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抗疫的英语句子简单 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-19 02:36:30
  • 144

抗疫的英语句子简单 11个

1. Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of the virus.(经常洗手以防止病毒传播。)

2. Wear a mask when you go out in public.(在公共场合戴口罩。)

3. Keep a safe distance from others to avoid infection.(与他人保持安全的距离以避免感染。)

4. Stay at home if you feel unwell.(如果感觉不适,就呆在家里。)

5. Avoid crowded areas to reduce the risk of infection.(避免拥挤的区域以降低感染风险。)

6. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze to prevent the spread of droplets.(咳嗽或打喷嚏时用手捂住口鼻以防止飞沫传播。)

7. Disinfect suces and objects regularly to eliminate the virus.(定期消毒表面和物品以消除病毒。)

8. Seek medical help immediately if you develop symptoms.(如果出现症状,立即寻求医疗帮助。)

9. Follow instructions from the authorities to control the outbreak.(遵循有关部门的指示以控制疫情。)

10. Stay informed about the latest developments and guidelines.(了解最新的发展和指南。)

11. Practice good respiratory hygiene to prevent the spread of the virus.(保持良好的呼吸卫生以防止病毒传播。)

12. Boost your immune system by eating a healthy diet and getting enough rest.(通过饮食健康和充足休息来增强免疫系统。)

13. Exercise regularly to keep your body strong and healthy.(定期锻炼以保持身体强壮和健康。)

14. Be considerate of others and show compassion during this difficult time.(在这个艰难的时期,对他人要体贴,表现出同情心。)

15. Support local businesses and communities affected by the outbreak.(支持受疫情影响的当地企业和社区。)

16. Together, we can overcome this crisis and emerge stronger than ever.(我们可以共同克服这个危机,比以往任何时候都更加强大。)

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