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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 02:57:02
  • 77


关于”5句话的春节“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Five sentence Spring Festival。以下是关于5句话的春节的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five sentence Spring Festival

1、51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year. 五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5月1日。

2、Jiang studied very hard. In Spring Festival, he went to visit his grandparents with his parents and took the initiaitve to talk with his cousin in English. 姜浩很上心,过春节,跟爸妈回姥姥家时,还主动跟上初三的表弟对话。

3、In Australia, the chrysanthemum is the flower of choice, while British mothers are happy with a bunch of spring flowers. 在澳大利亚,母亲节送花的的话人们都会选择菊花,然而英国的母亲们则比较喜欢收到一束春天的花。

4、This sentence has a time printing of a hot topic in Japan. 这句话曾一时成为日本坊间热议的话题。

5、One of the first things she said was 'why doesn't the BBC world service have more music? 她说的第一句话是‘为什么英国广播公司的全球服务节目不多播点音乐?’

6、I have an afternoon class till 5:45pm. If you want, we can ride there together. 我下午有一节课,一直到5:45。如果你想的话,我们可以一起骑车去。

7、I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。

8、The phrase we're trained to offer them, I'm sorry for your loss, as we know now, doesn't offer much. 我们受过的训练要我们安慰他们说“节哀顺变”,但现在我们知道,这句话并没有什么作用。

9、China's leaders at least offered a sentence on Mr Xi's appointment, albeit at the end of an arid 4,600-character communiqué after the fifth party congress (see article). 中国的领袖们至少对习先生的任命用一句话提及,尽管这句话出现在五中全会4,600字的枯燥公报的结束部分。

10、The Huli Festival is celebrated on March 31 in India. People play jokes on one another and smear colors on one another celebrating the arrival of Spring. 湖里节是庆祝3月31日在印度。玩的人彼此笑话和色彩涂抹在彼此庆祝春天的到来。

11、Each instance, however, can only contain a single XML data tree -- in other words, there can only be one root node. 然而,每个实例只能包含一个 XML 数据树结构 ― 换句话说,只能有一个根节点。

12、Common expression is heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the newyear. 春节里常听到的话是:过年,意思是辞去过去的一年;拜年,意思是庆祝新的一年。

13、As we know , in protestant church , if you say a sentence from Bible, even some layperson can tell you it is from which part of Bible , which book, which chapter, and even the number of sentence. 正如我们所知道的,如果到新教去的话,常常当我们说到一句圣经上的话,甚至是普通信徒都能说出这句话的出处,选自圣经的哪部书,几章甚至几节。

14、Scientists speculate that this is a seasonal effect, and if so, it will change as the northern hemisphere enters springtime during the next few years. 科学家推测,这是一种季节性效应,如果真是这样的话,在未来几年内随着北半球进入春季,这种季节性效应也会改变。

15、I have a word of praise for him. 我要说一句夸奖他的话。

16、In detail, the programme of the News Channel of CCTV including: dynamic news, talk show, comments, special topic and magazine programme. 央视新闻频道节目包括:动态新闻类节目、谈话类节目、新闻评论性节目、新闻杂志类节目和新闻专题类节目等五大类。

17、You: Spring elder brother pure men! 上面那话的意思是:春哥纯爷们!

18、They sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him. —Job 2:13 「他们就同他七天七夜坐在地上,一个人也不向他说句话。」(约伯记2章13节)

19、People are more busy in the spring. 俗话说:一年之计在于春。

20、In other words, what you get there is a key to what is the entire outline of Acts Look back at Acts 1:8. 换句话说,这就是使徒行传大纲的关键,回到使徒行传第一章第8节。

21、This is a giant, lame load of BS. 这是一句蹩脚的大废话。

22、In early spring, plum flowers at the Fragrant Snow and Cloud Pavilion blossom against the cold, and crabapple flowers at the Spring Crabapple Flower Dock weave a brocade of colors; 早春时节,雪香云蔚亭中梅花傲雪绽放,海棠春坞的海棠花盛开如五色锦缎;

23、Imagine a world where there's a URL for every chapter and paragraph in a book—every sentence, even. 想象一下,如果世界上的每本书中的每个章节,每个段落,甚至每一句话都有一个自己的 URL。

24、The phrase we're trained to offer them, "I'm sorry for your loss, " as we know now, doesn't offer much. 我们受过的训练要我们安慰他们说:节哀顺便,但我们现在知道,这句话并没有什么作用。

25、Or, to conserve space, you can arrange them in paragraph format, with a period after each one. 或者,为了节约空间,你可以编辑成一段话,在每项成就之后加上句号。


26、This is a giant, lame4) load of BS5). 这是一句蹩脚的大废话。

27、Everyone for repair in-vehicle spring sweet obedient and said discontent, but spring sweet but very happy. 大家都为修理之介说春香听话而不满,但春香却很高兴。

28、The Squamish Mountain Festival of Canada calls itself “a five-day celebration of all things rock, ” and that phrase describes this slide show below perfectly. 位于加拿大的斯阔米时登山节被称为“一场历时五天的山石庆祝”——这句话完美的描述了这场滑行秀。

29、In other words, we’re taught to start from the big picture and work our way down to the details. 换句话说,我们被教导说,从大处开始,一路下来,直到细节处。

30、There's a saying, to teach is to learn. And I definitely believe that. After every class, I come away with something new. 俗话说,教就是学。我对这句话深有体会。因为每节课结束时,我都学到了一些新东西。

31、Now, I spend only 4 or 5 days at home with my parents in celebrating the spring festival, then I will hurry back to work. 现在,我只花了4天或5天在家里与我的父母在庆祝春节,然后我会赶回去工作。

32、He meant every word he said (v. 37) but he didn't know his own weaknesses. 我们相信,彼得是出于真诚地说出37节所记的那句话,可是,他却不晓得自己的软弱。

33、Secondly, if I haven't misremember that every international labors ' day close to the spring festival. 其次,如果我没有记错,每年的五一都会和春节挨的比较相近。

34、Common expression heard at this time are: GUONIAN to have made it through the old year, and BAINIAN to congratulate the newyear. 春节里常听到的话是:过年,意思是辞去过去的一年; 拜年,意思是庆祝新的一年。

35、Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major, Op. 24, Spring. 大调第五小提琴奏鸣曲,作品24,“春天”

36、In the New Testament this day is called Pentecost, which means the fiftieth day after Passover. This feast is in late spring. 在新约圣经中这一天叫做收获祭,是逾越节后的第五天。这个节日时处晚春。

37、In other words, once you learn how to use SWIG, you can largely forget all the integration coding details introduced in this chapter. 换句话说,一旦你学会如何使用SWIG,你大可以忘掉本章介绍的集成编码的所有繁琐细节。

38、China News Network International Online news: Lunar August 15, is China's traditional Mid-Autumn Festival is also the second largest in China after the Chinese New Year traditional festivals. 中国日报网环球在线消息:农历八月十五日,是我国传统的中秋节,也是我国仅次于春节的第二大传 统节日。

39、You do what you can in 5 hours, turn it in, and let the rest take care of itself. 在5个小时里你做你力所能及的事,换句话说,就是将其余的工作放任自流。

40、look at the picture, you can see a tree.(看这幅图,你能看见一棵树)how beautiful the tree is!

41、Proverbs 14:4 in the GNB says, "Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush the spirit." 箴言十五章4节说:「恩慈的话带来生命;残忍的话使人心碎。」

42、Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel. —2 Kings 5:15 金句: 「如今我知道,除了以色列之外,普天下没有上帝。」(列王纪下5章15节)

43、The older uncle oned, small beans finally able to speak. 经老五叔妙手回春,小豆子终于能说话了。

44、Diwali, a five-day festival of lights, has several different mythological traditions. 排灯节,一个为期五天的灯火的节日,有多个不同的神话学的习俗。

45、So, in other words, if we apply some of the storyline 4 5 6 from the previous tale, if s1 happens to be 4, 5, s2 4 5 6 you're just asking the question is 4, 5, 6 equals equals to 1, 2, 3? 换句话说,如果我们运用之前的一些情节,如果s1正好为,正好为1,2,3,6,and,s2,happens,to,be,1,,2,,3,你就会问:,等于1,2,3吗?

46、In the Northern hemisphere, Taureans are born when spring is in full bloom. 在北半球,金牛座的人出生于仲春时节时间是四月底到五月底。

47、What does Romans 5:8 say? 罗马书五章8节怎麽说?

48、Initially, that last phrase referred to regulating the flow of the Chattahoochee towards Atlanta to provide the city with a reliable water supply. 起初,最后一句话指出,要调节流向亚特兰大的查特胡奇河流量,以供给该市可靠的供水。

49、He said he spent 25 hours preparing each new lecture, cographing every detail and stripping out every extra sentence. 每次新课前他要花25小时准备。设计每个细节,去掉每句多余的话。

50、Think back to conversations you have had, does anything click? 想想平时的谈话,有哪句话里重现呢?


51、Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"" 把所有的所谓不幸用缨”五年后这还重要吗?”这一句话框起来。

52、Come and see the works of God; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men. —Psalm 66:5 金句: 「你们来看上帝所行的,他向世人所做之事是可畏的。」(诗篇66篇5节)

53、So for step 5, you will do exactly what the documentation says except for the last sentence about deploying an "sor" partner. 所以,对于第 5 步,除了最后一句关于部署“sor(评估者)”伙伴的内容的那句话之外,您可以完全按照文档所述进行。

54、More than 370 million people around the world are members of indigenous communities; in other words, 5% of the world’s population. 全世界有超过3.7亿的人属于原著居民,换句话说,他们占据5%的世界人口份额。

55、In other words, as the number of nodes in a network increases arithmetically , the value of the network increases exponentially. 换句话说,网络中的节点数按照算术法则提升,而网络的价值则按照指数法则提升。

56、Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology. 赫柏是希腊神话上的青春女神。

57、To paraphrase Rohn’s quote, I am the average of these five. 按照罗恩那句话来理解,我就是这五个人的平均,或者说相似的同类。

58、If you'll allow a slight digression, … 请允许我说几句题外话…

59、He wrenched the meaning of the sentence. 他曲解了这句话的含义。

60、Pre-modern May Day was a celebration of nature's rebirth and the coming of spring and summer and fertility. 传统五一节是对自然的重生、春天的到来和夏天的繁盛的庆祝。

61、Hebe is the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology 8. 赫柏是希腊神话中的青春女神。

62、I want to make one last remark. 最后我还想说几句话。

63、It is impossible to save money if you constantly hang around people who blow it all. 如果你经常和挥霍钱财的人一起出去,那么节约钱就只当是空话一句了。

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