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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 08:39:16
  • 110


关于”五大基本句型“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Basic sentence patterns。以下是关于五大基本句型的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic sentence patterns

1、The basic style and design of the Hanfu were developed to a great extent in the Shang Dynasty. 汉服的基本风格设计在商朝定型,并得到了巨大的发展。

2、Chapter five starts from the basic model of the running of the micro-finance business, and then introduces the characteristics of our business model of micro-financial services; 第五章从微型金融业务开展的基本模式出发,提出了我国特色的微型金融业务经营模式;

3、After summarizing a lot of garment design examples, a method of new pattern derived from the basic pattern is developed, and it′s given a name as derived basic pattern. 归纳大量的设计实例,在女装原始基型的基础上,进一步提出了二次基型的设计方法,并划分为合身基型、宽松基型和半合身基型予以介绍。

4、Women, Tao and life are its three basic prototypical meanings. 女子、道、生命是水意象的三个基本原型意义。

5、Well what I want to do is to share with you the five basic premises. 我想为大家介绍,五个基本前提。

6、This month it launched a range of capital-protected notes based on the contents of a typical Japanese bento box . 本月,雷曼兄弟以一份典型的日式便当内容为基础,推出了一系列保本型商业票据。

7、The method is helpful to model ontology-based enterprise. 此方法有助于基于本体的企业模型的建立。

8、The basic theories and algorithms of multi-resolution modeling researched in this dissertation include three aspects: (1) Subdivision modeling. 本文对多分辨率造型技术基本理论及算法的研究主要包括:(1)细分造型技术。

9、A planar quadrilateral is adopted as the basic loop in building up the displacement equations, and four basic types of solutions are given. 采用平面四边形为基本封闭形建立位移方程,给出了所有四个基本类型的解。

10、At first this article introduced rudimental and key elements of cause marketing management model; 本文首先介绍了公益营销管理模型的基本因素和关键因素;

11、Amid the avalanche of profit reports coming this week, a few high-profile companies may set the tone. 本周将有大批收益报告出炉,几家大型公司可能会定下基调。

12、Voltage reference diode. Reference voltage 6.20 V (typ). 基准电压二极管。参考电压6:20五(型)。

13、Osram compact bulb Fluorescent 30W evolution of the Basic Law. 欧司朗紧凑型荧光灯 30W的灯泡扭基本法。

14、But the basic land based models can only hit North American targets west of the Rocky mountains. 但是基本陆基型只能打击洛矶山脉西面的北美目标。

15、The modification of Film Covering Machine FM600B is dealt in terms of the principles of industrial design. 本文着重论述了如何应用工业设计的基本理论,进行FM600B型覆膜机的外观造型改进设计。

16、The work established mathematical model of large-scale vessel motion based on previous studies by absorbing the ideas of MMG ship motion model. 本文吸收MMG船舶运动模型思想,在前人研究的基础上建立了大型船舶港内运动数学模型;

17、It basically creates a little brick oven for your loaf of bread. 后来我看到了意大利钟型面包炉,它基本上相当于一个砖式面包烤箱。

18、Comparing with small tank, the sloshing in large tank includes not only fundamental mode but also higher modes and its fundamental period is much larger than that of small tank. 从与小体积罐的比较可以看出,大型储液罐的液面晃动不只是以基本振型为主,前几阶振型对液面晃动的贡献也比较显著,并且液面晃动的基本周期比小体积罐的大很多。

19、The DITA approach to topic-based writing focuses on three fundamental types of topic 基于主题写作的 DITA 方法将重点放在以下三个基本的主题类型上

20、Quality Luzhou-flavor blending liquor is the base for the production of top-grade "Xifeng-flavor & complex flavor" liquor. 江西的浓香型酒大多是在特型基酒的基础上,通过外购典型浓香型基酒进行勾调而成的。

21、Essential tasks performed during a typical iteration in Inception 基本任务在中一次典型的先启迭代中被执行

22、基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification.

23、Comparing with "house layout", basic dwelling unit has a more comprehensive and enlarged concept. “基本居住单元”是比“户型”在内涵上更加扩大和全面的概念。

24、RESULTS:The knowledge management model in our pharmaceutical department has been shaped fundamentally. 结果:我院药学部知识管理已基本成型。

25、Conclusion: The genes over expression of OP rats models regain normal after the models were fed on flavonoids of Rhizoma Drynariae for 6 months. 结论:骨碎补总黄酮灌服6 个月后大鼠模型基因过度表达能基本恢复正常。


26、A corporate-level strategy characterized by an absence of significant change. 稳定型战略是一种公司层战略,其特征为基本不进行重大的变革。

27、In this article lectotype design for foundation of a project is discussed. 本文讨论的是某工程基础选型设计。

28、The basic information of the large type energy base of Juye mine area in Shandong province is presented. 介绍了即将建设的特大型能源基地山东巨野矿区的基本情况。

29、Environmental justice is the fundamental legal spirit of the circular society. 环境正义是循环型社会的基本法律价值。

30、The basic types of floating coil heat exchanger available in this country are presented and their advantages are summarized. 介绍了当前国内浮动盘管型换热器的基本型式;

31、Natural beauty and artistic beauty are basic categories in the history of aesthetics. 在美学史中,自然美和艺术美一直被视作美的两大基本类型。

32、The average deviation is lower than. 10 percent. 模型计算值与文献值基本吻合,平均偏差小于10%。

33、There were four large molds to form the basic shape of each standardized unit. 由四个大型模具来形成每个标准单位的基本形状。

34、Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification. 基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。

35、Eliminate the cost differentials between distributed and existing mainframe-based development environments. 消除分布式开发环境和基于现有大型机的开发环境之间的成本差异。

36、The model consists of five sub-sets: basic cl model, context model, organization model, resource model, and process model. 这个模型由基本本体类、上下文本体类、组织本体类、资源本体类和过程本体类组成。

37、The author of this article assumes that readers have a basic familiarity with topologies. 本文的作者假设读者对拓扑模型有了一个基本的了解。

38、This review is about the gene mutation and phenotype of CYP3A4. 本文对CYP3A4基因突变及其表型特征加以总结。

39、When take into account the two models, we will think out the cost-driver optimize model is the premise and base of the costing model. 当把两模型结合起来考虑时,就可以发现成本动因优化模型是作业成本核算模型的前提和基础。

40、A division of the types is made for the gold deposits in the eastern area of Guizhou, and the essential characteristics are stated synthetically . 本文对黔东地区金矿进行了矿床类型划分,并综述了各类型的基本特征。

41、Basic authentication is easy to implement, so it is popular for prototypes and situational applications. 基本认证容易实施,因此在原型及情景应用中大量使用。

42、The study and practice of Flash-based computer networking principles interactive animation; 本文着重探索数字交互动画艺术形态的基本类型和特征。

43、Uniform tectonic dynamic settings and similar pool-forming conditions are the basis of forming the provinces, and the basic criterion to divide them is prototype basin or depression type. 统一的构造动力学背景和相似的成藏条件是形成大油气区的基础,原型盆地或凹陷(群)类型是划分大油气区的基本依据。

44、Virtually all large racing and cruising sailboats have a fixed keel. 基本上我们可以说,所有大型的竞速或巡航帆船都用的是固定龙骨。

45、Basic styles: Quick Start, Fact Finder, Implementor, Follow Thru. 基本风格:迅速开始,事实查找,实施者,贯穿型。

46、The basic model is useful to the PMS distribution vision. 这个基本的模型对 PMS 发布显示很有用处。

47、VQ Model Based on Cering Validity Analysis: it's the flaw for the codebook training algorithm that the size of codebook is choosed artificially. 基于聚类有效性分析的VQ模型:VQ模型电码本的训练算法有一个弱点:电码本大小是人为指定的。

48、There are two types of basic integrated circuit: monolithic integrated circuit and the thin or thick film. 集成电路有两种基本类型:大集成电路和薄片或厚片。

49、By the research on the existent IR(Information Retrieval) technology, a text retrieval model based on inference network is designed. 在研究现有文本信息检索技术的基础上,设计了基于推理网络的文本检索模型。

50、A great deal of observed data is given, which provides basic parameters for establishing the agrometeorological model so to forecast the effect of drought on winter in North China Plain. 该研究是冬小麦干旱模型的叶片子模型,为冬小麦农业干旱模型提供了丰富的基本参数,同时也为建立冬小麦干旱模型奠定了基本条件。


51、Based on JM model, we propose a software reliability prediction model involving fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution. 因此在JM模型的基础上,提出了排错时间为负指数分布的软件可靠性模型及本模型的极大似然参数估计方法。

52、Based on the elastoplastic mechanics theory, a fine model of wide sheet thickness variation is created considering its re al constitutive relationship. 基于弹塑性力学基本理论,在考虑板材真实本构关系基础上建立了宽板板厚变化精细化模型。

53、Jacobi iteration is the basic method to solve the large-scale linear equations. 雅可比迭代法是求解大型线性方程组的基本方法。

54、In transition from a surviving to a developing type, China is experiencing an increasing imperative in public service equalization. 我国正由生存型向发展型社会过渡,实现基本公共服务均等化的压力逐步增大。

55、In the most categorization algorithms, the text or document is always represented using Vector Space Model. 纲后长数文本开类方式都非以背量空间模型为基本的。

56、The second chapter mainly introduces the prearrangement knowledge and the basic hypothesis of the model. 第二章主要介绍了预备知识和本文模型的基本假设。

57、In the Pre-Qin period, the development of the type and standard of vehicle was stable, as well as the manufacturing standard. 先秦时期车辆的类型以及形制的发展已基本稳定,造车制度也基本完善。

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