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关于开学的英语句子 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-03 19:15:06
  • 141

关于开学的英语句子 11个

1. The first day of school is always exciting. (开学的第一天总是很令人兴奋。)

2. I can't believe summer vacation is over and it's time to go back to school. (我不敢相信暑假已经结束了,现在是回学校的时候了。)

3. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and teachers again. (我很期待能再次见到我的朋友和老师。)

4. I hope I get the same teacher as last year, she was awesome. (我希望我能再次得到去年的那个老师,她太棒了。)

5. I wonder what kind of cl I'll have this year. (我想知道今年我会上什么样的课。)

6. I need to buy some new school supplies like notebooks and pens. (我需要买些新的学习用品,像笔记本和笔。)

7. I hope I don't get lost trying to find my new claooms. (我希望我不会在找新教室时迷路。)

8. I'm excited to learn new things and improve my skills. (我很兴奋能学习新的知识,提高自己的能力。)

9. I'm nervous about meeting new people and new friends. (我有点紧张,因为要认识新人和交新朋友。)

10. I need to adjust my sleep schedule so I can wake up early for school. (我需要调整我的睡眠时间,以便早起上学。)

11. I wonder if they have any new extracurricular activities this year. (我想知道今年有没有新的课外活动。)

12. I'm excited to join the school's drama club and audition for the school play. (我很兴奋能加入学校的戏剧俱乐部,并参加学校剧目的试演。)

13. I hope my locker is close to my cl. (我希望我的储物柜离我的教室很近。)

14. I'm excited to try the new cafeteria food. (我很期待尝试新的自助餐食品。)

15. I hope I can handle the workload and stress of school this year. (我希望我能应对今年学校的工作量和压力。)

16. I need to remember to pack my backpack the night before so I don't forget anything. (我需要记得在前一晚准备好我的背包,以便不会漏掉什么东西。)

17. I'm excited to join the school's debate team and compete in tournaments. (我很兴奋能加入学校的辩论队,并参加比赛。)

18. I hope I can make this school year the best one yet. (我希望我能让这个学年成为最好的一年。)

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