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描写外貌的英语句子 17个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-04 06:20:46
  • 239

描写外貌的英语句子 17个

1. She had long, curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. (她有着长长的、卷曲的棕色头发和炯炯有神的蓝色眼睛。)

2. He was tall and muscular with a buzz cut and a neatly trimmed beard. (他高大魁梧,头发短寸,胡须修剪整齐。)

3. She had a slender figure and delicate features, with high cheekbones and a narrow nose. (她身材苗条,容貌精致,高高的颧骨和纤细的鼻子。)

4. He had a rugged, handsome face with a strong jawline and piercing green eyes. (他的脸上有着粗犷的英俊,强壮的下巴线条和炯炯有神的绿色眼睛。)

5. She had short, straight black hair and a warm, inviting smile. (她短短的直发黑发,还有一个温暖、亲切的微笑。)

6. He had a round, friendly face with a thick beard and ling brown eyes. (他圆圆的脸上有一把浓密的胡须和闪闪发亮的棕色眼睛,让人感到友善。)

7. She had a bubbly personality and a contagious laughter, with sparkling green eyes and a dimpled smile. (她性格活泼开朗,笑声感染力强,炯炯有神的绿色眼睛和双颊微微凹陷的笑容。)

8. He had a slim build and a youthful appearance, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. (他身材苗条,外表年轻,黑发和炯炯有神的蓝色眼睛。)

9. She had a petite frame and a gentle demeanor, with soft, curly blonde hair and hazel eyes. (她身材娇小,温柔可人,柔软的卷发和淡褐色的眼睛。)

10. He had a brawny physique and a rough exterior, with a bald head and a full beard. (他有着健硕的体魄和粗犷的外表,光头和浓密的胡须。)

11. She was radiant and elegant, with flowing red hair and piercing gray eyes. (她光彩照人、优雅迷人,红色长发和炯炯有神的灰色眼睛。)

12. He had a rugged, weathered face and piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. (他的脸上有着粗犷的苍老,锐利的蓝色眼睛似乎能你的内心。)

13. She had a regal bearing and a commanding presence, with silver-streaked hair and piercing green eyes. (她有着皇家的气质和威严的存在感,银色条纹的头发和炯炯有神的绿色眼睛。)

14. He had a charismatic personality and an infectious smile, with wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes. (他有着魅力四射的个性和感染力强的微笑,波浪状的棕色头发和深邃的棕色眼睛。)

15. She had a striking appearance, with a shaved head and piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow. (她的外表极为引人注目,光头和发亮的蓝色眼睛。)

16. He had a rugged, masculine face and piercing green eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. (他的脸上有着粗犷的男子气概和调皮的炯炯有神的绿色眼睛。)

17. She had a youthful glow and a sunny disposition, with long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. (她充满朝气,性格阳光开朗,长长的金发和明亮的蓝色眼睛。)

18. He had a distinguished air and a sharp sense of humor, with a bald head and piercing brown eyes. (他有着高贵的气质和敏锐的幽默感,光头和锐利的棕色眼睛。)

19. She had a delicate beauty and a graceful presence, with long, flowing black hair and deep brown eyes. (她美丽婀娜,气质高雅,长长的黑发和深沉的棕色眼睛。)

20. He had a rugged, adventurous spirit and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold infinite wisdom. (他有着粗犷的冒险精神和充满智慧的深邃的蓝色眼睛。)

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