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关于购物的英语句子 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-18 12:55:20
  • 80

关于购物的英语句子 16个

1. I love shopping for clothes on the weekends. 我喜欢在周末购物买衣服。

2. Do you prefer to shop online or in stores? 你更喜欢在线购物还是到实体店购买?

3. I need to buy some groceries for dinner tonight. 我需要买些杂货准备今晚的晚餐。

4. The mall is always crowded on the weekends. 周末商场总是人满为患。

5. I found a great deal on these ss during the sale. 我在打折时发现了这双鞋子的超值优惠。

6. Can I return this item if I change my mind later? 如果我改变主意,我可以退货吗?

7. I like to shop at local small businesses to support my community. 我喜欢在当地小企业购物,支持社区经济。

8. This dress is a bit too tight, I need to find it in a larger size. 这条裙子太紧了,我需要找到一个更大的尺码。

9. I prefer to shop for produce at the farmer's market. 我更喜欢在农民市场购买农产品。

10. Can I get a discount if I buy in bulk? 如果我批量购买,能否获得折扣?

11. I always bring my own bags when I go shopping to reduce waste. 我购物时总是自带袋子,以减少浪费。

12. The checkout line is so long, I think I'll come back later. 收银队伍太长了,我想等会再来。

13. I need to find a gift for my friend's birthday. 我需要为我朋友的生日找个礼物。

14. These jeans are on sale, I think I'll buy two pairs. 这些牛仔裤在打折,我想买两条。

15. The store is closing in five minutes, we need to hurry. 店马上就要关门了,我们需要快点。

16. I don't want to pay full price for this item, can you give me a discount? 我不想以原价购买这个物品,你能给我折扣吗?

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