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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 02:23:58
  • 77




1、Ronaldo has scored three hat-tricks in league play and Higuain one. 罗纳尔多在联赛中完成了三次帽子戏法,而伊瓜因完成了一次。

2、Separating the gold from the dirt was done in a washing cradle. 将金子和沙子分开是用淘金槽完成的。

3、A transaction is either completed in its entirety or not at all; that is, it is indivisible or atomic. 事务以完整的方式完成,或者分步完成;也就是说,事务可能不可分割,也可能可以分割成原子。

4、You'd better come eariler next time. Taking a walk is good for your health. 对身体(也就是健康)有好处

5、The sment is completed and the sment report filed, completing the automated sment subprocess. 完成评估并归档评估报告,完成自动评估子过程。

6、In this experiment, volunteers were asked to unscramble a series of sentences. 在实验中,参与者首先完成一系列的组句。

7、Complete A House Built on Sand. 完成任务“建在沙上的房子”。

8、Complete any incomplete worksheets and review characteristics of animals. 将手中没有完成的练习篇子全部完成。

9、The first approach took 0.050 seconds in total, whereas the combined statement could be completed in 0.012 seconds. 第一种方法总共花费 0.050 秒,而组合语句可以在 0.012 秒内完成。

10、We must strive to be that perfect mirror. 我们必须努力成为完美的镜子。

11、I'm trying to make a spreadsheet up to computerize everything that's done by hand at the moment. 我正试着编一个电子制表软件,以把目前所有靠人力完成的工作交由计算机完成。

12、But his son, Sir Galahad, did. 但这一伟业由他的儿子加拉哈德完成了。

13、My mother (will buy a new coat )[要给我买一件新大衣]

14、He has left for Shanghai that day. 去上海了(leave for 出发前往,到。

15、Taking a walk is good for your health. 对身体(也就是健康)有好处

16、Aromas of sweet bing cherry and ripe, lush plum. 散发甜樱桃与完全成熟的李子的芬芳。

17、From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him. 从那时起,他时不时地叫我去完成一首四行诗,把我自己写的对句添加在他给我的对句后面。

18、You'd better ( to come early next time)[下次早点儿来]

19、Implement employee personal-file management and e-filing. 完成员工个人档案管理和电子存档。

20、Taking a walk is (good for your health )[对你的身体有好处]

21、I could remember the thing (as if)it happened yesterday. 这儿一切都好。

22、When a catalytically active enzyme forms a complex with a cofactor a holoenzyme is produced. 酶蛋白和辅助因子两者结合成完整分子时,形成具有活力的全酶。

23、After their birth, she thought she was done having babies. 生完三胞胎后,玛格达勒诺心想生孩子的任务算是完成了。

24、WMP was performed under dissection microscope with microsurgical scissors and forceps. 在解剖手术显微镜用显微手术镊子、剪子完成WMP。

25、An optional completion function is available to preemptively complete the task, even if all of the subtasks are not yet completed. 可以使用可选的完成功能提前完成任务,即使子任务还没有全部完成。


26、By the way, pls proceed BOM structuring and complete by 9/9 (packaging mat'l). 趁便提一句,请着手树立BOM构造,在9月9日前完成(包罗包装资料)。

27、It will take two weeks to complete this locine (foundine). 这房子(根蒂)须要两周时间才气完成。

28、I started with two electrons, one each from two atomic hydrogens. 完成了两个电子,它们分别来自于两个原子氢。

29、Sun, who was at the Harvard School of Public Health when the study was done. 孙琦说这句话时,他们刚完成这项研究,当时他在哈佛大学公共卫生学院。

30、强调过去的动作对现在造成的结果或影响,常与表示不确切时间的副词(如already,yet,just,recently,so far,in the past twenty years,等)连用。

31、They have to walk to work. Thank you for (helping me) 帮助我,for 是介词,要接ing形式

32、You can cancel subtasks and view the results of completed subtasks. 您可以取消子任务并查看已完成的子任务的结果。

33、It will take two weeks to complete this developing (found). 这房子(基础)必要两周时间才调完成。

34、   ("be on"发生在"arrive at the cinema"之前)。

35、Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. 你是跑去哪儿啦?我一直到处在找你耶!(第二句是「现在完成进行式」)

36、The structure of 500kV composite insulator and its injection mould are designed. The manufactured technology process is improved. 完成500kV复合绝缘子的总体结构设计,完善绝缘子的生产工艺,并设计绝缘子注射用硫化模模具。

37、The theoretical computations are performed under the assumption that the leptons are point particles. 计算 是在假定轻子是点粒子的条件下完成的。

38、Nature' voice as a criticize' standard on literature and art, to seek absolutely perfect but realize relatively perfect. “天生成腔子”作为文学艺术的批评标准,追求的是绝对的完美,成就的是相对的完美。

39、Several years later he became a learned man. 几年后,乐羊子终于完成学业,成为一个博学的人。

40、This clothing shop sells __all___ ____kinds___ ____of_____ clothes 保罗本周末打算去野炊。

41、Potassium is 4s, and I've only finished with 3p. 钾是4s电子,我只完成了3p轨道排布。

42、Holly: You finished the tachyon amplifier! 你完成了超光速粒子放大器!

43、Each time your child completes a c or task on his own, award points. 每次孩子自己做完一次家务或完成一项任务,就给孩子加分。

44、Under the terms of the agreements, InterServ Caymans will become a wholly owned subsidiary of PWC at completion of the transaction. 根据交易条款,在交易完成后昱泉开曼将成为完美时空的独资子公司。

45、A post-chiseling view of a box piece. 用于盒子上的一块凿刻完成了的木板。

46、But rhis is the first time a quantum walk has been performed with two particles and the implications are far-reaching. 但是这是第一次用两个完全相同的光子来完成量子游走,这个试验意义深远。

47、As you can see, the above code combines three tokens to generate a complete SQL query. 就像你看到的,上面的代码用三段字串组成了一个完整的SQL查询语句.

48、The meaning of the statement is entirely independent of the individualities of the members of the groups. 这句称述的意义和这组事物单独成员的特质完全无关。

49、Tag questions can also be added to statements to nudge agreement. 也可以在陈述句后添上附加疑问(如“你今天可以完成这些工作,你不能吗?”) ,这样有可能推动协议的达成。

50、Come on, Soren. We have not finished yet, boy. 加油,索伦,我们还没完成呢,孩子。


51、Understand what finished work looks like and deliver your work only when it is finished. 认清工作全部完成时的成果该是什麽样子的,然后只在工作全部完成时才交件。

52、In other words, a database can't be in an unfinished state. 换句话说,数据库不能处于未完成状态。

53、To help seminarians and sisters to finish their studies, and help those good students who had to drop out of school because of hardship. 帮助修士修女完成圣召,资助濒临辍学的教内外优秀学子完成学业。

54、The reaction can be catalyzed by protonic Acid. 质子酸可以催化反应的完成。

55、Wei Hua's home is next door to us. My mother wants to buy me a new coat. (也可以说成是buy a new coat for me)

56、)(表动作的延续) He has been back home for three hours。

57、He ( went Shanghai that day)[那天去上海了]

58、(Though) he is only twelve, he (can) play the piano very well. 我能清晰地记得这件事,好象昨天刚刚发生一样。

59、He always picked the heavy loads and accomplished each task in full. 他总是挑重担子,完满地完成每一项任务。

60、These two twin brothers seem to be able to read each other's mind. One can always finish other's sentence. 这两个孖生兄弟似乎会心灵感应的,一个经常都能够完成另一个未说完的一句。

61、First, make sure that all the subtasks have been completed. 首先,确保所有子任务完成。

62、The superscript sign(') used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, and the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations. 句号一种表示完全停顿的标点符号(。),放在句末或认为将会完成的阐述后及许多缩略式后。

63、  =(Mary has studied Chinese since five months ago。)(表动作的延续) He has been back home for three hours。

64、They (have to work on foot )[不得不走路上班]

65、A punctuation mark ( . ) indicating a full stop, placed at the end of declarative sentences and other statements thought to be complete, and after many abbreviations. 一种表示完全停顿的标点符号(。),放在句末或认为将会完成的阐述后及许多缩略式后。

66、Crispy, in this case, is slang for how "done" you would like your hair to look. 在这里,清爽是一句俚语,意思是你想要的“完成度”。

67、With this you get the benefit of Visual Studio color coding and statement completion. 这样,您就可以利用 Visual Studio 的颜色代码和语句完成特性。

68、Then there was a bit about “you deserve to be with legal tender that fulfills you more than I ever could.” Another smudge. 并且,还有句类似”你应该用法定货币去完成我不能完成的事情“之类的话被一个点覆盖。

69、Closed World Assumption used in expanding the predicate logic clauses can also be taken into the ontological knowledge bases to finish the knowledge expansion there. 封闭世界假设作为谓词逻辑子句集进行增广完备的一种方法,也是完全可以引入本体知识库进行知识信息的增广完备的。

70、Your mini-university course will accomplish this by the end of this e-book. 您的小型大学课程的完成是通过完成这本电子书实现的。

71、My mother wants to buy me a new coat. (也可以说成是buy a new coat for me)

72、When you are done you have three electron pairs in bonding orbitals. 当你完成的时候,成键轨道上共有三对电子。

73、let me call the roll. 点名(固定词组)

74、Several years later, he finished his studies and became a learned man. 几年后,乐洋子终于完成学业,成为一个博学的人。

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