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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:57
  • 91


关于”连读的句子“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Read together sentences。以下是关于连读的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Read together sentences

1、Every night, they two read a set of Green Fairy Tales in 3 volumes. 每天晚上父子俩一起读三册一套的格林童话。

2、It softened the blow of his having been a laundryman, and though she could not understand a line of it, she knew that every line of it was great. 她虽然一句也读不懂,但她明白那书的每一行都很了不起。

3、LiYan:I'm reading ane-mail from Lucy. 我正在读自露西的一封电子邮件。

4、My little son can number to 100. 我的小儿子读数能读到100了。

5、In the course of her reading, Mother Plutarque came to this phrase. It was a question of an officer of dragoons and a beauty 一路读来,普卢塔克妈妈读到了这样一句,那是关于一个龙骑兵军官和一个美人的故事

6、I read and absorbed Kurt's words as if they were written especially for me. 我如饥似渴的阅读和吸收科特的一字一句,仿佛它们都是为我而写。

7、After reading this article, Cai Wei wrote to Professor Qiu, saying that "zuozi" should read; "cuozi". 在读完这篇论文后,蔡伟致信裘教授,说"佐子"应读为"嗟子"。

8、He list the bibliography on advising to read on the basis of the reading experience of himself, Moreover edited the anthology and chrestomathy. 他根据自己的阅读经验为子弟开出一些导读书目,并编了文选读本。

9、As the sentence was read, she collapsed into her lawyer's arms. 由于句读,她崩溃到她的律师的武器。

10、So I picked up the pamphlet and read it through. 于是我捡起了那本册子,仔细读过。

11、THE rise of e-readers has already introduced big changes for both publishers and readers. 电子阅读器的兴起给出版商和读者都带来了巨大的改变。

12、In barbers'shops and public houses a fellow will get up, and spell out a paragraph which he communicates as some discovery. 在理发店或酒吧里,一位先生站起身来,一字一句拼读一段他觉得是重大发现,应告知诸位的新闻。

13、Michelia study is a full day of tears, reading makes me feel ups and downs. 读书是一段满含笑泪的日子,读书使我心情跌宕起伏。

14、This equipment not only can normally read and write passive electronic tags, but can read and write DK-900 active electronic tags. 该款读写设备既可正常读写无源电子标签,又可以读写DK-900有源电子标签!

15、Research on reading generally agrees that the most critical aspect of reading is how a child feels about reading. 有关阅读的调查普遍认为阅读最为关键的方面在于一个孩子对阅读的感觉。

16、Experiment One applied the self-paced moving window technique and found significant difference in the unambiguity section of both temporarily ambiguous and non-ambiguous sentences. 实验一采用自定速移动视窗技术,发现歧义句和无歧义句解歧区的阅读时间存在显著差异。

17、I couldnot conclude Part I of The Economy without a word of encouragement. 我不可能结束这篇《论经济》的上篇而不给读者留下一句宽慰的话。

18、He chanced upon a volume of Swinburne and began reading steadily, forgetful of where he was, his face glowing. 他偶然翻起了一本史文朋,开始连续地读,读得脸上闪光。忘了自已在什么地方。

19、Statements that require reads from the disk only, like select, proceed unblocked. 而那些只需要读磁盘的语句,例如 select,则不会被阻塞。

20、Link this consonant with the vowel of the next word. This is what we call liaison. 把这个辅音和后面的一个词的元音连起来读,这叫做连读。

21、A smile comes to my face when I read these words: "Make the tomb as secure as you know how." 当我读到「尽你们所能把守妥当」这句话时,我不禁冷笑起来。

22、At this point in our reading of Milton, I think these lines have an amazing impact. 读弥尔顿读到这里,这几句有很强的冲击力。

23、After an hour I was reading a book and a sentence as though jumped out in front of me. It said something like “Everything comes at its perfect time”. 在一个小时之后我读到一本书,一个句子映入我眼帘,上面说到“每一个事物都在它恰当的时间翩翩而至”。

24、Read phrases. When you've skimmedfirst and last sentences and determined the paragraph is worth reading, you still don't need to read every word. 当浏览过段首及段末的两句话后,如果你觉得这段内容值得你去读,你也不必逐字通读。

25、We'll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points. 我们先将这一段读一遍,然后在解释难句和语言点。


26、She hasn't even read the first chapter, still less finished the book. 她连第一章都没有读完,更不用说读完全书了。

27、As I read this sentence, I wrote a word near it: Following. 正当我读这句话的时候,我写了一个字: 印随。

28、Avoid using GOTO statement to improve readability. 避免使用GOTO语句来改善可读性

29、In 2006, I was invited by a Treasure Hunting reader to join her for a day of antiquing. 2006年,我应邀到一个寻宝读者一起参加了仿古的日子。

30、Ss are required to read through the text and match the main idea statements to related paragraphs. 通读全篇,通过配对中心句,获取文章大意。

31、Read thee-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions. 读读王昆发的电子邮件,回答问题。

32、You wanna do a chapter? 你给孩子们读一章吧。

33、Reading the marvellous words and achievements of Julius Caesar. 他正读着尤利乌斯·恺撒闪光的字句和辉煌的功业。

34、Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. 继而读的每一段落的首句。

35、Readers, do you ever take your children on business trips? 读者们,你们在商务旅行时有没有带着孩子一起?

36、Want to read “Humpty Dumpty” to your newborn? 想给你的新生儿读读儿歌“小矮胖子”?

37、A bob is fixedly connected with a numerical reading ruler. The numerical reading ruler penetrates from the numerical reading ruler opening of the top cover. 一浮子,其上固接有读数尺,读 数尺从上盖的读数尺口处穿出。

38、Books can change your life, as mentors do. 如果认真阅读,字斟句酌,书籍亦能发挥导师的作用,也能像导师一样改变你的人生。

39、And, more remarkable, once you did, have you any idea how come this sentence breaks the rules but read it you still can? 而且,更值得注意的是,一旦你造句后,你是否知道:为何这句话即便不符合规则但你仍然能读出它?

40、Look at the first sentence in your notes and read it out loud. 看着你笔记上面的第一句, 大声的读出它.

41、Wow. What a run, but it's all kind of text depiction here. 多棒的跑句啊,不过它像是对歌词的解读

42、When the CLP encounters the line continuation character, it reads the next line and concatenates both lines. CLP 遇到行连续符时,它会读取下一行并将两行连接起来。

43、After finishing the classics, you can read sophistic books. 经传都读熟了之后就可以读子书了。

44、And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria . 每一次读到这句话,我总发现自己被不安所笼罩。

45、If you use only long sentences all the time it can be confusing to read. 如果你一直使用长句,读起来就很困惑。

46、Please read and match . 请读一读,看图连连看。

47、SqlpassthroughRead/SqlpassthroughWrite: These parameters specify the default passthrough mode for read and write statements. SqlpassthroughRead/SqlpassthroughWrite:这些参数指定读取和写入语句的默认 passthrough 模式。

48、One significant drawback to Sony’s new devices is that, unlike the Kindle, they cannot connect wirelessly to an e-book store. 索尼阅读器的一个明显的不足是,与Kindle阅读器不同,索尼的阅读器不能通过无线网络和电子书社相连接。

49、C. Read the text in different roles. Find the answers. 小组内分角色朗读对话,寻找答句。

50、Discuss with your child any book he or she is reading for a class at school. Read the book yourself. 与孩子们讨论任何一本他/她在学校为全班朗读的书。父母自己也读一读。


51、Readers can dramatically improve their reading speeds by taking in several words in the line of text at one time (instead of sounding out each word, or focusing on each letter of the word. 可以一次在一行里加入数个词的方法,来阅读速度,而逐字逐句去读出那些词来。

52、Most e-readers, like Amazon's Kindle, have an antenna that lets users instantly download new books. 大多数的电子阅读器,比如亚马逊的金读,有一个天线,可以让读者即时地下载新书。

53、Most of us read along a line of type like this one to get the interpretation ofthe meaning, but as we read our eyes jump back to dwell on a word we justpassed. 大多数人习惯于线性阅读方式来理解句子,但阅读时我们的眼睛会时不时的跳回来细想那些跳过的内容。

54、When you've skimmed first and last sentences and determined the paragraph is worth reading, you still don't need to read every word. 当浏览过段首及段末的两句话后,你觉得这段内容值得你去读,你也不必逐字通读。

55、He often spent a few hours reading this big book, which weighed as much as 1/3 of him, and read every word and sentence from start to finish. 他经常几个小时连续地阅读这本几乎有他体重1/3的大书,一字一句地从头看到尾。

56、The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away. 那所我仅仅读了两年的学校有三公里远。(定语从句)。

57、Admittedly, this property is a confusing one because it reads like a double negative, but by default, all read and unread documents are tracked in a database. 大家都认为这条属性令人费解,因为它读起来像是一个双重否定句,但是在默认情况下,数据库中所有已读的和未读的文档都会被跟踪。

58、The handle has a ruler marked out to 25cm. 尺子(测量) 在把手上有一个报读为25厘米的尺子。

59、Reading provides no pleasure and is anything but relaxing when the anxious parent barks out the correct word every time the child hesitates or guesses wrongly. 阅读提供不了快乐;当孩子每次犹豫或猜错一个字,焦急的老师或家长大声吼出正确的读音时,阅读对于孩子来说一点也不轻松。

60、After finishing the classics, you can read sophistic essays. 经传都读熟了之后就可以读子书了。

61、There's also evidence that their format makes it more difficult for users to retain and recall information they just read. 也有证据表明电子阅读器的格式让用户更难记住并回忆起刚读过的信息。

62、Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, the first is to inform the reader the contents of this period. 每一段都要有一个主题句,首要是通知读者这个时期的内容。

63、On a somewhat related sidenote , do yourself a favor and read Water for Elephants - I just finished it and loved it. 稍插一句,帮你自己个忙去读读《大象的眼泪》——我刚读完而且很喜欢。

64、However if you use only long sentences all the time it can be confusing to read and people will soon lose interest in what you have to say. 但是,如果你一直使用长句,读起来就很困惑,而且人们很快就会对你所说的失去兴趣。

65、Just open your mouth and say something in English or read lots of achievement. 张开你的嘴巴,说几句英文或读很多的成就。

66、And when you come to read it, what you're putting yourself in my position, as it were, and you are partaking of precisely the same activity as I "the first writer-reader" was. 而当你阅读时,换句话说,当你代替了我的角色时,你的阅读活动其实和我这个,第一个作者与读者的活动相同。

67、'Soon although we know,but we the feelings are very good.' 读音:'孙 欧肉 无意(连读) 嗕,爸特 无意(连读) 了 飞欧领私 啊 威绿 故的.'

68、I repeated that every day, and almost every action I did was somehow aligned with that mantra. 我每天诵读,而且我做的每件事无论如何都与这句梵语相一致。

69、The device is automatically set to reading array data after device power-up. 我对这句的理解是读批量的数据或是阵列的数据。

70、We'll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences. 我们先将这一段读一遍。然后再解释难句。

71、In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day. 你换句话说,你应该每天疯狂读英语,说英语。

72、Hanna listened standing up, straightbacked, and absolutely motionless. 汉娜起立听着宣读,挺挺身子,纹丝不动。

73、My English teacher asked my classmates to read the text "Stone Henge" of Module five — One student read several sentences, then another student continued to read the next several sentences. 我的英语老师安排同学们读第五模块的课文“石头阵”——一个同学读几句,然后下一个同学接着读。

74、We all read Sunzi. 我们都读孙子。

75、His wife, Yoko Takahashi, is his first reader. 村上春树的妻子高桥洋子是他的第一个读者。

英文句子模板76:Read together sentences

76、It calls the Read Input subroutine (a middle manager), which in turn calls two more subroutines(worker modules):Read Employee Master Record and Read Individual Timecards . 该模块调用读输入子程序(工作模块):读雇员和雇主记录子程序以及读个人工作时间卡片子程序。

77、If there’s an egregious word in a sentence, you know there’s something going on. 如果一句话了里面有一个异乎寻常的词, 读者就知道他是在试图表达什么。

78、Well read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences and language points. 我们先将这一段读一遍,然后再解释难句和语言点。

79、With one word, the same word can be used to Ya-Yan Yu, Ya Yin Reading can also be used dialect, to the sound of the time. 同一个字,同一句话,可以用雅言、雅音读之,也可以用方言、方音读之。

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