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描写景色的英语句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-19 05:28:33
  • 154

描写景色的英语句子 13个

1. The sun set in a blaze of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the horizon. 夕阳余晖染红天空,给人以温暖的感觉。

2. The forest was alive with the sounds of leaves rustling, birds chirping, and insects buzzing. 树林里充满了沙沙声、鸟鸣声和昆虫的嗡嗡声。

3. The mountains rose majestically in the distance, their peaks shrouded in mist. 远处的山峰巍峨耸立,山顶笼罩着一层薄雾。

4. The ocean stretched out as far as the eye could see, the waves crashing against the rocky s. 一望无际的海洋,波涛汹涌地拍打着岩石海岸。

5. The field was a patchwork of green and gold, with crops swaying gently in the breeze. 田野上一片绿黄相间,庄稼在微风中轻轻摇曳。

6. The city skyline was a dazzling array of towering skysers, ling lights, and neon signs. 城市的天际线是一片璀璨的高耸摩天大楼、闪烁的灯光和霓虹标志。

7. The desert stretched out before them, a vast expanse of sand dunes and rocky outcroppings. 沙漠在他们面前延伸,一片广阔的沙丘和岩石出来。

8. The sun-drenched beach was crowded with sunbathers and surfers enjoying the warm weather. 晒着阳光的海滩上挤满了享受温暖天气的日光浴者和冲浪者。

9. The rolling hills were covered in a sea of wildflowers, their colors so vivid they almost seemed to glow. 山丘上布满了一片野花的海洋,它们的颜色如此鲜艳,几乎看起来是发光的。

10. The canyon walls towered above them, the river rushing below in a frothy white torrent. 峡谷的壁垒高耸在他们上方,河水从奔腾而过,形成了一道白色的激流。

11. The park was a tranquil oasis in the heart of the bustling city, with lush greenery and trickling streams. 公园是繁华城市中的一个宁静的绿洲,绿色植物和潺潺的溪流环绕着它。

12. The snow-capped peaks glimmered in the sunlight, their jagged edges standing out against the blue sky. 雪山在阳光下闪烁着,峭壁在蓝色天空的衬托下更加醒目。

13. The vineyards stretched out before them, rows upon rows of lush green vines heavy with ripening gs. 葡萄园在他们面前延伸开来,一排排郁郁葱葱的藤蔓上挂满了成熟的葡萄。

14. The watell cascaded down the rocky cliff, splashing into a pool of crystal-clear water below. 瀑布从崎岖的悬崖上倾泻而下,溅起一片清澈的水花。

15. The meadow was a peaceful haven, with tall gr swaying gently in the breeze and erflies flitting about. 草地是一个宁静的避难所,高草在微风中轻轻摇曳,蝴蝶飞舞着。

16. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, their delicate pink petals creating a fairy-tale landscape. 樱花盛开,它们的花瓣营造出一个童话般的景象。

17. The autumn leaves were a riot of color, with oranges, yellows, and reds intermingling in a dazzling display. 秋叶一片色彩斑斓,橙、黄、红交织在一起,形成了一个璀璨的景象。

18. The icy tundra stretched out before them, a frozen wasteland of snow and ice. 冰冻的冻原在他们的面前延伸,是一个冰雪覆盖的荒原。

19. The city at night was a glittering tapestry of lights, with neon signs, streetlights, and headlights creating a kaleidoscope of color. 夜晚的城市是一个熠熠生辉的灯光拼贴,霓虹标志、路灯和车灯形成了一个缤纷多彩的色彩世界。

20. The sky was ablaze with the colors of sunset, with oranges, pinks, and purples blending together in a stunning display. 天空被晚霞染成了橙色、粉色和紫色,形成了一个令人惊叹的景象。

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