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句子的英语单词 12个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-29 03:14:48
  • 124

句子的英语单词 12个

1. I love spending time with my family.(我喜欢和家人一起度过时间。)

2. The weather is really beautiful today.(今天的天气真的很美。)

3. She is always late for appointments.(她总是迟到约会。)

4. They traveled to Japan last year.(他们去年去了日本。)

5. The book was so good that I read it in one sitting.(这本书非常好,我一口气读完了。)

6. I need to buy some groceries at the store.(我需要在商店里买些杂货。)

7. My favorite color is blue.(我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)

8. He is a very talented musician.(他是一位非常有才华的音乐家。)

9. We had a great time at the party last night.(昨晚我们在聚会上玩得很开心。)

10. She has a beautiful voice when she sings.(她唱歌时有一种美妙的声音。)

11. I need to practice my guitar more often.(我需要更经常地练习吉他。)

12. They are going to get married next month.(他们下个月要结婚了。)

13. The restaurant serves really delicious food.(这家餐厅提供非常美味的食物。)

14. He is a successful businessman.(他是一位成功的商人。)

15. My dog always greets me at the door when I come home.(我回家时,我的狗总是在门口迎接我。)

16. She is very hardworking and dedicated to her job.(她非常勤奋,对工作非常投入。)

17. I love listening to music while I work.(我喜欢在工作时听音乐。)

18. They are planning to go on a road trip next summer.(他们计划在下个夏天去进行一次自驾游。)

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