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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 14:09:40
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关于”电影中的励志句子“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Inspirational sentences in movies。以下是关于电影中的励志句子的七年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational sentences in movies

1、Influence ofd axis stator current reference on Hopf bifurcation was also discussed. 同时讨论了定子电流励磁分量给定信号对分岔条件的影响。

2、"Clooney would be my choice, " said Dan Jolin, features editor at Empire magazine. 《帝国杂志》(Empire,英国权威电影杂志)的专题编辑丹·祖琳(Dan Jolin)说:“克鲁尼将会是我的选择。

3、"Atomic Power" redirects here. For the film, see Atomic Power (film). “原子能”转向于此。有关电影,请见《原子能》(电影)。

4、Super 8 is about kids in 1979 who are the age that I was at that time, and I was massively influenced by Steven's films. 《超级八》是一部关于孩子们的电影,片中的那些半大孩子与1979年的我年龄相仿,当时,史蒂文的电影对我的影响非常巨大。

5、With the root of realistic tradition in Chinese film, Hou Hsiao-hsien's film developed the Culture Documental trait of Visual Ethnography using the documentaries' mechanism. 侯孝贤电影从中国电影的写实主义传统出发,以与纪录片相类似的拍摄手法,发展了民族志影片的文化记录特征。

6、Reengo, a film-maker from Kolkata, told NDTV that "the success will energise producers, actors and directors all over India. 来自柯尔科塔的印度电影制片人芮恩高对新德里电视台说“电影的成功将激励整个印度的制片人,演员和导演们。

7、Moreover, he hosts the "Chinese Journal of endourology (electronic version)". 主办《中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版)》。

8、It's a technique that has become the hallmark of Amber Films. 这已经成为安伯电影公司的标志性技术。

9、Now the design of grid mesh affects the design of the whole electron gun, and has great effects over the quality, character and work parameters of electron beam. 而在现今发展的栅控电子枪中,栅网的设计影响整个电子枪的设计,它大大的影响着电子注的质量、性能以及栅极本身的工作参数。

10、This creates, as it were, electron and positron s. 这将产生电子和正电子的阴影带,正如月亮阴影带本身。

11、For evidence of Sandra Bullock's front-runner status in the Best Actress race, look at how she pulled her movie, indistinguishable from a dozen other sports inspirationals, into the Best Picture race. 这部影片足以让桑德拉·布鲁克在本届奥斯卡最佳女主角的竞争中成为佼佼者,她帮助由她领衔的这部电影从一堆难以区分的体育励志片中脱颖而出,进入了最佳影片奖项的角逐。

12、borrow books, movies, and your favorite magazines from the library; 从图书借书,电影和你最爱的杂志;

13、The article discusses the new characteristics of E-journal and its effects on introducing furniture brands. 本文探讨了电子杂志的最新展示特点和对家具品牌推广的影响。

14、As an example, MovieSchedule.xls is a spreadsheet that displays the schedule for a list of movies in local theaters. 作为一个示例,MovieSchedule.xls 这个电子表格用于显示本地电影院中的一个电影列表的安排。

15、Because this is a Form C relay, the current will be momentarily interrupted when the relay is energized or de- energized . 由于这是一种C型继电器,如果继电器被加激励或去激励,电流将被瞬间中断。

16、My Left Foot, and Up To The Hill Down To The Village are two movies of inspirational power based on extraordinary stories of the common people. 另一部《我的左脚》和《走下山坡走上山岗》两部电影也都是精神励志片,均以平民的生活题材提炼出让人深思的题目。

17、In their place appeared glossy film and fashion magazines, and even boring business journals. 出现了亮皮的电影杂志和时尚杂志,甚至还有瞅一眼就烦的商务杂志。

18、Born in 1920 in the central French city of Tulle, Rohmer got his start as a literature professor and a film critic for the influential Cahiers du Cinema magazine, becoming its editor. 侯麦1920年生于法国中部城市Tulle,早年做过文学教授,并为著名的“电影手册”杂志撰写影评,后来成为这本杂志的编辑。

19、The success of Deadpool marks a shift in the direction of superhero movies. 《死侍》的成功也标志着超级英雄电影的转型。

20、This behavior would continue on film and media through magazines and postcards as a pickled, skirt-chasing, under-the-table lush. 它在电影里醉酒泡妞的样子通过杂志和明信片传开来。

21、The most collectable old magazines are those devoted to music, movies and fashion. 杂志收藏最值得收藏的旧杂志是那些专门刊载音乐,电影和时尚的杂志。

22、I'm a and the made a movie about me. 我是个同志,他们拍了部我的电影(就是我看滴这部电影,哈哈)

23、The magazine announced the death of the accomplished photographer, cinematographer and explorer in a statement today. 杂志在今天的一个声明中宣布了这位成就斐然的摄影师、电影摄影师和探险家的死讯。

24、The success of homegrown dramas also signals how Chinese audiences have reconsidered what they want in their cinemas, Guo added. 郭敬明还说,多部国产剧的成功也标志中国观众对中国电影的反思。

25、They marked the beginning of the so-called "Fifth Generation" and also put Guangxi Film Studio squarely on the map of cinephiles. 《一个和八个》和《黄土地》均获国际大奖,且被视作中国电影史上里程碑式的作品,它们也标志着所谓“第五代”电影人的开端,并将广西电影制片厂径直放上了迷影人的地图。


26、After many TV shows and scary horror movies about evil houses, Meg got a role in the famous film TOP GUN. 在出演了很多电视剧和一些关于鬼屋子的恐怖电影之后,梅格·瑞安在著名影片《壮志凌云》中获得了一个角色。

27、In the case of the Time Magazine story the film in question was called The Wicked Lady and originated in Britain. 就《时代》杂志上的报道而言,讨论中的电影叫《地狱圣女》,源于英国。

28、I'm not talking about an electronic gadget or some special effects in a movie. 我指的并非新款电子产品,或是电影中神乎其技的特效。

29、In movies and on TV, wheels appear to rotate in reverse. 在电影和电视中,轮子看起来似乎是反向转动的。

30、Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice, tells RT that Slade isn't just a prince of darkness. 阿什利·格林(Ashley Greene),在电影中扮演吸血鬼爱丽丝,告诉RT斯雷德不仅仅只是电影导演中的“黑暗王子”。

31、It has been voted the greatest school film and it is often cited by viewers as one of the most inspirational films of all time. 他曾被选为最伟大的学术电影,并且观众认为他是有史以来最激励人心的电影。

32、The electrically excited synchronous motor (ESM) has typically small synchronous inductance values and quite low transient values because of the damper windings mounted in the rotor. 电励磁同步电动机定子电感通常较小,转子阻尼绕组的存在使得电机暂态电感更小。

33、DC exciter issued to the generator rotor coil in the rotor to become electromagnet, the magnetic field generated around. 励磁机发出的直流电送至发电机的转子线圈中,使转子成为电磁铁,周围产生磁场。

34、The jet flow velocities of the O-type and L-type are obviously affected by the excitation voltage; they increase with the increase of the excitation voltage. 其中O型和L型结构的激励器受电极电压的影响比较明显,随着电极电压的增加,射流速度的最大值增大。

35、The film presented a very particular view of middle-class family life, but have movies influenced how people think about parenting? 这部电影以一个独特视角向人们展示了中等家庭的生活,但电影真的对养育孩子有影响吗。

36、The performance of electrically excited synchronous motor(ESM) drive is directly influenced by the rotor excitation current control strategy of ESM. 目前电励磁同步电机直接转矩控制研究在中国还是一个空白,其转子上存在阻尼绕组,必然对电机的动态行为产生影响。

37、The book and film inspired legions of hopeful filmmakers to pick up cameras and make no-budget movies. 这本书和这部电影激励了很多怀有梦想的电影人拿起摄像机,开始制作无预算电影。

38、Internet criticism characterized by filmic forum and filmic Blog competes with traditional criticism for the readers. 其以电影论坛、电影博客等为标志,与传统影评争抢着读者眼球。

39、The same magazine named it one of the 20 most overrated movies of all time. 《首映杂志》也将该电影列为一直以来最被过誉的20部电影之一。

40、Moreover, the integrate affects of damper forces by displacement, speed, acceleration, coil current are discussed. 励 磁线圈电流对阻尼力的综合影响。

41、Journal of China Clinic Medical Imagi… 中国临床医学影像杂志。

42、Apple's stellar rise is a testament to the growing influence of the digital world in the global economy. 苹果公司这颗巨星的崛起,标志着电子领域对于全球经济的影响力逐渐加强。

43、The potential exerted of modern power electronics is mainly limited by switching loss. 在多电平变换器中,开关损耗影响电力电子器件潜能的发挥。

44、Introduce:Film " fierce moves youth " it is a behavioral movie that promotes China wushu spirit with green Li Zhilai, film tells about a flock of youths the pursuit of traditional to China wushu. 简介:影片《武动青春》是一部用青春励志来弘扬中华武术精神的动作电影,影片讲述一群年轻人对中国传统武术的追求。

45、This creates, as it were, electron and positron s . 这样也就有了电子和正电子的阴影。

46、Macho heroes in films are bad role models for children. 电影中那些大男子气的英雄是不宜孩子们模仿的。

47、The festival's prinl award is the Golden Lion, awarded to the best film screened at the festival. 该电影节的主要奖项是金狮奖,用来奖励在电影节上放映的最佳影片。

48、There days, websites not only offer instant email box, but on-line markets, magazines, interviews, courses, and movie-watching as well. 目前,网页不仅提供即时电子邮箱,而且还提供网上市场,网上杂志,网上面试,网络课程,网上电影。

49、Peter Salladé is a filmmaker liaison and chief volunteer at the NBIMF. 他是我们的电影人联络官,也是新北京国际电影交流网的主要志愿者。

50、A visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a slightly later bedtime can be good motivators. 答应孩子们游览动物园,看场电影吃个爆米花,或者特批他们晚睡会儿都是不错的激励方法。


51、THE Torontofilm festival, which ends this week, marks the start of the serious-film season. 多伦多电影节在本周落下帷幕,这也标志着严肃电影的兴起。

52、Meta-cinema means movie concerning movie, include all movies that it"s content is movies and the movie about movie. This is a self-reflected movies world." 元电影是指关于电影的电影,包括所有以电影为内容、在电影中关涉电影的电影,直接引用、借鉴、指涉另外的电影文本或者反射电影本身的电影都在元电影之列。

53、Take is having the influence which attractively as symbol alone wheel revolving to the current Chinese movie continues. 以好看为标志的独轮旋转正对当前中国电影产生持续的影响。

54、CFCA along with CPCC issues copyrights for films and does all related functions. 中国电影保护协会和中国保护中心为电影实施版权以及有关电影的内容而工作。

55、Professor WANG; Ming-liang Executive Director China Academic Journal (CD) Electronic Publishing House; 中国学术期刊光盘版电子杂志社;

56、THE Toronto film festival, which ends this week, marks the start of the serious-film season. 本周结束的多伦多电影节,标志着严肃题材电影季节拉开了帷幕。

57、For intance, Truffaut, Godard, famous film critics of the world-known film magazine 《Movie Guide》"." 像特吕弗、戈达尔就是法国著名电影杂志《电影手册》的影评人。

58、A steady state plasma is maintained by electromagnetic field and ambipolar diffusion of charged particles is caused by electrostatic field of space charge. 放电为磁场激励型,稳定的等离子体由电磁场所维持,空间电荷产生的静电场引起荷电粒子的双极扩散。

59、Lord of the Rings books and films have inspired people around the world. 《魔戒》系列书籍和电影激励了全世界的人们。

60、Skulls are found between rocks. The Chinese director Yang Rui spent three years with the Wa people in south-western China, on the border with Burma. 导演杨蕊在西南的中缅边境与佤族共同生活三年,随着第二部电影的问世,她显然创立了一种民族志色彩的电影小说。

61、This is an encouragement to the whole movie industry. that at present still doesn't have a too optimistic outlook. 不过电影人对这个颁奖礼依然非常支持, 正代表了他们对前景仍未算太乐观的电影业作出的鼓励。

62、"I was encouraged to expand on the universe," says the flick's director, David Bowers. "But at its core the movie is still faithful to the original." “他鼓励我把电影延伸到宇宙中”导演大卫·鲍尔斯说:”但其核心是电影要忠于原著。

63、The other posters in this thread encouraged you to film specific market events which are confusing, and bring the footage online for interpretation. 有些帖子鼓励你把具体的市场特性拍成电影,并把片段在网上解释,哪怕是混乱不清的。

64、Brushless exciter is a very important part of brushless synchronous generator, and it is a very important factor to determined the quality of generator. 无刷励磁系统是无刷励磁同步发电机的重要组成部分,它是影响供电质量的一个重要方面。

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