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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 19:20:22
  • 139




1、Proactive, positive thinking, self motivated, team work spirit. 积极主动,勤于思考,能自我激励,具团队合作精神;

2、Winning the derby can boost our confidence and increase our self-esteem. 赢下德比可以激励球队的士气,增强我们的自信。

3、Playing to win comes out of inspiration. Whereas playing not to lose comes out to desperation. 为赢而战出自激励而为不输而战出自泄气。

4、Let your self motivation take you to excellence. 让你的自我激励带你飞得更高吧。

5、To come above tougher times you have to pep yourself up, when you are feeling low, lost and confused. 当你感觉情绪低落,失落和迷惘时,要从艰难中走出,你要不断激励自己。

6、Do you consider yourself a leader and self-starter? 你认为自己有领导和激发自己的能力吗?

7、Remembering death is good in that it reminds us not to waste our lives. 提醒自己死亡随时会来临,就是策励自己不要枉过每一天。

8、Enlightened self-interest is also a motivating factor. 对自身利益的明智考虑也是一种激励因素。

9、Inspired by the Olympic spirits "higher, swifter and stronger", Tenesun has been trying to make itself the top brand of heat pump water heater in China. 天舒人以“更高,更快,更强”的奥运精神时刻激励自己,努力打造“热泵热水”全国第一品牌。

10、More than 30 years after its release, Horses still has the power to shock and inspire young musicians to express themselves with unbridled passion. 问世30年之后, 《马》(horses)仍然有十足的能量,震撼和激励青年音乐家以无限的热情表达自己。

11、Like any life skill, self-motivation can be improved. 跟任何生活技巧一样,自我激励也可以提高。

12、But God's inspiring power gives new vigor to this believer, even though he sees himself as growing "old and gray." 尽管他眼见自己日渐变得「年老发白」,但神的大能激励他,赐给他新的活力。

13、In the future you will appreciate your desperate effort now. …In the future you will thank you now desperate efforts … 未来你必然会感激如今拼命尽力地你。谁能帮自己把这句话翻成英…

14、Margot is grateful for her own recovering. 玛戈为自己的恢复而表感激。

15、You've been given an incentive to armor up, to consciously screen out the ubiquitous stresses that afflict humanity. 你已经获得了一个武装自己的激励。有意识的屏蔽掉无处不在的、折磨着人性的压抑。

16、Pushing myself, continually out of breath, I scurried up and to the left, across small snowfields linked by ice-choked clefts and short rock steps. 我激励自己前进,不断气喘吁吁,急忙攀登上到左边,越过被塞满冰块的裂口和短的岩坎连接起来的小片雪地。

17、Keep the comments in a happy notes file and read it when you need a shot of confidence, Brushfield says. 布拉施菲尔德说,将这些评论写在一个记录快乐的纸条上,当你需要一些自信来激励自己时,就读读它。

18、TCCC's workplace will be a place where everyone's ideas and contributions are valued and where responsibility and accountability are encouraged and rewarded. TCCC的生产场所将是一个每个人都能实现自己的理想,奉献也有所价值,忠于职守受到激励并奖励的地方。

19、'It's easy for me. I'm self-motivated, always at the top. If results are not what we want, that is even a bigger motivation to fight. ' 这对我来说不成问题,我善于激励自己,永远自信满满。假如结果不如人意,那正是让我更加鼓足干劲的理由。

20、And if your faith in Heaven should ever fade away, they'll help renew your spirit, and help you find your way. 如果你所坚信的美好在现实面前有些褪色,她们会再次激励你,并帮助你找到自己的方向。

21、It's the best way for her to be self-motivated. 对她来说自我激励是最好的办法。

22、"Self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-strengthening" fighting spirit will always inspire us persistent! “自尊自信、自立自强”的拼搏精神会永远激励我们百折不挠,勇攀高峰!

23、My ideal ideality is the power of motivating vigorous, everyone, have their own ideal, of course, I was no exception. 我的理想理想是激励人发奋的动力,每个人,都有属于自己的理想,当然,我也不例外。

24、Recently, I began pursuing my dream of motivating others. After a 4-year relationship with a. 最近,我开始将激励别人作为自己追逐的梦想。我在主要资产居百强的公司工作了四。

25、Discussion:The Chinese foot have short, the inch have long, both all have own strength, can also have own shortcoming. 讨论:尺有所短,寸有所长,两者都有自己的长处,也可以有自己的短处。


26、But he was wrong. My ride in the rain taught me a good lesson about motivation and discipline: we need it less than we think. 但是他说的不对。在雨中骑车给我上了很好的一堂有关激励和自律的课程:我们所需要的激励和自律比我们想象的要少得多。

27、Instead, citing Albert Camus's treatment of his protagonists as an inspiration for his own depiction of More, Bolt renders More with a stable and centered self-image. 相反,引用阿尔贝加缪的治疗他的主角作为激励自己的描述更多信息,螺栓使更多的稳定和集中的自我形象。

28、We emulate these people since they all inspire us and motivate us to reach our own goals as well. 我们要尽力赶超这些人,因为他们启发了我们,也激励着我们去实现自己的目标。

29、How to depress him hotheaded mood? 怎样压抑住自己易激动的情绪?

30、I've got to make that change! Today! Hoo! (Man in the mirror! ) 激励自我你知道你必须停止亲自去做(吔吼做出改变!)

31、Tajfel and colleagues' experiment shows that group membership is so important to us that we join the most ephemeral of groups with only the slightest prompting. Tajfel和同事们的实验表明我们所从属的群体对于自己是如此重要,以至于我们在几乎没有受到任何激励的情况下还是会加入持续时间最为短暂的群体。

32、In the work of reform, Luther had been urged forward by the Spirit of God, and had been carried beyond himself. 在改革的工作上,路德原是受上帝圣灵的激励,况且他进展的程度已经超过他自己的理想。

33、The question is: how do you motivate yourself? 问题就是:你怎样自我激励?

34、Handle affairs each day. To keep your courage, confidence and self-inspirit, you must do some things everyday and refuse to stop. 每天都要做一些事情。要保持你的勇气,信心和自我激励,每天必须做一些事情,拒绝让自己停下来。

35、As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet neutrally to stimulate your own growth. 作为光家族成员,你们给行星带来中立的信息以激励你们自己的成长。

36、Workouts with more fit people can be motivating and help you improve, but only after you have a good solid base to work with. Otherwise they can be harmful. 和合适的人一起运动更有激励作用也帮助自己提升,但记得先让自己具备稳固的基础,否则只会有害。

37、The fantasy of omnipotence animated not only the trader but also those who let him go his way; 这种全知全能的幻想不仅激励了商人,而且还有那些让他走自己路的人;

38、Everywhere we find kings seeking to extend their dominion over both neighboring territories and their own vassals. 国王们到处扩张自己的势力,激励加强对邻国和属下封臣们的控制。

39、We have never had a manager like José Mourinho, no-one who galvanises his supporters like he does. 我们从没有过像穆里尼奥这样的教练,一个可以像他这样激励自己球迷的教练。

40、Far more difficult, however, is to have employees be excited about the job and objectives you most need them to do. 但是,让员工受到激励,为自己的工作和你急需完成的目标倍感兴奋就难多了。

41、Good command in time management and self-motivated; 良好的时间管理和自我激励素质;

42、It is vitally important that you acknowledge all your past success so you can experience even greater levels of success in the future. This is truly a confidence-boosting way to live. 了解自己的成功对于制定和追逐未来的目标来说至关重要,同时,它是对自信心的激励。

43、Each manager has its own activation and deactivation steps. 每个管理器都拥有自己的激活和解除激活步骤。

44、First, self-motivation is directly related to stress-reduction. 第一,自我激励与减轻压力是直接相关的。

45、Joi comes up with a great list of habits to inspire people and get you thinking of good habits you would like to form yourself. Joi列出了一系列的习惯,用以激励人们,并让人们思考自己该拥有什么好习惯。

46、I have my own motivation, and just now I decide "I want half of the program memorised by Christmas" . 我有激励自己的方法,就在刚才我还作出决定,“要在圣诞节时记住一半的新曲目。”

47、He admitted his weakness. 他承认自己的短处。

48、The ego-ideal motivates us to do what is morally proper. 自我理想激励我们去做那些合乎道义的事情。

49、statement or slogan that summarizes the five purposes for your life in a way that's memorable and inspires you. Then you can remind yourself daily. 除了写下详细的人生目的宣言,亦可以写成较短的版本,或口号来总括你的五个人生目的,以方便记忆和激励自己,并可成为每天的提醒。

50、Instead, I'm hoping to inspire you -- and myself -- to live a more balanced and healthy life with these 5 reasons to take a work vacation. 相反,以下五个休假的理由,我希望能够激励你,还有我自己,去追求一个更加平衡,健康的生活。


51、How do you stay motivated to budget and save when it seems like you’ll never reach your target? 当你发现你似乎永远不会达到目标时,你怎样激励自己继续预算和存钱呢?

52、It’s the internal gas, the fuel that drives a person to do things without the prodding of others. 自我激励是一种内在的氧气和燃料,无需任何人的督促,人们可以自己地去做许多事情。

53、Performers can fully demonstrate their valor and heroic spirit. 激励着表演者展示骑手的英姿,,尽情欢舞。

54、Self-motivated and high working efficiency, Can work under pressure. 能够自我激励,工作效率高,能够承受工作压力。

55、Ignite their journey with imagery and challenges that allow them to create their own path to high performance. 用形象的比喻和挑战激励他们建立自己的道路,开启高绩效的旅程。

56、Self-motivated people are able to focus on their goals and will not let little barriers stop them from fulfilling these dreams. 自我激励的人非常专注于自己的目标,不会让任何事情阻碍他们实现目标的进程。

57、Do you use music to pump yourself up for a match, to bring yourself down after a match to relax or recharge? 你会在比赛时用音乐去激励自己或是在比赛后用音乐放松并且恢复身体?

58、Except the thought guiding, we also discuss the outer prompting and the self-prompting in behavior guiding. I think the project manager is also merchandise through the research. 在行为引导方面,除了思想引导外,还探讨了对项目经理的外在激励和自我激励。

59、She wanted fun, stimulating activities but also she wanted to partite alongside her child rather than simply sit on the sidelines. 她希望找一个集趣味性和激励性活动为一身的,并且自己可以同时参与其中的育乐课程。

60、Your self-motivation is more effective for you than any arbitrary rewards and even salary increases. 自我激励对你来说比额外奖励甚至涨薪还要有效。

61、Reward yourself with a treat after reaching each milestone, to encourage your further. 达到每个预期的目标时别忘了犒劳一下自己,那样可以更进一步的激励你。

62、In fact, we can encounter behinds of those specific knowledge to someone else, but we cope it up with the presence of struggling our goals and to motivate ourselves of what we wanted for. 事实上,我们可从旁人身上获得明确的知识。然而,我们却必须为了自己目标而奋斗,及激励自己不断追求进步。

63、Patient, heal thyself- the true meaning of self-help. 所以病人们,请自我疗伤吧! 这才是自我激励的真谛。

64、Understanding them--as well as yourself, your strengths and what inspires you--is the foundation for long-term growth and success. 了解他们-就像了解你自己,你的强项以及是什么在激励着你-这是长期发展和获取成功的奠基石。

65、The field windings may be separately excited from an external DC source, or they may be self-excited; i. e. , the machine may supply its own excitation. 励磁绕组可以由外部直流电源单独激磁,或者也可自励,即电机提供自身的励磁。

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