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法律英语句子 16个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-18 00:40:29
  • 129

法律英语句子 16个

1. The defendant has been charged with assault and battery.(被告因袭击和被控告。)

2. The plaintiff is seeking damages for breach of contract.(原告要求赔偿违约损失。)

3. The court ruled in favor of the prosecution.(法院支持起诉方。)

4. The act of theft is punishable by imprisonment.(盗窃行为可判刑。)

5. The judge issued a restraining order against the defendant.(法官下令对被告进行限制令。)

6. The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence.(由于证据不足,此案件被驳回。)

7. The accused has the right to remain silent.(被告有权保持沉默。)

8. The jury found the defendant guilty of murder.(陪审团判定被告有罪犯罪。)

9. The defendant waived his right to a trial by jury.(被告放弃了陪审团审判的权利。)

10. The case is pending further investigation.(此案件仍在进一步调查中。)

11. The plaintiff is entitled to compensation for damages.(原告有权获得损害赔偿。)

12. The court granted a temporary restraining order.(法院授予临时限制令。)

13. The defendant was sentenced to five years in prison.(被告被判五年监禁。)

14. The prosecution has the burden of proof.(起诉方承担证明责任。)

15. The defendant entered a plea of not guilty.(被告声称自己无罪。)

16. The judge declared a mistrial due to jury misconduct.(由于陪审团不当行为,法官宣布庭审无效。)

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