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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 04:33:31
  • 94


关于”感恩节的句子“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Thanksgiving sentences。以下是关于感恩节的句子的七年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Thanksgiving sentences

1、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

2、My friend Jennie Tostch invited me to her grandparents home for Thanksgiving. 我的朋友珍妮·托希邀请我去她 姥姥家过感恩节。

3、On Thanksgiving Day , we usually have fish, pumpkin pie. turkey and roast goose. 在感恩节,我们通常吃鱼、南瓜饼、火鸡和烤鹅。

4、They had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey. 他们吃了一顿以烤火鸡为特色的传统的感恩节晚餐。

5、His next two Thanksgivings were hosted by a college staffer. 他接下来的两次感恩节则是由一位学院职员接待。

6、Our first Thanksgiving should be our best. 希望我们共度的第一个感恩节将成为我们回忆里最美好的时光。

7、But what should Thanksgiving really be about, besides family and friends? 但是除了家人和朋友之外,感恩节还应该有些什么?

8、I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,请留点儿火鸡给我。

9、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

10、After the feast, some people engage in recreational activities such as watching or playing sports —although, after such a heavy meal, a Thanksgiving Day nap is also a well-established custom. 感恩节大餐过后,一些人参加娱乐活动,比如观看体育比赛或自己参加体育活动,不过,在饱餐之后,感恩节小睡向来也是很多人的选择。

11、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

12、   I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me。我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

13、Thanksgiving is normally booked, and we are only half full. 感恩节时我们通常全场定满,惊现在(今年)只定了一半。

14、It wasn't until June of 1676 that another Day of thanksgiving was proclaimed. 直到1676年6月份才再次宣布感恩节的日期。

15、A big Thanksgiving Day dinner is a tradition in our family. 在我们家,作一顿丰盛的感恩节晚餐是一个传统。

16、 I am so grateful that I have you all with me on this Thanksgiving Day. 盼望能和你一起共度感恩节

17、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me. 我回家过感恩节,留点儿火鸡给我。

18、Section 5-6, King David to God to express their confidence and gratitude! 第5-6节,大卫王向神表达自己的信心与感恩!

19、Many people eat more at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. 很多人在感恩节这天吃的比年里任何时候都多。

20、Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 . 年亚伯拉罕。林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国假日。

21、It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together. 这将是我们第一次不在一起过感恩节。

22、In addition, Thanksgiving Day's traditional food also has the sweet sweet potato, the corn, the pumpkin cake, the jam of red berry moss and so on. 此外,感恩节的传统食品还有甜山芋、玉蜀黍、南瓜饼、红莓苔子果酱等。

23、President Lincoln did not make Thanksgiving a national holiday until 1863. 直到1863年,林肯总统才将感恩节定为全国性假日。

24、Holiday Fatness: So many people tend to put on their “holiday 10” between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 假期油腻:很多人都喜欢把她们的10天假期放在感恩节和圣诞节之间。

25、He is not the only Chinese-American who doesn't have turkey at Thanksgiving. 对于美籍华人来说,感恩节不吃火鸡的情况并不少见。


26、Along with this, I'd like to wish all of you and your families a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and upcoming holiday season. 当然在"大发感想"之余,我首先要祝大家以及你们的家人在感恩节和将至的圣诞季过得愉快健康,因而想分享一下我的五条经验方法,让大家尽情享受感恩节而无后顾之忧.

27、i am so grateful that i have you all with me on this thanksgiving day. 盼望能和你一起共度感恩节。

28、Thanksgiving is just days away, a time to feast with family. 感恩节,是与家人共进晚餐的时刻,才过去几天。

29、Thanksgiving dinner is a big project, with the turkey in the oven and all the burners in use for side dishes . 感恩节大餐是一个大工程,烤箱中架着火鸡,还要用上所有的炉子来做配菜。

30、Or check out your local food bank, which will ensure that the people in your own neighborhood have enough to eat on Thanksgiving day—and every other day of the year. 或者你也可以查看本地的粮库状况,确保周边的人们可以在这个感恩节甚至是以后的每一个感恩节都不挨饿。

31、Autumn is a good time to hunt for fat pumpkins for Halloween and Thanksgiving Day and to drink tasty apple cider. 秋天是为万圣节和感恩节寻找大南瓜,和喝可口的苹果汁的好时候。

32、Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. 感恩节是人们装饰房屋,用清新干花点缀房间的时间。

33、It was just two days after Thanksgiving and sights and sounds of Christmas could be seen and heard all over Bear Country. 仅仅是感恩节的两天之后,和圣诞节有关的景象和声音遍布熊国。

34、(Laughter.) Pumpkin will be the honorary Grand Marshal of Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Pumpkin将成为迪斯尼乐园感恩节仪仗队的大元帅。

35、If one were to ask me what my favorite holidays are, number 1 would be a toss-up between Christmas and Thanksgiving. 如果有人问我最喜欢哪个节日,我会在圣诞节和感恩节间难以抉择。

36、A 1941 congressional resolution moved it to the fourth Thursday to assure a longer post-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas shopping season in years when there are five Thursdays in November. 1941年,国会通过议案,决定把感恩节挪到11月的第四个星期四,以确保在11月包含五个星期四的年份里感恩节后和圣诞节前有一个较长的购物时段。

37、I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

38、Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, My 50th B-day, and finally this past weekend the Super Bowl. 感恩节、圣诞节、新年、我的五十岁生日,最后是上个星期的超级碗,呀!

39、This article continues the Thanksgiving tradition of discussing math trivia. 本文继续在感恩节讨论数学的细小运用的传统。

40、“We’re open seven days a week and we only close two days a year — Christmas and Thanksgiving,” Nizam said. 他说:"我们每周七天营业,一年只有两天关门──圣诞节和感恩节。

41、appreciate my parents' bringing me to this world. 感谢在我生命中出现的每一个人

42、Everyone knows tryptophan as a buzzword you hear a lot around Thanksgiving. 一到感恩节,色氨酸象漂亮的口号,人人都知道。

43、It's going to be the most magnificent Thanksgiving dinner we ever had. 这将是我们参加过的最盛大的感恩节晚餐。

44、Yesterday is Thanks-giving Day, but I did not stay with my dearest father. I feel so sorry for that. 昨天是感恩节,但是没有等我的爸爸,对此我感到很内咎。

45、it may not seem like much, but it is our first thanksgiving together. 也许看起来不太像,但这可是次共度感恩节哟。

46、The orange dahlias at Serena's table are the perfect hue for a Thanksgiving dinner. 桌上的橙色大丽花为美好的感恩时节锦上添花。

47、It's a cents-off coupon married to a Friday-after-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy. 这是象征性赠券与感恩节周末疯狂购物的一桩联姻。

48、The "First Thanksgiving" in 1621 was actually a harvest festival. 第一次感恩节发生在1621年,为了庆祝农业丰收。

49、The broadening views of family are expected to have an impact at Thanksgiving. 放宽了的家庭观念估计会对感恩节产生影响。

50、We pigged out on the turkey and pumpkin pie during Thanksgiving dinner. 我们感恩节晚餐的时候拼命的吃火鸡和南瓜派。


51、have a nice turkey dinner, 西方人过感恩节晚上都是吃火鸡的,所以说turkey dinner. 或者就说have a nice dinner。

52、She and the Molinas are going to spend Thanksgiving with their cousins. 她和Molinas一家人准备与亲戚一起过感恩节。

53、appreciate every person in my life 感谢每一次微笑

54、Most of the class might be considered economically 3)disadvantaged, but still many would celebrate the holiday with turkey and other traditional 4)goodies of the season. 班上大多数孩子的家庭并不富裕,但很多人仍然会吃火鸡及其它传统的应节食物来庆祝感恩节。

55、Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgivingtogether. 费莉希蒂与公司同事们一起度过了最后一个感恩节。

56、Thanksgiving is normally booked, and we are only half full. 往年感恩节是全部预订的,而现年我们这儿的预订量只有一半。

57、Attending church prayer services in the morning is the first step of many celebrators on Thanksgiving Day. 早晨去教堂参加祷告仪式是许多人庆祝感恩节的第一个节目。

58、I will be home for thanksgiving ,so save a little turkey for me . 我会回家过感恩节的,所以请留点火鸡给我啊。

59、i will be home for thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

60、In comparison, there are an estimated 46 million turkeys consumed on Thanksgiving. 与之对比,大纸头有4600万火鸡在感恩节被吃掉。

61、I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me. 我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。

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