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  • 2022-06-05 05:42:38
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关于”四季的诗歌“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Poetry of the four seasons。以下是关于四季的诗歌的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of the four seasons

1、Viewed from the aspect of poem's noumenon, Chapter Three, Four, and Five are devoted to lyric art, describing scenery art, language art of his poem. 正文三、四、五部分从诗歌本体的角度,具体由抒情、写景、语言三个方面探讨储诗艺术特色。

2、It elaborates the development of "campus poetry since the May 4th Movement of 1919 in China, and makes clear the position and role this poetry has taken and played in development of literature." 文章对中国“五四”以来的“校园诗歌”的发展进行阐述,并阐明了“校园诗歌”在文学发展中的地位和作用。

3、When his poetry creation is investigated, Zhang's creation course can be divided into 4 stages, in line with which, the mentality, style and development process of his poetry creation can be grasped. 以张以宁的诗歌创作为主要考察对象,可初步将其一生的创作历程分为四个阶段来加以描述,藉此把握他的诗歌创作的心态、风格及其发展脉络。

4、This contained two theme songs: "Four Seasons Song" and "The Wandering Songtress" which enjoyed long-lasting popularity. 其中两首主题歌《四季歌》和《天涯歌女》成为流行经典。

5、Chapter IV of the language of poetry and stories Language Reading in the phase of the difference. 第四章诗歌语言和小说语言在读解阶段的区别。

6、The season's wind blows the time's wind ring , play a song of blessing . May you are full of vigor in the flower season . 四季的风吹动岁月的风铃,奏响为你祝愿的歌,愿你在自己的花季,永远充满活力。

7、The Georgics is a poem in four books, likely published in 29 BC. It is the second major work by the Latin poet Virgil, following his Eclogues and preceding the Aeneid. 此为弗吉尔的一首分为四本书的诗歌,很可能出版于公元前29年,也是拉丁诗人弗吉尔的第二本重要著作。

8、Huang Zunxian poetry creation to folk literature utilization and to the May Fourth new-vernacular literature construction significances. 黄遵宪诗歌创作对民间文学的运用和对五四新文学的建设意义。

9、Milton will only use the word career once in his poetic oeuvre and it comes -- it will come pretty soon, actually, in Sonnet Number Seven. 弥尔顿在他的全部诗歌作品中只用过一次事业这个词, 我们马上就会看到,在十四行诗的第七行。

10、Four brilliant poets in Yongjia are members of a poetic school during the South Song Dynasty. “永嘉四灵”是南宋时期的一个诗歌流派。

11、In the final part, from some points of view, discussing the main reasons and the significance in the poetry history. 第四章,从以上几个方面出发,探讨李商隐《无题》诗引发诸多接受分歧的主要原因及其在诗歌阐释史上的存在意义。

12、It has obscure four seasons and clear rainy and dry seasons. 攀枝花四季界限不分明,但是有明显的雨季和干季。

13、It's not a perfect sonnet in quite the same way that Sonnet Seven was. 它并不像《十四行诗第七首》那样是严格意义上的十四行诗。

14、Which season you got largest desire to buy ss? 一年四季那一季你最想买鞋?

15、A recent report from WebVisible showed that Bing click-through-rates for small businesses grew 109 percent and Yahoo 123 percent, compared to Google at 32 percent between Q4 2008 and Q4 2009. WebVisible最近一份报告揭示,同2008第四季度到2009年第四季度间谷歌的32%相比,必应上面的小企业点击率上升了109%,雅虎上的小企业点击率上升了123%。

16、The symbolism's poetry of Europe and America had formed from the mid of 19 th century to the 1930-40's. 欧美象征主义诗歌形成于十九世纪中叶至二十世纪三、四十年代。

17、The verse has four lines and the chorus has two. 这首歌的主歌有四行歌词,副歌有两行。

18、The fourth part—the forms of expression of implication of text in Russian poems. 第四部分——语篇隐含在俄罗斯诗歌语篇中的表现形式。

19、The article discuss four facts: color description, associational of ideas, comparison, allusion. 本文主要论述用色、通感、用典、比喻四个有着李贺诗歌特色的修辞手法。

20、Four seasons left some money to escape, Yi Yi chasing the four seasons of car, looking for the four seasons. 四季留下一些钱赶紧逃走,易奕追着四季的车,要找四季算账。

21、Or you can sing this song as a demonstration to the public. 不如你示范唱这首(四季歌) 给大家听吓。

22、As the greatest famous works of Feng Zhi's poetry, the Collection of Sonnets embodied the spirits of his arts of poetry and included multi-aspect cognitive value and significance of practice. 《十四行集》作为冯至诗歌的扛鼎之作,体现了其诗歌艺术的精魂,具有多方面的认知价值和实践意义。

23、To me it is a pattern, like the sonnet form in poetry, for the compact expression of faith. 在我看来,这些教条的精义是一种模式,如同诗歌中十四行诗的形式,以凝练的方式表达信仰。

24、All the series including Symphony of Lights, black and white, animation wave , metal luxury, the song of Four Seasons, and nostalgia classic series , interpret a happy life. 无论是幻彩迷情、黑白精灵、动漫风潮或是金属奢华、四季恋歌、怀旧经典都动情演绎着对幸福生活的赞歌。

25、The fashion also influenced the four's creation and broke a new ground for the poets in Tang Dynasty. 反之,以文为友的风尚也影响了四人的文学创作,打开了唐人诗歌表现内容的一个新视界。


26、Hiring slowed to 889 new employees in the fourth quarter of last year, down from around 1,300 in the year-earlier period. 去年四季度,谷歌新招员工数降至889人,而一年前约为1,300人。

27、The norm of"faithfulness"re-established, vernacular language used, line arrangement of lines in foreign poetry transplanted, Chinese new verse developed by drawing upon foreign literary resources. 五四时期重构了“信”的规范,白话的使用、诗歌建行形式的移植都有助于中国新诗的发展;

28、"Four seasons in Our Motherland" is constituted by four sub-songs and an intermezzo, among which there are connections as well as contrast. 《祖国四季》包括四首子歌曲和一首歌间曲,它们之间既有联系又有对比,统一的思想主题使其构成了一部艺术作品。

29、Four seasons alternate, one after another, but eternity is nowhere to see. 四季过去了,四季又回来了,永恒却毫无动静。

30、It is a sonnet, too. It's a sort of song of a worker. 也是一首十四行诗,是一个劳动者内心的歌。

31、It got a theory from Mao Shi, and influenced the theory of poem in Wen Xin Diao Long. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》中也有“四始”说,其来源于《毛诗》,并影响了《文心雕龙》的诗歌理论。

32、In entire Tang poetry, there are almost four hundred poetry and songs of this kind which are completed commonly by a lot of authors within a very long period . 在全唐诗中,这类诗歌有近四百首,是在一个很长的时期内,由众多作者共同完成的。

33、The fourth part is the position and acceptance of Xiang Si and his poems. 第四部分,主要探讨项斯诗歌的地位和接受。

34、This thesis, focusing on the four volumes of Notes to Literature, discusses his thoughts on literature from four aspects:poetry, essay, fiction and drama. 本论文以阿多诺四卷本《文学笔记》为主要研究对象,分诗歌、论说文、小说、戏剧四个方面讨论阿多诺的文学思想。

35、The background music dubbing had four ways: the first, newly-made poem and music were created simultaneously; 《诗经》乐歌配乐的过程有四:一是词、乐均为新制,同时产生;

36、May God arise, may his enemies be tered; may his foes flee before him. (大卫的诗歌,交与伶长。) 愿神兴起,使他的仇敌四散,叫那恨他的人,从他面前逃跑。

37、Historic feeling in XUE Ji-xuan's poems is filled with both practical utility which "must touch with reality" and transcendency of disillusionment. 薛季宣诗歌中的历史情怀既有“务通于今”的功利性,更有世事幻灭的超越感;

38、Here four seasons, warm and windy spring, summer, hot summer, cool autumn and winter cold. 这里四季分明,春季温暖多风,夏季酷暑炎热,秋季凉爽,冬季寒冷。

39、Taking the poetry in Tang as the criterion, he made the detailed standards of creation, targeting at the four themes of the poetry "Farewell", "Chanting", "Advancement", and "Antiphony". 他以唐诗为准绳,有针对性地对“赠别”、“咏物”、“荣遇”、“庚和”四大题材的诗歌提出了详细的创作标准。

40、The letters and cards are in the form of poems, sonnets and stories, decorated with watercolour and pen and ink sketches. 那些书信和卡片内容有诗歌、十四行诗和故事,用水彩画和水笔勾勒的轮廓作为装饰。

41、Ode to Xizhou is a representative work that describes a young woman missing her man in the four seasons of the year. 《西州曲》是南朝民歌中的代表作,描写了一个女子一年四季对情人的思念。

42、The season's wind blows the time wind chimes, playing the song for your birthday wish, wish you are in the flower, always full of vigor. 四季的风吹动岁月的风铃,奏响为你生日祝愿的歌,愿你在自己的花季,永远充满活力。

43、Milton will only use the word career once in his poetic oeuvre and it comes -- it will come pretty soon, actually, in Sonnet Number Seven. 弥尔顿在他的全部诗歌作品中只用过一次事业这个词,我们马上就会看到,在十四行诗的第七行。

44、Secondly, we have to break the eldest typeism and traditional four method of distinguish of novel, poetry, drama, prose. 其次,要破小说是老大的“大文类主义”,破小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文的传统“四分法”。

45、The swan, Russian poet Anna Akhmatova writes, "floats through the centuries" and into the turning wheel of seasons. 在俄罗斯诗人安娜·阿赫玛托娃(Anna Akhmatova)的笔下,天鹅“飞掠了时光”且飞越了四季轮回。

46、In chapter IV, the author makes researches on the topic of his poem respectively. 第四章对其诗歌的题材类型进行分析。

47、In honor of his forty-year poetry writing career, Chinese poet and painter Lin Mang will hold a poetry-painting exhibition in The Cultural Palace of Chao Yang District in Beijing from January 7 to 12. 为纪念诗歌创作四十年,中国诗人、画家林莽先生诗画展将于1月7日至12日在北京朝阳区文化馆画廊举行。

48、Mild climate, four seasons, the average annual rainfall, there are four sunny days. 气候温和, 四季分明, 全年降雨量平均, 四季都有阳光普照的日子。

49、The seasons revolve. 四季循环往复。

50、In one room the Chinese Song of Four Seasons is put under a microscope so that one can hear details, which are normally not audible. 在一个空间里,中国民歌《四季歌》被放到了显微镜,因此可以听见它的细节,虽然在通常情况下这是听不到的。


51、He went to Japan to study in 1934, and joined Chines Dramatists Association in Tokyo, and attended forums on poetry. 一九三四年赴日本求学,并在东京参加中国剧人协会,诗歌座谈会等活动。

52、Since Mid-Ming Dynasty, Siming poetry, prose and drama, affected by Wang Yangming's heart-and-mind aesthetics, have developed a school of its own. 明中期以降,四明诗歌、散文、戏曲因受阳明心学美学影响,独树一帜。

53、Then the fourth part reveals the artistic foundation of the Gong-Ti"s poetry after tracing the female images back into Book of Poetry, Song Yu" Ci-Fu, Cao Zhi"s Shi-Fu and Shen Yue"s poetry. 第四部分在史的纵向描述上,着重撷取《诗经》、宋玉辞赋、曹植诗赋、沈约诗歌中的女性形象,进行回溯,揭示了宫体诗产生的艺术土壤。

54、Chapter IV investigates the influence of Li Ye's poems and her own image in the future. 第四章,探讨李冶诗歌及其本身形象在后世的影响。

55、The article is divided into four parts , The first part points out that situation on application of colour in poetry in Tang Dynasty; 文章分为四个部分,第一部分是对整个唐朝诗歌用色概况的描述;

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