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主谓表英语句子 11个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-15 10:20:20
  • 67

主谓表英语句子 11个

1. The dog barked at the mailman. (这只狗朝邮递员叫。)

2. I am going to the store later. (我过会儿要去商店。)

3. The students studied for hours. (学生们学习了几个小时。)

4. She sings beautifully. (她唱歌很动听。)

5. The car drove down the street. (汽车沿街而行。)

6. He answered the phone quickly. (他很快接了电话。)

7. The teacher explained the lesson clearly. (老师讲解课程很清晰。)

8. The flowers in the garden bloom in the spring. (花园里的花在春天开放。)

9. They danced all night long. (他们跳舞跳了一整夜。)

10. The baby cried for hours. (婴儿哭了几个小时。)

11. The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)

12. The cat slept on the couch. (猫在沙发上睡觉。)

13. The rain stopped suddenly. (雨突然停了。)

14. He ran a marathon last weekend. (上个周末他参加了一场马拉松比赛。)

15. She cooked dinner for her family. (她为家人做晚餐。)

16. The plane flew over the mountains. (飞机飞越山脉。)

17. The book was written by a famous author. (这本书是由一位著名作家所写的。)

18. The children played in the park all afternoon. (孩子们整个下午都在公园里玩。)

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