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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 09:05:46
  • 106


关于”含状语的句子“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Sentences with adverbials。以下是关于含状语的句子的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences with adverbials

1、A particular 12)slang, the use of particular nicknames, an 13)allusive manner of conversation, are the marks. 一句特别的俚语,特殊昵称的使用,或者含沙射影的对话,都是标记。

2、This article deals with the definition, the formation of the ueness, the pragmatic function of pragmatic ueness to ilrate the pragmatic fun. 本文从分析语用含义、语用含糊的形成方式、语用含糊的语用功能着手,通过实例阐明含糊语在言语交际中的语用功能。

3、Antition involves the working of long-term memory to identify lexical meanings, sentence structures, and equivalent constituents in target language. 需要长期记忆来辨别语句含义,理解内容。

4、We got off the bus when we arrived at the gate of the communite. 当我们到了公园大门口时,我们从巴士上下来了。(时间状语从句)

5、The adverb before annex mode can be classified according to the number of components of its semantic reference into two kinds, namely, single-oriented adverb and multi-oriented adverb. 递系结构前的状语,根据语义指向成分的多少,可分两类:单指状语和兼指状语;而这两类状语各自又与句中成分有着非常复杂的语义关系。

6、The script files may contain any supported DDL, DML, and DCL SQL statements. 脚本文件可以包含任何所支持的 DDL、DML 和 DCL SQL 语句。

7、A reserved word whose use is essential to the meaning and structure of a COBOL statement. COBOL语言中使用的一种保留字,其使用对于COBOL语句的含义和结构是很重要的。

8、This variable contains the error code of the latest SQL statement executed. 该变量包含最近执行的一条 SQL 语句的错误代码。

9、If MRF is not enabled, FETCH statements are prepared without rowset positioning. 如果没有启用 MRF,准备 FETCH 语句时将不包含行集定位。

10、The query statement above returns the same information as contained in the TAX1120VIEW view. 上面的查询语句返回与 TAX1120VIEW 视图所含内容相同的信息。

11、Each file contains the SQL statements captured by each cer member. 每个文件包含每个集群成员捕获的 SQL 语句。

12、This example includes only one elif statement, but in practice you can include as many as the program needs. 本例只包含一个 elif 语句,而实际中可根据程序需要包含任意多个。

13、You need some pieces of lumber to build that house. 你需要一些木材盖那座房子。--- 状语;

14、By now the division of adverbials in modern Chinese is only discussed in the category of syntax and semantics with little discussion in the pragmatic angle. 迄今为止,现代汉语状语的分类一直局限于句法语义范畴,而从语用角度的分类尚未系统展开。

15、The synchronized block could then encompass both accesses if necessary. 然后这个同步语句可以在需要时包含这两个访问。

16、The bike in the room is mine.房间里的自行车是我的。

17、When you open the view, the status bar shows the entire Select statement that you created. 当您打开视图时,状态栏将显示创建的整条选择语句。

18、This article discusses the weak condition of the ba-sentences in Cantonese . 文章主要讨论粤语中的“把”字句的弱位状态。

19、Begin by adding some library includes and variable declarations starting at line 284. 首先在第 284 行开始添加一些库包含(include)语句和变量声明。

20、As far as the voltage is concerned, this circuit is equivalent to that of Fig. 3-1. 就电压而言,这个电路等效于图3-1中的那个电路。(条件状语从句)

21、It is true that we have more advanced medical instruments, but the numbers of beds and doctors have changed little over the last decade. 第二句相当于although引导的让步状语从句,但是语气更强一些——我们虽然医疗器械有所改进,但床位数和医生数无甚改观。

22、For SQLJ applications with embedded static SQL statements 对于含嵌入式静态 SQL 语句的 SQLJ 应用程序

23、Precompile the file containing the SQLstatements to generate the C code. 预编译包含 SQL 语句的文件,以生成 C 代码。

24、The REOPT bind option affects the optimization of statements that contain parameter markers or host variables. REOPT 绑定选项将影响其中包含参数标记或主机变量的语句的优化。

25、Altogether the program contains just thirty lines of code (some of which are just end 该程序总共包含三十行代码(一些仅仅是 end 语句)。依我看来,它还是十分易读的。


26、Language sense schema includes language writing laws , the meanings , evocations and implications of words and sentences. 语言图式是以一定的形式积淀、储存在主体大脑里的语言文字规律、词句的含义、情味、意蕴等。

27、Can we rephrase the sentence to get rid of it? 我们可以重新编写整个语句来摆脱这种状况?

28、For example, a called COBOL program contains a GOBACK statement (a language element) and returns control to a C program. 例如,一个已调用的 COBOL 程序包含 GOBACK 语句(一个语言元素)并向某个 C 程序返回控制权。

29、In other words, the phrase “duty free shipping” will take on a whole new meaning. 换句话说,“免税运输”这个术语到时候就会具有一个全新的含义了。

30、In this file we replaced the include for the members.css, as seen in Listing 1, to members_alt.css. 在这个文件中,将 members.css 的包含语句(见 清单 1)替换为 members_alt.css。

31、You commonly put adverbials of address, abode, and time afterwards the capital verb. 方法状语,地点状语跟时光状语通常都置于自动词之后。

32、This thesis is devoted to the corpus-based study on Concessive Adverbial Clauses in Maritime Engineering English (MEE). 这篇论文旨在研究和分析让步状语从句在轮机英语(MEE)中的应用及其特点。

33、Meaningful state complement is further classified into ordinary meaningful state complement, hyperbolical meaningful state complement and degree meaningful state complement. 状态补语又划分出一般状态补语、夸张性状态补语和程度性状态补语。

34、You normally put adverbials of manner, place, and time after the main verb. 方式状语,地点状语和时间状语通常都置于主动词之后。

35、Concessive adverbial clause is used to express certain unfavorable cirtances or opposite conditions, which however, do not prevent the action in the main clause from happening. 让步状语从句表示某种不利的情况或相反的条件,但这些因素并不能阻止主句动作的发生。

36、Optim Query Tuner provides reports in HTML and text format that contain information about the tables, indexes, and predicates that are involved with a particular SQL statements. Optim Query Tuner 提供了 HTML 和文本格式的报表,其中包含表、索引和谓词,这些都包含在一个特定的 SQL 语句中。

37、Suppose the application file containing this statement was pre-compiled, producing a bind file called sampleapp.bnd. 假设包含这个语句的应用程序文件已经预先编译了,产生了绑定文件 sampleapp.bnd。

38、Prepositions that mark situation arguments in the adverbial position cannot be omitted. 状况论元在句中处于状语或补语位置上时,介词一般不能省略。

39、The fetch statement will be re-prepared without rowset positioning. 将重新准备 FETCH 语句,并且不包含行集定位。

40、A literal is a character, a number, or a date that is included in the SELECT statement. 原义字符是在查询语句中包含的一个字符,数字或者是时间数据。

41、I can speak a little Eng'lish.我可以说一点英语。

42、So the tree's will also be three times as long as the tree is hellogh. 是以,树影长度将是树高的三倍。(第2个as引出比力状语从句。)

43、The fruit is a capsule containing many seeds, or a one-seeded winged structure. 果实为包含许多的蒴果或单个的翼状结构。

44、This presents us with both an insight into the nature of obligatory adjunct and a unified interpretation of various obligatory adjuncts in some seemly irrelevant structures. 不仅帮助我们把握必具状语的本质,而且使我们对一些看似不太相关的句式结构所带的必具状语做出统一解释。

45、Because of the differences, ESL students, especially the lower-leveled ones, are e to the influence of their native language and put time clauses at the beginning of sentences. 由于存在这种差异,ESL学生,尤其是初级水平的学生,容易受母语的影响进而将时间状语从句放在句首。

46、When defining verbs,the adverbial parts often be included 一 在定义动词时,包含了状语成分

47、He says it contains 3,000 preprogrammed answers preprogram contain answer, its file size is about half a megabyte, it was written in C language, and it runs on a PC. 他说该程序包含了三千条预编程的应答语句, 雕虫小技编程语句其文件大小大约有0.5兆字节,使用C语言编写,可以在大小可以编写PC上面运行。

48、Dendrimers are macromolecules with a regular and highly branched three-dimensional architecture. Silicon-based dendrimers are dendrimers with Si-atoms as branching point between two generations. 树枝状大分子是一类具有规则的、高度支化的三维结构的高分子,含硅的树枝状大分子是以硅原子作为两代之间的支化点的树枝状大分子。

49、The days are gone forever when we use foreign oil. 谓语,时间状语 我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。

50、There are two means : one is that the machine can turn the spoken langue to written langue sentence by sentence; the other is that it can response to langue requirement correctly. 听懂有两种含义,一种是将这种口述语言逐词逐句地转换为相应地书面语言,第二种则是对口述语言中所包含的要求或询问做出正确的响应。


51、In my experiments I have assumed that certification carries the semantics of the signer endorsing the statements in the contained FOAF file. 在我的实验中,我假设证明携带签名者的语义,以此认可所包含的 FOAF 文件中的语句。

52、Exposure to iodine-131 can cause several diseases including thyroid cancer, according to the statement. 暴露在碘- 131可引起多种疾病,包括甲状腺癌,根据语句。

53、The syntactic position of English double negative is also relatively flexible. It can be used as predicative, adverbial, and even can be used as predicate. 英语双重否定的句法位置也相对灵活,它既可以作表语,又可以作状语,甚至可以作谓语。

54、If life were a meaningful poem, college life would be one of the most beautiful words. 倘若一生是一首含义深刻的诗篇,那么大学生活一定是那最为清丽的语句。

55、Note that a single SQL statement can contain multiple aggregations. 注意,一条 SQL 语句中可以包含多个聚集。

56、So while. And thankfully the jargon that the authors of this language chose early on conjures up the right ideas in your mind while something is true. 即while语句,幸好该语言的创始人,选择的术语都很通俗易懂,让人只通过字面意思就能联想到其真正含义。

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