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保护大象的英语句子及翻译 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-02 11:37:25
  • 123

保护大象的英语句子及翻译 11个

1. Elephants are intelligent and social animals that deserve our protection. (大象是聪明、社交的动物,值得我们的保护。)

2. It is important to stop the illegal hunting and poaching of elephants for their ivory. (停止非法猎杀和盗猎大象以获取象牙是至关重要的。)

3. Elephants play a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature and their loss would be devastating. (大象在维持自然平衡方面发挥着至关重要的作用,它们的丧失将是灾难性的。)

4. We must conserve elephant habitats to ensure their survival in the wild. (我们必须保护大象的栖息地,以确保它们在野外的生存。)

5. Education and awareness are key to reducing human-elephant conflicts and improving the coexistence of humans and elephants. (教育和意识是减少人与大象冲突、改善人和大象共存的关键。)

6. Elephant tourism can benefit local communities and raise awareness about the importance of elephant conservation. (大象旅游可以惠及当地社区,提高人们对大象保护的重要性的认识。)

7. We need to support efforts to stop the illegal trade of elephant products and prosecute those who engage in it. (我们需要支持制止大象产品的非法贸易的努力,并起诉那些参与其中的人。)

8. Elephants are majestic animals that deserve our respect and protection. (大象是威严的动物,值得我们的尊重和保护。)

9. The decline of elephant populations is a global concern that requires immediate action. (大象种群数量的下降是一个全球性的关注焦点,需要立即采取行动。)

10. Elephant conservation is not just about protecting the elephants themselves, but also their habitats and the other species that depend on them. (大象保护不仅仅是保护大象本身,还涉及到它们的栖息地以及依赖它们的其他物种。)

11. We can all play a role in elephant conservation by responsible choices as consumers and spreading awareness. (我们都可以通过作为消费者做出负责任的选择及传播意识来参与大象保护。)

12. Elephant populations can recover with effective conservation measures and a commitment to their protection. (通过有效的保护措施和承诺保护大象,大象种群可以恢复。)

13. Elephants are an important cultural and spiritual symbol for many communities and should be valued and respected as such. (对许多社区来说,大象是重要的文化和精神符号,应该被看作是有价值和值得尊重的。)

14. The loss of elephants would be a tragedy for the world and a wake-up call to the urgent need for conservation. (大象的失去将是世界的悲剧,也是提醒我们迫切需要保护的警钟。)

15. It is important to support organizations and initiatives that are dedicated to elephant conservation and awareness-raising. (支持致力于大象保护和意识提高的组织和行动是非常重要的。)

16. By working together, we can ensure a future for elephants and a healthier, more sustainable planet. (通过共同努力,我们可以确保大象的未来和更健康、更可持续的星球。)

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