URI path is like a typical file pathname. URI 路径像一个典型的文件路径名。

41、Complete road and highway sets: one lane, two lanes, intersections, long and short turns. 完整的道路和高速公路模型:单行道,双行道,交叉路口,长短弯道。

42、According to these results, it is proposed that the traffic behavior parameter in the traffic fluid dynamics model may be value about 2 5 in case of modeling of the expressway traffic procedures. 据此建议,如将交通流动力学模型应用于高速公路或城市高架道路一类问题时,状态指数取值在2 .5左右为好。

43、Colour coded circuit designation. 颜色编码电路指示。

44、These addresses help network devices send the packets across the network along a chosen path. 这些位址可帮助网路设备送出封包,沿著指定的路径穿越网路。

45、Routers are the backbone devices of large intranets and of the Internet. 路由器是大型企业内网路和网际网路的骨干装置。

46、Model LCI curb paver is a kind of equipment which produces curb with asphalt mixture. LCI型路缘石自动成型机是一种利用沥青混合料修筑道路路缘的专用设备。

47、In accordance with the prop tree diagram theory, adding the marking stations, the path-marking model in accurate way changes he annular structure speedway network into the tree structure. 准确路径识别模型是指依据图的支撑树理论,添加标识站,把环形路网结构变为树状结构的模型。

48、Walking down a dusty footpath towards Ganxi, Andy stops to ask a passing peasant the way. 走在通往甘溪的土路上,马普安停下来向一个过路的农民问路。

49、Dynamics of this modified Chua's circuit are numerically studied and its Lyapunov exponents are also calculated. 对此变型蔡氏电路的动力学行为进行了仿真研究,且计算出了此变型蔡氏电路的李雅普诺夫指数。

50、Ideal is the beacon. 理想是指路明灯。


51、This thesis describes basic types of pavement for rural highway in China: paved roads, easy road and gravel road; 本文介绍了我国农村公路路面的基本类型:铺装路面、简易铺装路面以及砂石路面;

52、Is this the road to the City Hall? 请问我怎么去地铁站?

53、On which types of network will OSPF elect a backup designated router? 对哪些类型的网络的OSPF将选出一个备份指定路由器?

54、A "way" is a path, but how can there be a path if it's not trodden? 路“指的是道路,但既然是道路怎么会没有人走过呢?

55、Concerning the security issues in the current road transport logistics, an early-warning model of road transport logistics was proposed. 针对当前公路物流运输的安全问题,提出构建公路物流运输预警模型的思想。

56、You'd better take a taxi. ? 你最好乘出租车。

57、Accordingly, take dimensions benefit model way, should become a our basic guiding ideology. 因此,走规模效益型的路子,应成为我们的一个基本指导思想。

58、He can point the way. 他会为你指路的。

59、Curb-side parking area means the motor-vehicle parking space set up inside a road. 道路停车场:指在道路路内设置的机动车停放场所;

60、Sinking and sourcing refer to the type of digital inputs and outputs used. Sinking和Sourcing指的是数字电路中使用的输入和输出的类型。

61、Circuit opening (break). Mushroom head or push-pull head can be specified. 电路断开(断路)。可指定蘑菇头或推拉头。

62、Circuit opening (break). Right-click for mushroom head, push-pull head. 电路断开(断路)。右击指定蘑菇头、推拉头。

63、The Shanghai railway official, Mr. An, faulted the quality of equipment and personnel, as well as on-site controls, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,上海铁路局局长安路生指出设备质量及人员素质,包括现场控制方面的问题。

64、is this the road to the city hall? 请问我怎么去地铁站?

65、The injection molding technology of the load reflector made of PC. The quality problem often appeared and their solving methods are introduced. 介绍聚磷酸酯公路路标反光镜片的注射成型工艺、常出现的质量问题及解决办法。

66、Now all they have to do is find their way to the liquor store. 当然,你们还得指望这些不爱问路的男人能够找到去酒品商店的路。

67、A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow. 路标给我们指出正确的路线。

68、The new index is defined as Line Usage Curtailment , and a probabilistic model is used to calculate the index. 定义了线路削减阻塞电量新指标,并建立了该指标的概率模型。

69、A map, especially one for motorists, showing and designating the roads of a region. 道路图,尤指供汽车使用的标明或指示某个地区道路的地图。

70、There are two types of it-cut and fill. 路基有两种类型,即路堑和路堤。

71、The said digital gate circuit macro model can be used to perform a logical simulation for gate circurit and the digital circuit formed by the gate circuit. 提出了一种建立数字门电路宏模型的方法 ,采用该方法建立的门电路宏模型可以对门电路以及由门电路构成的数字电路进行逻辑仿真。

72、The linearization construction and exploitation projects mainly include the projects like the highway, railroad, , ditch, natural gas and oil pipeline etc. 线型建设项目主要指公路、铁路、堤防、灌渠、天然气及输油管线等跨区域呈线状分布的开发建设项目。

73、Sometimes we just give up and move on. 有时候我们只好打消了问路的念头继续赶路。

74、If you ask the way in Beijing, it is seldom to hear someone use right or left to tell you the way. 你要到北京问路,很少会有人给你指路的时候说左或用右来给你指路。

75、Blue panels indicate that the motorway starts at the junction ahead. 兰色标牌指示高速路自前方路口处开始。


76、The low - voltage circuit - breaker short circuit breaking capacity refers to low - voltage circuit - breaker'slimit short circuit breaking capacity? 低压断路器短路分断能力是指低压断路器的极限短路分断能力?

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