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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-04 01:04:46
  • 151


关于”r开头的句子“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Sentence beginning with R。以下是关于r开头的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence beginning with R

1、The width of the gap between the longer rope and the object that’s taken into consideration is R-r. 在绳子和我们用来参考的球体之间空隙的宽度为R-r

2、r I can take a rod with a radius r, which is 0.5 centimeters. 假设一根棒子半径,等于0。5厘米。

3、G. R. you see: which are the first two letters of green. 你知道,G 和R恰好是绿色一词的头两个字母。

4、The R-matrix method is used to study the electron collisions with S3. 采用R-矩阵方法首次研究了电子碰撞激发S3分子过程。

5、In the example for hello.sh in Listing 5, the script was created with permissions -rw-r--r--, corresponding to octal 644. 在 清单 5 中的 hello.sh 例子中,创建的脚本有权限 -rw-r--r--,相当于八进制 644。

6、Just to point out a pitfall,r here is really a function on this disk. 这很容易想错,这里的r其实是桌子上的一个函数。

7、Here are words and phrases to avoid, all high on the P. R. C . 以下列出的都是应当避免的词和句,它们都高出P.R.C。

8、The results show that R&D input as well as human resource development has a positive effect on TNCs' R&D investment. 回归分析结果显示:R&D投入强度、人力资源开发状况对跨国公司R&D投资具有显著的正影响。

9、The f switch tells the command to automatically fix errors and the r switch locates bad sectors and recovers readable data. f开关告诉命令去自动修理错误,r开关则定位坏的扇区并恢复可读数据。

10、For nonassociative rings R with associative in the middle nucleus, R can be associative under some conditions. 对结合子在中核心之非结合环R,在某些条件下R能够是结合的。

11、In fantasy novels, J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is that benchmark; 在科幻小说领域,托尔金的《指环王》就是一个例子;

12、The R-22 governor arrived, so I can start testing and developing now. 该R - 22的总督抵达,所以我可以开始测试和发展。

13、New I/R preventing strategy was provided to develop the latest cytoprotector in I/R preventing, establish new usage of coenzyme NADH. 为发展新型了R损伤细胞保护剂,开辟辅酶NADH应用新领域,提供新的策略。

14、There are three leading motives for the transnational corporations to conduct R&D abroad(outside the border). 跨国公司开展国(境)外R&D亦有三种主要动因。

15、Note: The "r" used in fopen indicates that the file is open for reading only. 注: fopen 中使用的 "r" 将指示文件以只读方式打开。

16、Under condition of dynamic the velocity distribution at the intake entrance shows non-uniformity, which degree dependence on R. "Draught" phenomena appear when R exceeds certain value. 在流动环境下,蘑菇头式取水口的进水流速呈不均匀分布,其不均匀程度随R的增大而增大,当R大于某定值时,取水口内有水流穿过。

17、Interestingly, these T - R cavities employ old-fashioned spark gaps, complete with ozone smells and crackling sound tones. 有趣的是这些收发开关里头使用的旧式火花隙会生成臭氧并发出轻微的爆裂声。

18、Among a certain scope of parameters the tensile strength would ascend with the rotation tool speed and the value of R/V rising. 在一定参数范围内,随着搅拌头旋转速度R,R/V增加,抗拉强度极限值增加;

19、r+ And let's say that sodium has a radius, r plus, r- and chlorine has a radius, r minus, when r is very large in comparison to the radii of the ions, I don't need to draw them this way. 让我们假设钠有半径,是,氯也有半径,是,当r比离子半径大很多的时候,我不需要这样来描述。

20、Let N be a distributive prime near -ring , if N admits a nontrivial derivation or automorphism, then R is commutative. 设R是一个分配素近环,如果R容纳一个非平凡导子或者自同构,则R是交换的。

21、R Radius R, - and let us have this rope here-- I'll give the rope a color. 半径为,把绳子弄在这里-,给绳子上个色。

22、Press the Windows Key and R to bring up a run box, type diskmgmt.msc and press enter. 按下 Windows 键和 R 打开运行框,输入 diskmgmt.msc 然后按 enter 键。

23、Game of Thrones' own roadmap was already in place before its first eode ever aired, helped by George R. R. Martin's series of novels. 得益于乔治•R•R•马丁的系列小说,《权力的游戏》的故事发展线在第一集开播前就已经写好。

24、Unlock the plunge mechanism by pushing up the plunge lock lever (R). Plunge the router down as far as it will go, allowing the bit to just touch the workpiece. 向上推垂直调节锁定杆(R)松开垂直调节系统,将雕刻机本体向下压到底,使刀头刚好接触到工件表面。

25、Set "0 hour" on the R. A. and hour graduation ring to the R. A. indicator after loosening the graduation-ring setscrew. 松开赤经兼小时刻度环的定位螺丝后把赤经兼小时刻度环“0小时”位置对准赤经指示箭头。


26、Moreover, we obtain that prime submodules of integrally closed R-modules are also integrally closed. 此外,还证明了整闭R-模中的素子模也是整闭的。

27、In mega-science epoch, the traditional R&D "pie" will become D&R "layer cake". 传统的研究与开发预算这块“馅饼”在大科学时代将会转变为开发与研究的“层状蛋糕”。

28、In a duopoly market, one firm conducts cost-reducing R&D. 在一个双寡头市场中,一个企业从事成本降低型R&D。

29、The new R&D center of expertise doubles development capacity in Herzogenaurach. 新的R & D中心的专业知识双打开发能力黑措根。

30、We prove that if R(T) is not closed and R(T) is Chebyshev, then there exist two different right bounded quasi-linear inner inverse. 如果算子的值域R(T)非闭且闭包R(T)为切比雪夫的,则必存在不同的右有界拟线性内逆。

31、R So let's get rid of R in this expression here. 利用这个式子,我们就可以消去。

32、An authorization decision statement asserts that a subject is permitted to perform action “A” on resource “R” given evidence “E”. 授权决策语句可确定,如果给定证据 “E”,则主题允许在资源 “R” 上执行活动 “A”。

33、The company mainly produces the products involving PP-R ball valve, angle valve, stop valve, check valve and pipe fittings. 本公司主要生产PP-R球阀、角阀、截止阀、止回阀、管接头等产品。

34、The puppies names all are preceded with the letter "R" to show that they came from the "R" litter and to "indicate that they were bred through the program at Lackland. 这些小狗的名字前面都以字母“R”打头,表明它们属于“R”字辈。并“表示他们出自拉克兰空军基地。”

35、The adaptive capacity of the four species to high temperature and low humility drop successively from R. przewalskii, R. anthopogonoides, R. capitatum to R. thymifolium. 四种杜鹃对高温低湿环境的适应能力从陇蜀杜鹃、烈香杜鹃、头花杜鹃到千里香杜鹃依次降低。

36、Later one of them strengthened P as "this sentence is false"(Q), responding to "this and that" paradox (R), thus Q and R together challenging the law of non-contradiction. 随后其一又把P“强化”为“本语句假”(Q) ,响应“亦此亦彼”悖论(R) ,携手挑战“不矛盾律”。

37、r No matter which direction I go from the origin, r=a if I fixed it,r goes from zero to r equals a. ,无论从原点沿着哪个方向走,只要固定方向,r就是从0开始到。

38、R And we abbreviate that by calling it r, l by two quantum numbers, and an l as a function of little r, radius. 我们把它简称为,两个指定的量子数n和,它是半径小r的函数。

39、Covalence Raychem(R) heat-shrinkable coatings (Raychem(R) is a trademark of Tyco Electronics Corporation and Nashua(R) is a trademark of Nashua Corporation; 共价瑞侃(注册商标)热收缩膜(瑞侃( R )是一种商标泰科电子公司和纳舒厄( R )是一个商标纳舒厄公司;

40、So we can start. This distance here is r naught. 所以我们开始。这里的长度是r圈。

41、Calculate the percentage of marbles taken from box R. 计算从盒子R 中拿出的玻璃弹珠的百分比。

42、I can't remember their names either, but their last names begin with "R" and "S" and "A". 我也记不住他们的名字,但他们的姓氏是由“R”,“S”和“A”开头的。

43、Our result is Theorem 1 Let R be a ring such that zero divisors commute. Then R is nonsingular if and only if R is semiprime. 我们的结果是定理1 设R 是零因子可换环,那末R 是非奇异的当且仅当R 是半素的。

44、Our in-house R&D includes product design, logo and packing. 我们有自己R&D开发:包括产品设计、商标和包装。

45、A ring R is Said to be left (right) G-semihereditary , if every finitely presented submodule of a projective left (right) R- module is protective; 环R称左(右)G-半遗传环,如果投射左(右)R-模的有限表现子模是投射的;

46、Clever advertising column promotes the Toys “R” Us inflatable beach toy collection. 灵巧的广告柱子用于宣传“R”Us玩具可充气沙滩玩具系列。

47、But this book is for those who wish to develop software in R. 但是这本书实际是为运用R语言开发软件的人编写。

48、It was yesterday that I spent several hours on my homework. 还有一种形式主语的it开头句式:It took me several hours to finish my homework.

49、R is semihereditary ring if and only if the sum of two coflat submodules of every R module is coflat module; 是右半遗传环当且仅当任一右R 模的两个上平坦子模的和上平坦;

50、So that part of Locke, that beginning of 138, seems to support Ben's reading. 洛克在138节开头说的这几句,似乎支持了本的解读。

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