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小学生优美英语句子大全 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-02 06:21:03
  • 132

小学生优美英语句子大全 16个

1. I like to play with my friends after school. 我喜欢放学后和我的朋友玩。

2. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. 太阳正照耀着,鸟儿在歌唱。

3. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the ocean. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,因为它让我想起了海洋。

4. I enjoy reading books about animals and nature. 我喜欢读有关动物和自然的书。

5. My family and I like to go on picnics in the park. 我和我的家人喜欢在公园里野餐。

6. The flowers in the garden are beautiful in the springtime. 春天花园里的花很美。

7. I like to practice playing piano every day. 我喜欢每天练习弹钢琴。

8. My favorite food is pizza with lots of cheese and toppings. 我最喜欢的食物是有很多芝士和配料的比萨。

9. I enjoy going to the beach and building sandcastles. 我喜欢去海滩建沙堡。

10. I like to draw and paint pictures of my dreams. 我喜欢画出我梦想中的画面。

11. Every morning, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 每天早上,我刷牙洗脸。

12. I like to help my parents with cooking and cleaning. 我喜欢帮助我的父母做饭和打扫卫生。

13. My favorite animal is a panda because they are so cute and cuddly. 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,因为他们很可爱。

14. I love to dance and move my body to the music. 我喜欢跳舞,随着音乐动着身体。

15. My classmates and I like to play soccer during recess. 我和我的同学喜欢在课间休息时间踢足球。

16. I like to explore nature and find new insects and animals. 我喜欢探索自然,发现新的昆虫和动物。

17. My favorite season is autumn because the leaves turn beautiful colors. 我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为树叶变成美丽的颜色。

18. I enjoy writing stories and creating my own characters. 我喜欢写故事,创造我的角色。

19. I like to learn about different cultures and traditions. 我喜欢学习不同的文化和传统。

20. My family and I like to go on vacations and explore new places together. 我和我的家人喜欢去度假,一起探索新的地方。

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